System action
Continues processing if the remaining part of the input data area is blank.
Prepare the number of data items that can be input by executing the ACCEPT FROM SYSIN statement.
Confirm that the ACCEPT statement is not executed a number of times equal to or greater than the number of data items.
System action
After receiving response, continues processing.
The system asks the operator to input data by using the ACCEPT statement.
Input any necessary data.
System action
After receiving response, continues processing.
The STOP literal statement is being executed.
Input any character. The literal specified in the STOP literal statement is written for $1.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
[Win32] Correct the execution sequence of statements for the report or detail phrase indicated in the message, then re-execute. The type of statement (INITIATE, GENERATE, or TERMINATE) is written for $1. The outermost program name is written for $2. The statement number ([COPY qualification-value line-number. verb-sequence-number-in-a-line.) is written for $3. The report name or data name (detail phrase name) is written for $4.
[Winx64] Correct the execution sequence of statements for the report or detail phrase indicated in the message, then re-execute. The type of statement (INITIATE, GENERATE, or TERMINATE) is written for $1. The outermost program name is written for $2. The statement number ([COPY qualification-value line-number) is written for $3. The report name or data name (detail phrase name) is written for $4.
System action
The screen item is displayed partially.
Specify a logical screen size large enough to display the entire item.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Specify the logical screen size so that (column count + 1) * line count is equal to no more than 16,250, then re-execute.
System action
Writes zero to the receive data item, then continues processing. The error address is set in $1.
Specify a value for the numeric data item of the ACCEPT statement correctly, then re-execute.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
An error was detected in the process to the system console ($1). Remove the cause of the error by referring to the error code of the system set in $2, and execute again. An error address is set in $3. Refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes", and "Online help of Visual C++"
When $2 is "6", the environment was not available when the application was started. Refer to "System Console Window" in Chapter 10 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check the key definition file ($1) specified by environment variable @CBR_SCR_KEYDEFFILE.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error code written for $2, then rerun the program. The error address is set in '$3'.
Refer to Visual C++ on-line help information.
System action
Continues processing without setting the "KEY" in the key definition file.
Please correct the key definition file referring to the character string set in $1, and execute program again. Table below lists the contents of $1. The error address is set in $2.
$1 | Description | Programmer Response |
SECTION | The mistake is found in the description of the section name. It is judged that all keys are not specified in the key definition file. | Please confirm the section name [COBOL.KBD] of the key definition file. |
KEY=key name | The mistake is found in the description of the key name. It is considered that the key set in $1 is not specified in the key definition file. | Please confirm the description form of the key name in the key definition file and whether the value of the key is in the effective range. Please confirm the content of the key definition. Refer to "Using Screens" in Chapter 8 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide". |
System action
Ignores the character string specified in the CONTROL clause, and continues processing.
The CONTROL clause contains a character string ($1) that cannot be specified in it. Or, The specifiable character string ($1) was specified in the CONTROL clause incorrectly. Specify a correct character string and rerun the program. Note that the error address is set in $2.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Eliminate the error cause according to the string set in $2 then re-execute the program. Table below lists the text that can be set in $2. The error address is set in $3.
$2 | Description | Programmer response |
BIND | Binding the method failed. | Make modification so that the object identifier specified in the INVOKE statement invoking method ($1) will be correct. |
NULL | The method is invoked from the NULL object. | Set the object reference for the class that conforms to the class containing method ($1) in the object reference data item specified in the INVOKE statement. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Make sure that class name $1 or interface name $1 specified on the right side of object specifier AS, or selective specification of class name $1 (FACTORY OF specification or ONLY specification), conforms to the object referenced by the object reference identifier specified by the AS specifier. The error address is set in $2.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Make modification so that the object reference specified for the return item in the header of the procedure division at the sender conforms to the object reference specified for the return item at the receiver. The error address is set in $1.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Make the object reference specified for the object property conform to the class or interface containing the property name ($1). The error address is set in $2.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Remove the cause of the error by referring to the string set to $3, and execute again. The table below shows the string set to $3.
$3 | Description | Programmer Response |
PARM=n | There is an error in the parameter. The called method ($1) has an ANY LENGTH clause and the data item which is not allowed to be specified as a data item of an ANY LENGTH clause is specified to method which calls ($4). "n" indicates the position of the parameter which has an error. | Correct the program so that the method ($1) is called by the correct parameter. |
VL | The method invoking statement specifying the ANY LENGTH clause is compiled by a compiler with a version and level not supporting it. | Re-compile the caller method ($4) with COBOL V40L20 or later, when USING is set in $2. Re-compile the caller method ($4) with COBOL V50L10 or later when RETURNING is set in $2. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check that the date specified in the environment variable @CBR_JOBDATE is specified in the correct format.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program. When closing the general-purpose log fails, an E level message is displayed and processing continues.
