PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.2 sfcadm(8) Change partition information setting


sfcadm -r [ -a ] device
sfcadm -N device,...
sfcadm -u host,... [ -g p_mds[,s_mds,mds,... ] ] [ -p p_port[,s_port] ] [ -o keyword=value,... ] device,...
sfcadm -m host,... -g p_mds [,s_mds,mds,... ] -p p_port [,s_port] [ -o keyword=value,... ] device,...
sfcadm -g p_mds [,s_mds,mds,... ] device
sfcadm -o keyword=value,... device
sfcadm -p p_port [,s_port] device
sfcadm -h ohost nhost
sfcadm -D device,...
sfcadm device,...


The sfcadm command changes the partition information settings for the GFS Shared File System.

In the GFS Shared File System, the information about the group of partitions that makes up the file system is retained in each partition.

Partition information settings must be changed in the following cases:

Use the command in the following cases:

The sfcadm updates the entries in the file system configure information in a management partition, which changes the partition information for the GFS Shared File System and/or the file system environment information. If changes are made to the partition information settings, the information retained in each of the partitions is updated.

This command can only be used if the file system is unmounted in all nodes beforehand.


The following options can be specified:

-D device,...

Deletes the GFS Shared File System in which the representative partition provided by file system configure information in a management partition has been registered. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple files.

-N or no options specified

Updates the node and device information for all nodes in the partition configuration data. Use -N option if the minor numbers of the specified devices on each nodes are different after the path name of the block or character special file of the file system in use has been changed or copying between partitions is performed. If all hosts have the same minor number, specify only the device information, without specifying the -N option. Then updates the file system configure information in a management partition.


When the -r option is specified, performs the recovery using a copy of the super block in the partition of the recovery source and a copy of the partition configuration data.

-g p_mds,s_mds,mds,...

Specifies the node name that MDS can place delimited with a comma. Primary MDS and secondary MDS can be specified in order of the descriptions of node names. To change either primary MDS or secondary MDS, use the "p_mds," or ",s_mds" and specify the new node name. In order to change node except primary and secondary, all nodes must be specified.
To change a configuration with only a primary MDS, specify only "p_mds" (a comma delimiter is not required). The file system configure information in a management partition is also updated.
The node name to be specified needs to be a node which is sharing the file system. When specified with the option -u or -m at the same time, it can only specify the node name specified as either -u or -m option.

-h o_host n_host

Changes a node name to be changed. Use the "o_host n_host" syntax and specify the node names. In the file system configure information in a management partition, then, all occurrences of o_host are changed to n_host. The node names registered in the partition configuration data also change.

-m host,...

Changes the node and device information in the partition configuration data to the information specified. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple node names.
The -m option with the option -g and -p must be specified at the same time.
This option also updates the file system configuration information on the management partition. Use this option to migrate from the current file system to another system.

-o keyword=value,...

Specifies a variable setting that can be tuned in the GFS Shared File System using the syntax "variable-name=value" syntax. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple variables.
When deleting a registered variable, use the specification "variable-name=". You can specify the timeout of communication between nodes such as follow.
In the following example, the timeout of communication between nodes is set to 180 seconds.


Changes the time after a communicative response is lost until it estimates a partner node to be an abnormal state in the monitoring of the node by communication.
Please set the large value in the above-mentioned timeout of communication when it is forecast that the load of the system rises.

-p p_port,s_port

Specifies the primary port name and the secondary port name delimited with a comma. To change either port name, use the p_port, or ,s_port syntax and specify the new port name.
When primary, secondary register the same port name, specify only p_port (a comma delimiter is not required).
The file system configure information in a management partition is also updated.

-r device

Specifies path name of the block special file that will be the recovery source when a super block and partition configuration data are restored. When the -a option is specified, redundant blocks in the specified source partition are used for restoring the data into other partitions.

-u host,...

Changes the node and device information in the partition configuration data to the information specified. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple node names.
The file system configure information in a management partition is also updated. Use this option when the node and device information must be rewritten after the path name of the block or character special file of the file system in use has been changed or copying between partitions is performed.


The following operands can be specified:


Specify path name of the block special files of all partitions that configure the GFS Shared File System by separating by a comma.


Specifies a path name of the block special file on the representative partition of the GFS Shared File System. If the -r option is used, non-representative partitions can also be specified.


Perform recovery of another partition using a partition information of the recovery source.

# sfcadm -r /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Perform recovery of another partition using a copy of a partition information of the recovery source.

# sfcadm -r -a /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Update the node and device information for all nodes in the partition information.

# sfcadm /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01,/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02 <Enter>

Rewrite the node and device information in the partition information

# sfcadm -u host1,host2 -g host1,host2 -p sfcfs-1,sfcfs-1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Migrate a specific file system to another system.

# sfcadm -m host1,host2 -g host1,host2 -p sfcfs-1,sfcfs-1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Change the priority ranking of nodes placing MDS.

Change the priority ranking of nodes placing MDS.

# sfcadm -g host1,host2 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Assign the same port name to the primary and secondary ports.

# sfcadm -p sfcfs-1 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Register the variable XXX=60.

# sfcadm -o XXX=60 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Change the node name host1 to host2.

# sfcadm -h host1 host2 <Enter>

Delete a specific file system.

# sfcadm -D /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>


sfcmkfs(8), sfcinfo(8), sfcmntgl(8), sfcnode(8), sfcsetup(8)