System action
Terminates the program without performing close processing for the file.
Correct the program ($3) so that the CLOSE statement is executed for the file ($1) before termination of the program ($3). The open mode of the file ($1) is written for $2. The error address is set in $4.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check and eliminate the cause of the error. If another message is written, refer to it to determine the cause. The program name is written for $1. The access name or file name is written for $2.
System action
Continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined as follows:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the character string output in $3, then re-execute. OPEN or CLOSE is output in $1. The access name or file name is output in $2. Meanings of the strings output in $3 and actions to be taken are shown in tables below. The error address is output in $4.
$3 | Description | Programmer Response |
ACC-METHOD or ACC-METHOD (98XX) | The specified file access method is invalid. (*1) | Specify the file access method correctly. |
BLKED-FILE | The file cannot be used because of a CLOSE statement error. | Check and eliminate the cause of the CLOSE statement error. |
CNVER = xxxx | Character code conversion failed. xxxx: Hexadecimal notation | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code. If the error code is 0xFFFFFFFF, it indicates the location where non-shift-JIS characters were used while they were not allowed. Correct the program. |
CRT-WINDOW | Creating a window failed. | The cause may be a shortage of virtual memory. Examine the cause and take measures. (*5) |
ENV-ERR | The operating environment of the application has not been opened. | Check that the application has started in Apcoodinator. |
ERFLD=xxxx | An error occurred while accessing the input-output file. Error code from the system xxxx: Expressed in hexadecimal | The value set in $3 is the error code of the input-output file. Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code or the manuals of the file system. (*2) |
ERRCD=xxxx | A presentation file access error occurred. | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the manuals of the connected products. (*3) |
EXCL-ERROR | An exclusive error occurred. | Re-execute. If the exclusive error occurs repeatedly, confirm that the error does not affect operation. |
EXFH-INF | Opening the External file handler information file failed, or contents of the External file handler information file are invalid. | Check the path name or contents of the External file handler information file. |
FCB | The FCB control statement is invalid | Check the FCB control statement. |
FILE-LOCK | The file is exclusively used by another user, or the file cannot be used exclusively because it is being used by another user. | Re-execute. If the exclusive error occurs repeatedly, confirm that the error does not affect operation. |
FONT -TABLE | The font table name specification is invalid. | Specify the correct font table name. |
FTNCD=xxxx | Error code from the system xxxx: Expressed in hexadecimal | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code. (*2) |
LOAD | The subprogram could not be loaded. | Check the program runtime environment. |
LOAD=xxxxxx | Loading another product failed. xxxxxx: hexadecimal | Remove the cause of the error by referring to the set error code. (*6) |
LOAD=xxxxxx type (module name) | Loading failed. xxxxxx: hexadecimal One of the following BTRV/RDM/EXFH/PIPE is set in the type. A called DLL name is set in the module name. | Reefer to the set error code. (*6) |
LOAD-EXFH | Start environment of the External file handler failed. | Possible causes are as follows. Eliminate the cause of error and then rerun the program.
LOCK-FULL | Many application requested a file to be opened. As a result, the lock table became insufficient. | Re-execute. If the error occurs repeatedly, confirm that the error does not affect operation. (*9) |
NON-FILE | The file did not exist when the OPEN statement without OUTPUT specified was executed. | Before executing the program, create the file. |
NON-REEL | The CLOSE statement with REEL or UNIT specified was executed. | Correct the program. |
NOT-UNIQUE | Allocated file has a duplicate key. | Make the keys duplicate in the program specification. |
OPEN-MODE | The specified file open mode is invalid. | Specify the correct open mode, then open the file. |
PAPERSIZE | The paper size specified for the print information file is invalid. | Specify the correct paper size for the print information file. |
PRTFORM | The print format specified for the print information file is invalid. | Specify the correct print format for the print information file. |
READ-ONLY | A read-only file is used, or the specified file name is invalid. | Either change the access permission to allow writing to the file or specify the correct file |
REC-MODE | The specified record format is invalid. | Specify the correct record format. |
SESS-END | The OPEN statement was executed after session has ended or been interrupted. | Correct this so that the OPEN statement is not executed before the session has started. |
RMERR=xxxx | Error code from the runtime system | A system error probably occurred. Please open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. (*4) |
THREAD=xxxxxx | Thread synchronization failed. XXXXXX: Hexadecimal notation | Remove the cause of error while referring to the indicated error code. (*6) |
TIMEOUT | The OPEN statement was executed after the timeout. | Correct this so that the OPEN statement is not executed after the timeout. |
UNSUPPORT | The file does not support the specified function. | Check the file attribute, or confirm that there is no physical error. (*7) The multithread function is not supported in the access product, even though the program was executed in multithread mode. A product that does not support Unicode was invoked while a program with compiler option RCS (UTF16) specified was operating. Verify that each product supports the Unicode. Check the specified file of the file system function range. (*8) |
WIN-CLASS | Registering the window class failed. | There may be a shortage of virtual memory. (*5) |
*1 : The following errors in the file accessing method may have occurred.
