The following provides an outline, the definition information, and the customizing procedure of Systemwalker Operation Manager's Process Monitoring function.
Systemwalker Operation Manager's Process Monitoring function can monitor process operations of Systemwalker itself. The Process Monitoring function regularly monitors whether the processes that start Systemwalker services or daemons are operating. If it detects a process violation (a process that should have started does not exist), it notifies the administrator by outputting an application log reporting the error (or a system log in the case of UNIX). If the processes exist, the Process Monitoring function does not report an error.
If Systemwalker Centric Manager coexists:
If Systemwalker Operation Manager and Systemwalker Centric Manager coexist in the same environment, a report from the Process Monitoring function is automatically passed to the host server by Systemwalker Centric Manager's system monitoring agent function.
Using the Process Monitoring function
As the Process Monitoring function automatically starts at the system start time, the user needs not recognize it. When the function is active, the process of Systemwalker itself is monitored at fixed intervals.
If a process error is detected, the user must check the operation status of Systemwalker Operation Manager on the detected machine and isolate the error cause.
List of processes to be monitored
The following lists the processes which can be monitored by the Process Monitoring function. The corresponding service and function names are also listed.
Abbreviated function category | Function category: Description | Function name | Service name | Service display name | Name of process monitored |
BASE | Authentication | Security | Fujitsu MpWalker ACL Manager | Systemwalker ACL Manager | f3crssvr.exe |
OMGR | Operation | Calendar | Fujitsu MpWalker MpJmCal | Systemwalker MpJmCal | f3crhcs1.exe |
Automatic operation support (action execution) | MpAosfX | Systemwalker MpAosfX | f3crhxs2.exe (Note 3) | ||
Power control (power control, service/application execution) | MpAosfP | Systemwalker MpAosfP | f3crhsv2.exe | ||
Automatic operation support (event monitoring, action management) | MpAosfB | Systemwalker MpAosfB | f3crhesv.exe | ||
Systemwalker Operation Manager infrastructure | Fujitsu MpWalker MpJmSrv | Systemwalker MpJmSrv | mpjmsrv.exe java.exe | ||
SystemwalkerMpAHSO | Systemwalker MpAHSO | httpd.exe | |||
Task Link | MpNjsosv | Systemwalker MpNjsosv | CNSSVENG.exe | ||
Job Execution Control | Fujitsu MpWalker MpMjes | Systemwalker MpMjes | mjssvc.exe | ||
Jobscheduler | Fujitsu MpWalker MpJobsch | Systemwalker MpJobsch | tskmnsrv.exe |
This is the process name for the Windows for Itanium version.
This is the process name for the Windows x64 version.
Excluded from monitoring in Windows Server 2008 and later.
Abbreviated function category | Function category | Function name | Function | Startup command | Name of process monitored |
BASE | Authentication | Security | FJSVfwseo | rc.mpfwsec | MpFwsec |
OMGR | Operation | Calendar | FJSVjmcal | S99JMCAL | f3crhcs2 |
Systemwalker Operation Manager infrastructure | FJSVJMCMN | start_jmcmn | mpjmsrv | ||
Job Execution Control | FJSVMJS | S99MJS | mjsdaemon (Note 1) | ||
Jobscheduler | FJSVJOBSC | start_jobs | tskmnsrv (Note 1) |
A process exists for each subsystem when multi-subsystems are operated.
This is the package name for the Solaris or Linux version. For the HP-UX and AIX versions, the package names are as follows:
Systemwalker Operation infrastructure: FHPJMCMN
Job Execution Control: FHPMJS
Jobscheduler: FHPJOBSCH
Calendar: FHPjmcal
Systemwalker Operation infrastructure: FAIXJMCMN
Job Execution Control: FAIXMJS
Jobscheduler: FAIXJOBSC
Calendar: FAIXjmcal
Terminating the Process Monitoring function
The Process Monitoring function is stopped automatically when Systemwalker Operation Manager is stopped by the poperationmgr command or when the system is shut down.
To terminate the Process Monitoring function when Systemwalker Operation Manager is operating, specify the following from the Systemwalker Operation Manager server.
Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and shut down the following service.
Systemwalker MpPmonO |
Execute the following command to stop the daemon of the Process Monitoring function.
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/stpmppmon |
Suppressing the automatic startup of Process Monitoring function
The Process Monitoring function starts automatically when Systemwalker Operation Manager is started up. To suppress the automatic startup of the Process Monitoring function, specify as follows. Your setup is effective in the next startup.
Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and set the following service to "Manual" startup.
Systemwalker MpPmonO |
Definition procedure
On the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, open the definition file of the following daemon startup/shutdown command using an editor.
/etc/opt/FJSVftlo/daemon/custom/rc3.ini |
Edit the definition file as follows.
Enter character "#" at the beginning of the line where the daemon startup command of the Process Monitoring function is written. This line will be treated as a comment.
...DAEMONnn="/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/strmppmon" |
... |
You can select a process to be monitored by the Process Monitoring function. The following explains the definition file contents and the method to change them.
Changing the process to be monitored
Use the following procedure to change the process to be monitored.
Change the definition file.
Change the definition file of the process to be monitored. The definition file contents and the method to change the contents are explained later.
Restart the Process Monitoring function.
Monitoring of the selected process is enabled only after you have restarted the Process Monitoring function. Restart the function in the following way.
Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and restart the following service.
Systemwalker MpPmonO |
Stop the Process Monitoring function.
To do so, issue the following command.
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/ |
Start the Process Monitoring function.
To do so, issue the following command.