Remove errors in character strings $1,$2, and $3 and execute again.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
LOAD-FAIL | Loading library failed for the general-purpose log feature. | Refer to the $3 character string and confirm that the Interstage Business Application Server is installed correctly. |
ENOMEM | Insufficient memory. | Check the capacity of the system free memory. |
FUNCTION | An error occurred in the function of the general-purpose log link feature. | Function names are displayed in $1 and error codes are displayed in $3. See the Interstage Business Application Server manual. |
NOT-SYMBOL | The required function is not found in the general-purpose log link feature. | If the same types of errors occur when the program is rerun, there may be a system failure. Open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. |
INTERNAL-ERROR | An internal error was detected. | If the same types of errors occur when the program is rerun, there may be a system failure. Open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. |
System action
If the severity code is W, the system outputs the event log to the user's computer and continues the process. If the severity code is U, the system abnormally terminates the program.
The computer name specified for event log output is in $1. The string specified for DISPLAY statement is in $2 and the error address is in $3.
Verify whether the computer name specified for the following environment variables is correct.
Destination | Environment Information |
Verify that the computer name designation is correct.
Verify that the specified computer is active.
[Win32] Verify that the OS used by the specified computer is Windows(32). The event log can be output only to an OS that has the event log output function.
[Winx64] Verify that the OS used by the specified computer is Windows(x64). The event log can be output only to an OS that has the event log output function.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The character string of either STRING or UNSTRING is in $1. The error number is in $2 and the error address is in $4. Correct the character string in $3 and execute again.
$3 | Description | Programmer Response |
CONVERT ERROR=0xXXXX | When the STRING or UNSTRING statement was executed, an error was detected when changing matched type codes on the receiving side. | Refer to the system error codes.(*1) |
NOT NUMERIC ITEM | Non-transferable data (non-numeric characters and invalid signs) to number items were detected during an UNSTRING execution. | Check the data item type on the receiving and sending sides. |
*1 : For details, refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes".
When transferring a receiving side item, the "Extension number" failed following execution of the UNSTRING statement. Number 5 is in the message.
[Statement] UNSTRING employee-data INTO employee BY CSV-FORMAT [Data Definition] 77 employee-data PIC X(35) VALUE "8701,TARO FUJITSU,38,SalesDepartment,7551-4535". 01 employee. 02 Employee-Number PIC 9(6). 02 Name PIC X(15). 02 Age PIC 9(2). 02 Department PIC X(20). 02 Extension number PIC 9(9). *> To be written "7551-4535", a message is displayed.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The character string of either STRING or UNSTRING is in $1. Correct the POINTER initial values and execute again. The error address is in $2.
System action
The $1 statement execution is exited, and program processing continues.
The character string of either STRING or UNSTRING is in $1. The error address is in $2. Correct the error in $1 as indicated below and execute again.
STRING Statement
Moving to the low order end in the receiving side item has been completed, but there are still characters in the sending side item. Resize the receiving side data items so that all sending side items can be moved.
UNSTRING Statement
There is some split data that cannot be moved from the sending side item. Increase the data item numbers on the receiving side so that all of the split data can be stored.
Use @CBR_CSV_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE to suppress the display of this message without modifying the program.
Refer to "@CBR_CSV_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE" in Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
The data following the moving rule is truncated, and the UNSTRING statement processing continues.
Error numbers are in $1. The error address is in $2. Character strings split by the UNSTRING statement are larger than the receiving side item, so the data was truncated. Resize the receiving side item that was truncated, and execute again.
Use environment @CBR_CSV_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE to suppress the display of this message without modifying the program.
Refer to "@CBR_CSV_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE" in Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
When transferring a receiving side item, "Department" failed following execution of the UNSTRING statement. Number "4" is in the message.
[Statement] UNSTRING employee data INFO employee BY CSV-FORMAT [Data Definition] 77 employee-data PIC X(35) VALUE "8701,TARO FUJITSU,38,SalesDepartment,7551-4535". 01 employee. 02 Employee-Number PIC 9(6). 02 Name PIC X(15). 02 Age PIC 9(2). 02 Department PIC X(10). *> To be written "SalesDepartment", 02 Extension number PIC X(10). *> a message is displayed.