Tried to access files of a different configuration.
Tried to access index files that need to be restored.
The file format does not match the program code-type (ACP, UCS-2, UTF-8) or definitions within the program.
*2 :
If a message is generated showing error information ERFLD=101 when a print file (without the FORMAT clause specified) is executed, ensure the following:
Only the required number of printer drivers are installed.
The FCB control statement is less than 2,048 bytes.
All the specified forms overlay patterns are correct.
All the registered forms overlay pattern names are correct.
The spool area is large enough.
Confirm the disk capacity of the environment variable (TMP.) folder.
Stop all other applications that are executing at the same time.
Confirm the size of real storage and increase it if necessary.
Confirm the size of virtual storage and increase it if necessary.
If no problems are found in the above checks, a system error probably occurred.
Collect the error information, then Contact Fujitsu Software Support.
For details on error codes to the RDM file, refer to "error code list" in "RDB/7000 Manual" and "communication error detail codes" in "SymfoWARE7000 DB Collaboration Help".
For Btrieve file error codes, refer to the Btrieve file manual ("BTRIEVE Programmer's Manual" published by Btrieve Technologies, Inc.) if it is available. If you need it, please contact the systems engineer.
See "Appendix A System Error Codes" for details on character strings indicating errors in the file message text other than that above.
*3 : If ERRCD=90xx is output while FORMRTS is used, refer to the FORMRTS online manual for xx.
*4 : When RMERR=177F (98xx) is output, the file cannot be used normally. For indexed files, use the file utility or indexed file recovery function to restore the file.
*5 : See "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages".
*6 : See "Appendix A System Error Codes" and online help of Visual C++(R) for details.
*7 : When a line sequential file, record sequential file, relative file, and/or index file is used, some media such as communication ports (COMn: ) not supported by COBOL may be specified as the location to which the file is allocated.
When a print file is used, it may be handled as a record sequential file because it is not included in the print file organization. In such a case, this error occurs because a local printer port (LPTn: ) or communication port (COMn: ) is to be specified for the record sequential file.
For details about the media which can be used for COBOL, refer to "File Organization Types and Characteristics" in Chapter 6 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide". For the condition that handles the above files as print files, refer to "How to Determine Print File / Presentation File" in Chapter 7 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
*8 : When operating in multithread mode or in Unicode, check the following:
Multithread - Check that all invoked products support multithreading and are compatible.
Unicode - Check that all invoked products support Unicode and are compatible.
*9 :The maximum number of OPEN requests that can be accepted concurrently for the same file is 1024.
If the character string described in Table F.13 is displayed, check the following:
Whether the defined contents of the program, a file, or a record are consistent with the attribute of the file actually processed.
Whether this product was used to create the file that is actually processed.
Whether the specified file system type is correct.
If the file that is used was created with a product other than this product (OSIV COBOL85 or another programming language) or belongs to a different file system, the following errors may occur:
$3 | Description | Check Item in Program |
INV-BLKSZ | The block length is invalid. | Length specified in the BLOCK CONTAINS clause |
INV-CODEST | The code set is invalid. | Character code specified in the CODE SET clause |
INV-COLSEQ | The collating sequence is invalid. | Alphabet name specified in the PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE clause |
INV-DELMTR | The record delimiter is invalid. | Data specified in the ORGANIZATION, and RECORD clauses (*1) |
INV-KEYDUP | Determination of whether to specify a key in duplicate | Presence or absence of specification of the RECORD KEY, ALTERNATE RECORD KEY, and DUPLICATES clauses |
INV-KEYLEN | The key length of the allocated file conflicts with the definition in the program. | Data name length specified in the RECORD KEY and ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses (*2) |
INV-KEYSTR | The key structure is invalid. | Data name length and data name count specified in the RECORD KEY and ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses, or the relative position in the record of the data name specified in the clauses. |
INV-LRECL | The record length of the allocated file conflicts with the definition in the program. | Data specified in the ORGANIZATION clause. Record length specified in the RECORD CONTAINS clause. |
INV-RKP | The relative key position of the assigned file conflicts with the definition in the program. | Relative position in the record of the data name specified in the RECORD KEY and ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses |
INV-KEYRCS | The key code system of the allocated file conflicts with the operating code system in the program. | Data specified in the compiler option RCS |
KEY-ATTR | The key attribute of the allocated file conflicts with the definition in the program. | Data name attribute specified in the RECORD KEY and ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clauses |
NON-ESDS | A sequential file was not allocated when specified. | Data specified in the ORGANIZATION clause |
NON-KSDS | An indexed file was not allocated when specified. | |
NON-RRDS | A relative file was not allocated when specified. | |
NON-TEXT | A text file was not allocated as a print file. |
*1 : Check the program definition to verify that the file organization and the record format (fixed or variable record length) are consistent with the processed file.