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/ |
Definition file
The definition file of the process to be monitored is stored in the following location.
Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory\\mpcmtool\pmon\etc\mppmon.usr |
/etc/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/mppmon.usr |
Contents of the definition file
The definition file has the following contents. Change the set values by referring to the "Set values of the definition file" given below.
[BASE] |
[BASE] |
Set values of the definition file
The following explains the values being set in the definition.
[Function category] |
Abbreviated function category
Abbreviated function name
0 or 1
0: No process is monitored.
1: The process is monitored and its error is reported if occurred.
For details including the function categories, functions, and processes belonging to functions, see "List of processes to be monitored".
How to change the definition file?
You can change only the values of a process to be monitored. Do not change the function category and the function.
To release the Calendar function from being monitored in the Windows version, change the definition file as follows.
Monitoring is not performed for the following functions even if you specify the setting to perform monitoring (monitoring action: "1").
Functions that have not been installed
Functions for which the Startup Type in the Services dialog box has been set to Manual or Disabled [Windows]
Functions for which the automatic daemon startup settings have been cleared in the following daemon batch startup customization file [UNIX]:
The Process Monitoring function is executed according to the definition file contents. You can change the definition file contents when necessary. The following explains the file contents and the method to change them.
Changing the definition information
Use the following procedure to change the definition information of the Process Monitoring function.
Change the definition file.
Change the definition file of the Process Monitoring function. The definition file contents and the method to change the contents are explained later.
Restart the Process Monitoring function.
You need to restart the Process Monitoring function to make the changed definition information effective. Restart the function in the following way.
Select Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and restart the following service.
Systemwalker MpPmonO |
Stop the Process Monitoring function.
To do so, issue the following command.
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/ |
Start the Process Monitoring function.
To do so, issue the following command.
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/ |
Definition file
The definition file of the Process Monitoring function is stored in the following location.
Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory\\mpcmtool\pmon\etc\mppmon.ini |
/etc/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/mppmon.ini |
Contents of the definition file
The definition file has the following contents. Change the set values by referring to the "List of definition items" given below.
# Process Monitoring Definition File # Systemwalker Operation Manager [Common] StartWait=60 # Interval to Start Monitoring # 60-3600 secs is available CheckWait=60 # Interval of Each Monitoring # (If, Monitor Result is Normal) # 60-3600 secs is available RetryWait=60 # Interval of Retry Monitoring # (If, Monitor Result is Abnormal) # 60-3600 secs is available RetryCount=3 # Time to Retry # 3-255 times is available [Notification] Destination= # Destination Nodes to Notify # You can direct until 4 nodes, as # "Destination=node1,node2,node3,node4" # If you don't direct any node, we use # System Monitor default notification node # (If System Monitor is running). MyIPaddr= # IP address of this host. # If you don't direct, we try to find # the one of this host, and use the one # which we find at first. MpTrap=OFF # If you want to use Systemwalker Trap, # edit as "MpTrap=ON", # otherwise edit as "MpTrap=OFF" MpConsole=OFF # If you want to notify to Systemwalker Console, # edit as "MpConsole=ON", # otherwise edit as "MpConsole=OFF" MpEvlog=ON # If you want to output Eventlog, # edit as "MpEvlog=ON", # otherwise edit as "MpEvlog=OFF" UserOriginal=OFF # If you want to use your original command, # edit as "UserOriginal=ON", # otherwise edit as "UserOriginal=OFF" ### End of Definition File ###
List of definition items
The following lists the definition file items of the Process Monitoring function.
[Common] section
Set value | Description | Initial value | Valid entry |
StartWait | Specifies a waiting time (in seconds) until the process monitoring is activated during startup. | 60 | 60 - 3600 |
CheckWait | Specifies a time interval (in seconds) until the process status check. | 60 | 60 - 3600 |
RetryWait | Specifies a time interval (in seconds) until the recheck of process error after its first detection. | 60 | 60 - 3600 |
RetryCount | Specifies a number of times to recheck the process error after its first detection and notification. | 3 | 3 - 255 |
[Notification] section
Set value | Description | Initial value | Valid entry |
Destination | Specifies a node to which a process status error is reported. Up to four (4) nodes can be specified. If omitted, the destination of Systemwalker Centric Manager's system monitoring is used. | None | Up to 4 nodes separated by a comma from each other |
MyIPaddr | Specifies an IP address of the source (local node) which detects and reports a process status error. | None | format |
MpTrap | Allows the Trap Report function to report an error. | OFF | ON or OFF |
MpConsole | Displays an error report in the dialog of the screen where the Systemwalker Centric Manager's Systemwalker console is active. | OFF | ON or OFF |
MpEvlog | Outputs an error information to the application log or system log of the detecting source during error detection. | ON | ON or OFF |
UserOriginal | Executes the Customize Notification command during error detection. | OFF | ON or OFF |
It is valid only when Systemwalker Operation Manager coexists with Systemwalker Centric Manager.
It is valid only when the Systemwalker Centric Manager operation management server coexists.
Executing a specific processing during error detection
If a process error is detected by the Process Monitoring function, the user-defined specific process can be executed.
This process must be written in the Customize Notification command (a batch file or shell script) and the UserOriginal parameter must be turned "ON" in the Notification section of "mppmon.ini" file (the process monitoring definition file) in advance so that the specific processing is executed during an error.
Customize Notification command
Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory\\mpcmtool\pmon\bin\mppmonsnd.bat |
/opt/FJSVftlo/pmon/bin/ |
Contents of the command
No commands are executed by default. Write processing in the command, if necessary.
@echo off |
#!/bin/sh |