PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.10 sfcsetup(8) Initialize the management partition, add, delete and display node information, display path of management partition, and register and display the startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon


sfcsetup -c [ -f ] device

sfcsetup -a device

sfcsetup -d

sfcsetup -m [ startup_mode ]

sfcsetup -p



The sfcsetup command initializes the management partition, adds node information to the management partition, deletes, displays the node information, displays a path of the management partition, and registers and displays the startup mode of sfcfrmd daemon.

To initialize the management partition, specify the -c option and path name of the block special file. When the specified device has already been used for the management partition, the sfcsetup command returns the error in order to prevent incorrect operation. In this case, perform initialization with the -f option specified. The size of a management partition needs to be 40 megabytes or more.

To add node information, specify the -a option. When the specified block special file has already been initialized for the management partition, node information is added to the management partition for which the command was executed.

To delete node information, specify the -d option. Note, however, that sfcfrmd daemon must be stopped in all node of the cluster foundation.

To register the startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon, specify the -m option and the startup mode. When the command is executed specify the -m option without the startup mode, display the registered startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon.

When the command is executed with -p options specified, display the path name of a management partition.

When the command is executed with no options specified, a listing of the node information recorded in the management partition is displayed.

When addition of node information and deletion are performed by the sfcsetup command, add/delete entries of management partition to/from the sfcfsrm.conf file.


The following options can be specified:

-c device

Initializes the partition specified in device for use as a management partition.


Initializes a block special file that has been used as a management partition.

-a device

Adds node information.


Deletes node information.

-m [ startup_mode ]

Registers the startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon specified in startup_mode. When the startup_mode is not specified, displays the registered startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon.
The following startup mode can be specified in startup_mode. When initializing as management partition, wait is registered as startup mode of sfcfrmd daemon.


When a node is started up, the startup of the sfcfrmd daemon will be suspended until it can confirm that a cluster quorum exists. Node startup also will be suspended.
You can confirm if startup of the sfcfrmd daemon is suspended by checking if the message "WARNING: sfcfsrm:5001: Starting the sfcfrmd daemon was suspended because quorum does not exist" is output.
And, when the CF is started up by the GUI, startup of the sfcfrmd daemon is given up if a quorum does not exist.


When a node is started up or the CF is started up by the GUI, the startup of the sfcfrmd daemon will be suspended until it can confirm that a cluster quorum exists.
This differs from wait in that node startup or CF startup will continue.
You can confirm if startup of the sfcfrmd daemon is suspended by checking if the message "WARNING: sfcfsrm:5001: Starting the sfcfrmd daemon was suspended because quorum does not exist" is output.


When a node is started up or the CF is started up by the GUI, the sfcfrmd daemon will be started even if it cannot confirm that a cluster quorum exists.
This startup mode exists for backward compatibility only.


Displays the path name of a management partition.


The following operand can be specified:


Specifies path name of the block special file to be used for the management partition.


Initializing a management partition

# sfcsetup -c /dev/sfdsk/gfs/dsk/control <Enter>

Initializing a parturition that has previously been used as a management partition.

# sfcsetup -c -f /dev/sfdsk/gfs/dsk/control <Enter>

When sfcfrmd is not running in all node of the cluster and adding information for a node.

# sfcsetup -a /dev/sfdsk/gfs/dsk/control <Enter>

When sfcfrmd is not running in all node of the cluster and deleting information for a node.

# sfcsetup -d <Enter>

Registering the startup mode as wait. When a startup mode is wait, sfcfrmd daemon will be suspended until it can confirm that a cluster quorum exists, and node startup also will be suspended.

# sfcsetup -m wait <Enter>

Displaying the startup mode of the sfcfrmd daemon registered.

# sfcsetup -m <Enter>



Environment file of sfcfrmd daemon


sfcadm(8), sfcfrmstop(8)