Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

D.2.1 Changing the IP Address and Host Name of Systemwalker Operation Manager Server

The following explains how to change the IP address and host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server. Also, it explains the items you must change.


Use the following procedure to change the IP address and host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server.

  1. Before changing the IP address and host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, check the points of server and clients you must change by referring to "Items You Must Change".

    You may need to shut down or restart the Operation Manager server other than the one whose IP address and host name you change. Check the items carefully.

  2. Shut down Systemwalker Operation Manager both on the server whose IP address or host name you will change and on the server where you must shut down Systemwalker Operation Manager due to change of its items.

  3. Change the IP address and/or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server.

  4. Change the items on the Systemwalker Operation Manager server or client.

  5. Restart both the server where you have shut down Systemwalker Operation Manager and the Systemwalker Operation Manager server whose IP address and/or host name has been changed.

Items You Must Change

When changing the IP address and/or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, you must check or change the following items.

Defining a Monitored Host

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, you must change the definition of the Monitored Host on all servers which monitor or operate the Systemwalker Operation Manager server you have changed.

Click Monitored host in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window, and the Select Monitored Host Configuration window will appear. Select a monitored host configuration from the list of "Monitored host configuration name" and click Edit. The Monitored Host configuration window appears. Check Host Properties and change the IP address and host name.

For details, see "2.5.1 Defining the Monitored Host in Systemwalker Operation Manager".

Defining the Power Control

You must change the Power Control definition if:

If the batch power control is used

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you use it for batch power control, you must check the following host names and IP addresses of both the controlling host and the controlled hosts. Also, you must change their host names and IP addresses as follows.

For details, see "Setting the Power Control" of the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide.

If the server power is controlled by the client

If a server is turned on when a user logs on a client and if the IP address or host name of this server has been changed, you may need to change the power control software parameters on the client.

For details, see "2.7 Definition of Power Control".

Defining a Monitoring Permitted Host

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you use it to monitor multi-servers, you must check the definition of the monitoring permission host on the monitoring server. Also, you must set the host name you have changed.

To do so, click the Monitoring permission host button in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. When the Define Monitoring Permission Host window appears, check Monitoring permission host and set the host name you have changed.

For details, see "2.8.3 Defining a Monitoring Permitted Host".

Defining the requesting host name and the default host name

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you use it to submit a network job, you must check the following definitions of job nets and jobs on this server. Also, you must set the host name you have changed.

You NEED NOT restart the server to make your changes valid. However, you must set them only when no job is executed.

For details, see the sections "Registering Job Nets" and "Setting Job Net Data" of the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide.

Defining a Trust Host

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you have defined it as the trusted host on another server, you must set the trusted host you have changed.

To do so, click the Trust host button in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. When the Define Trust Host window appears, check the trust host definition and set the host name you have changed.

To make your changes valid, you must restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

For details, see "2.9.2 Defining a Trust Host".

Defining a node name in the operation information

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you use it in a cluster system configuration, you must set the node name you have changed on the job execution server.

To do so, click the Operation information button in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. When the Define Operating Information window appears, click the Edit button of the Server settings option on the Cluster settings sheet. Then, set the node name you have changed in the Edit Node window.

To make your changes valid, you must restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

For details, see "2.9.1 Defining the System Operating Information".

Defining the configuration host name

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you have specified it as the configuration host for the Distributed Execution function or Previous Load Distribution function of queues, you must change the configuration host.

To do so, click the Operation information button in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. When the Define Operating Information window appears, select the Operating control sheet. Select the queue and when the Edit Queue window appears, check the configuration host name. Then, set the host name you have changed.

To make your changes valid, you must restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

For details, see "2.9.1 Defining the System Operating Information".

Defining the Process Monitoring function

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you specify "MyIPaddr" (IP address of the local node) in the mppmon.ini definition file for the Process Monitor function of this server, you must change the IP address.

For details, see " Changing the Definition Information of Process Monitoring Function".

Setting the message event destination

If you have changed the IP address or host name of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server and if you specify a job to generate a message event to this server using the jobschmsgevent command option, you must review the job definition on the Systemwalker Operation Manager server (schedule server) where you have defined the jobschmsgevent command as a job.

You NEED NOT restart the server to make your changes valid. However, you must set them only when no job is executed.

For the jobschmsgevent command details, see the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.

Defining a calendar

When the Operation Manager Server whose IP address and host name have been changed is in the cluster system configuration, it is required to set the each node name changed at the operation node and standby node onto the calendar destination host definition file.


  1. Open the Calendar Destination Host Definition File "calcphost.def" by the editor such as notepad.

    The Calendar Destination Host Definition File is stored in the following directory.

    [Windows version]

    Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory\MPWALKER.JM\mpjmcal\etc\calcphost.def

    [Solaris version and Linux version]


    [HP-UX version]


    [AIX version]


  2. Modify the IP address and host name in the Calendar Destination Host Definition File.

  3. To activate the information in the Calendar Destination Host Definition File, restart the calendar service.

For details on Calendar Destination Host Definition File "calcphost.def," see the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.

Defining the logical IP address of operation information

When the Operation Manager Server whose IP address or host name has been changed is in the cluster system configuration, and it is defined in the following, set the changed IP address.

It is required to set the changed IP address for each of the operation node and standby node [Windows]. For details, see "Setting IP address for job execution control" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Cluster Setup Guide for Microsoft Cluster Server for Windows.

Defining a demand job

When the Operation Manager Server whose IP address or host name has been changed is the destination of network job submission, confirm the following definitions of demand job and set the changed host name on the Operation Manager Server which is the source of network job.

Set this host name when the corresponding job is not running. To activate this setting, no restarting is required.

For details, see the following manuals. "qsub Job Submit Command" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide and "Registering Demand Job in Job Folders" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide

Enterprise EditionDefining Master Schedule Management [UNIX]

If the host name or IP address is changed for an Operation Manager server where a Master Schedule Management environment has already been created, then the definitions will need to be changed.

  • If you have changed the IP address of the management server:

    Execute the stemConfig command on the management server and on all schedule servers, and change the definition.

  • If you have changed the IP address of a schedule server:

    Execute the stemConfig command on the management server and change the definition.

    Alternatively, edit the schedule server using a Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box connected to the management server.

  • If you have changed the host name of the management server:

    Edit all of the schedule servers using a Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box connected to the management server. Do not change the IP address of each schedule server, but click OK to register the schedule servers again.

  • If you have changed the host name of a schedule server:

    In a Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box connected to the management server, clear the host name of the schedule server, and add the new host name to the schedule server.


If the host name of the schedule server has been changed, the Master Schedule Management function will treat the schedule server as a different host.

Refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide for details on the stemConfig command, and refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide - Master Schedule Management for details on the Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box.