PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.8 sfcnode(8) Add, delete, and change node configuration information


sfcnode -a host,... device

sfcnode -d [ -h host,... | -i hostid,... ] device


The sfcnode command adds, deletes, and changes GFS Shared File System node information.

To add or update node information, specify the -a option. If a specified host name already exists, sfcnode updates node and device information for the host. If the host does not exist, sfcnode adds the node and device information. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple host names.

To delete node information, specify the -d option. For the -h or -i option, specify the host name (host) or host ID (hostid) of the host to be deleted. sfcnode deletes the node information of the host. If neither the -h nor -i option is specified, sfcnode deletes the node information for the host on which the sfcnode is executed. Use a comma delimiter to specify multiple host names or IDs. The -h and -i options cannot be specified together.

After the sfcnode command changes the GFS Shared File System node information, the entries in the file system configure information in a management partition are updated. The information retained in the partitions is also changed.


The following options can be specified:

-a host,...

Specifies the name of a host whose node information is to be added.


Deletes node information.

-h host,...

Specifies the name of a host whose node information is to be deleted. The host must be one that can be used by the GFS Shared File System.

-i hostid,...

Specifies the ID in hexadecimal of a host to be deleted from node information. The host must be one that can be used by the GFS Shared File System. Note that a host ID specified for this option differs from a host ID obtained with hostid(1).


The following operand can be specified:


Specify a path name of the block special file on the representative partition of the GFS Shared File System whose node information is to be updated.


Add new node that was added by sfcsetup(8) to the sharing nodes of GFS Shared File System.

# sfcnode -a host2 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Add or update node/device information for hosts by specifying host names.

# sfcnode -a host1,host2 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Delete node/device information for hosts by specifying host names.

# sfcnode -d -h host2 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Delete node/device information for a host by specifying its ID.

# sfcnode -d -i 80000000 /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>

Delete node/device information for the local host.

# sfcnode -d /dev/sfdsk/gfs01/dsk/volume01 <Enter>


sfcmkfs(8), sfcadm(8), sfcinfo(8), sfcsetup(8)

hostid(1) in the online manual