The procedure to reload the ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration information is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, check the target ETERNUS Disk storage system checkbox.
On the Action pane, click Reload Conf. under Storage.
ETERNUS SF Manager updates the displayed information, obtaining the information from the ETERNUS Disk storage system section by section. If any of the situations below have occurred, perform the above-described operation to display the up-to-date information:
Changed the configuration using ETERNUS Web GUI. (*1)
Changed the configuration using CLI. (*1)
Check the status of the constituted elements because of trouble in the ETERNUS Disk storage system. (*2)
Clear the Error status after the recovery because of trouble in the ETERNUS Disk storage system. (*2)
*1: For the following devices, automatically collected device information excludes performance management configuration information, so the above-mentioned operation is not required. The performance management configuration information is automatically updated when "All" is selected for the range of monitored volumes at the start of performance management. Refer to "Instruction for Performance Management" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide for details.
ETERNUS DX S5/S4/S3 series (All firmware versions)
ETERNUS DX S2 series (excluding the ETERNUS DX60 S2. V10L40 or later firmware)
ETERNUS AF All-Flash Arrays (All firmware versions)
ETERNUS DX200F (All firmware versions)
*2: For devices that support automatic updates of the device component status, because the status information is automatically updated when trouble occurs or is recovered, the above operation is not required. For devices that support automatic updates of the device component status, refer to "Monitoring Device Component Status" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide.
The reloading of the ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration information may take from a few minutes to over 10 minutes depending on the device configuration. The Job Status pane allows you to confirm the completion of the ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration information reloading. However, since the information in the Job Status pane is automatically deleted 24 hours after process is completed, check deleted information in "14.1 Display Operation History". The ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration information reloading has completed when the displayed items of the Operation History screen is as follows:
Action: Reload Configuration on Disk Array
State: Complete
Result: Success
Target: Name of the registered ETERNUS Disk storage system
Do not perform any operation for this ETERNUS Disk storage system until the configuration information reloading has been completed.