ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

14.1 Display Operation History

The procedure to display the operation logs is as follows:

  1. On the global navigation tab, click Log.

  2. On the Category pane, click Operation History.
    The operation log list is displayed on the Main pane.

If confirming the detailed operation log information, click the confirmation object operation log. The detailed information displayed on a pop-up window.

Information Displayed in Operation History Screen

The following is the information displayed in the Operation History screen.

Column Name



Status of confirmation for processing result.
"" icon is displayed if not confirm the processing result.


Recorded time and date.

User ID

User name that performed the operation.


Operation name.


Processing status for the operation.

  • Submit: Indicates receiving the processing.

  • Start: Indicates starting the processing.

  • Complete: Indicates completing the processing.


The processing result for the operation. Displays the operation logs which the State column is "Complete".

  • : Indicates completed the processing successfully.

  • : Indicates completed the processing. It may have possibilities of shortage of requirements.

  • : Indicates terminated the processing abnormally.


Operational object (device name, etc.)

Displays hyphen (-) for the operation logs which indicate "Submit" on the State column.


Detailed resource name and setup contents on the screen (as an operational object).

Displays hyphen (-) if there is no information to display.


  • The history of screens displayed is not displayed on the Operation History screen, because they are not recorded as logs.

  • The filter function can limit the display on Operation History screen to only the operation logs which indicate "Complete" on the State column.

Message Confirmation

If there are operation logs which the processing result is "" or "", check the message and perform appropriate action by following procedures. The operation logs with unidentified messages are displayed with boldface and unidentified mark "" on the leftmost column.

  1. Click the confirmation object operation log.

  2. Refer to the Message field in a pop-up window.

  3. Refer to the Messages and perform appropriate action according to the corresponding message.

When no corrective action is required, the log status can be marked as confirmed.

  1. On the Action pane, click [Mark as Confirmed].

  2. Confirm that the log in the Mark as Confirmed screen does not require corrective action, and then click Mark.


  • The target operational logs of "Mark as Confirmed" are limited to logs currently displayed on the screen.

  • When confirming a specific user's operation logs, set the filter function to only display the specific user's operation logs.