PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.1 sfcadd(8) Adds file data partitions


sfcadd -D device[,device,...] t_device


The sfcadd command adds file data partitions to the GFS Shared File System that includes a representative partition using the t_device operand. The file data partition of the file system can be added only if the file system is unmounted status. No data has to be saved or restored.


The following options can be specified:

-D device[,device,...]

Specifies a partition that will be added as the file data area using a path name of the block special file. If multiple partitions are added, separate path name of the block special file by a comma.


When a representative partition adds /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02 and /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume03 to the existing GFS Shared File System (/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01).

# sfcadd -D /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume02,/dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume03 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>


The following operands can be specified:


Specifies a path of a path name of the block special file of a representative partition of the GFS Shared File System.


sfcfsck(8), sfcmkfs(8), sfcadm(8), sfcinfo(8), sfcnode(8)