PRIMECLUSTER Global File Services Configuration and Administration Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.3 sfcfrmstart(8) Start sfcfrmd daemon on the local node


sfcfrmstart [ -f ]


The sfcfrmstart command is used to perform sfcfrmd daemon start processing on the local node.

Only a super user can perform sfcfrmd daemon start processing.


The following option can be specified:


A sfcfrmd daemon will be suspended until it can confirm that a cluster quorum exists. If the sfcfrmstart -f command is executed, the sfcfrmd daemon will start without waiting for a quorum.
You can confirm if startup of the sfcfrmd daemon is suspended by checking if the message "WARNING: sfcfsrm:5001: Starting the sfcfrmd daemon was suspended because quorum does not exist" is output.


Starting the sfcfrmd daemon when the sfcfrmd is stopped.

# sfcfrmstart <Enter>

Starting the suspended sfcfrmd daemon without waiting for a quorum.

# sfcfrmstart -f <Enter>



Environment file of sfcfrmd daemon


sfcfrmstop(8), sfcsetup(8)

cftool(1M) in the online manual of Cluster Foundation