*2 : When two or more data items are specified for the RECORD KEY clause and the ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clause, the length of all data items should correspond to the length of each key of the allocated file.
System action
Continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined as follows:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
Allocate the file ($1) if necessary, or specify the file correctly, then re-execute. See the table below for more information regarding the character string in $2. The error address is in $3.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
NOT ASSIGNED | The environment variable is not specified for an access name, and a file name is blank. | Specify the file name of the environment variable or data name specification. |
INVALID ASSIGN | An analysis error occurred in the specified character strings following the file name. | Check the followings: Is an effective character string specified for a file function?(*1) Is the combination of specified function and file organization correct?(*2) |
INVALID PATH-NAME | The path name of the file contains an error. | Check the path name of the file. |
*1 : Refer to "Caution" in Chapter 6 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
*2 : Refer to "File Processing" and "How to Use Other File Systems" in Chapter 6 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Discontinues error file processing, then continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined as follows:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
For the cause and action to be taken, see "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages". After the action is taken, re-execute the program.
The COBOL statement (OPEN, CLOSE, START, READ, WRITE, REWRITE, or DELETE) that caused the virtual storage to become insufficient is written for $1. The file name or access name of the processed file is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
System action
Discontinues error file processing, then continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined as follows:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the character string output for $3. The COBOL statement (START, READ, WRITE, REWRITE, or DELETE) that caused the input-output error is output in $1. The file name or access name of the processed file is output in $2. Table below shows the meanings of strings to be output in $3 and the actions to be taken. The error address is output in $4.
$3 | Description | Programmer Response |
[Win32] ACC-XAP | An error occurred while accessing the digital form application framework. | Refer to the description in the XML Option Guide and fix the cause of the error. |
ALTD-LEN | The record length specified in the REWRITE statement is different from the length of an existing record. | Do not change the length of an existing record when updating the record. |
BLKED-FILE | The file cannot be used because of a CLOSE statement error. | If message JMP0310I-I is displayed before JMP0320I-I, eliminate the cause of the error according to message JMP0310I-I. |
CNVER = xxxx | Character code conversion failed. xxxx: Hexadecimal notation | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code. Error code 0xFFFFFFFF indicates the location where non-ACP characters were used where they were not allowed. |
ERRCD=xxxx | A presentation file access error occurred. | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the manuals of the linked products. (*1) |
EXCEED-LEN | The length of the record to be written exceeds the maximum record length specified in the program. | Set the record length to within the specified maximum record length. |
EXCL-ERROR | An exclusive error occurred. | Re-execute. If the exclusive error occurs repeatedly, confirm that the error does not affect operation. |
FCB | The FCB contents are invalid. | Check the FCB contents. |
FDBK=xxxx | An error occurred while accessing the input-output file. xxxx: Expressed in hexadecimal | The value set in $3 is the error code of the input-output file. Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code or the manuals of the file system. (*2) |
FONT | A font that did not exist in the system was specified for output. Or, the specified font table could not be opened. | Check the specified font name, and install necessary fonts in the system. Or, check if the correct font table name has been specified. |
FOVL | The specified folder containing the forms overlay definition is invalid, or the forms overlay definition is invalid. | Check the initial file to determine if the folder containing the correct forms overlay definition is specified. |
FTNCD=xxxx | Error code from the system xxxx: Expressed in hexadecimal | Check for and eliminate the cause of the error according to the system error code. (*2) |
INV-CHAR | A line sequential file record or print file record contains an invalid character. | Check the data contents. |
INV-LEN | The record length specified in the WRITE or REWRITE statement is invalid. | Specify the correct length of the record to be written. |
KEY-CHANGE | The key value at request for updating the record was different from the key value at reading of the record. | Correct the program so that the key value is not changed at updating of the record. |
LOAD | The subprogram could not be loaded. | Check the program runtime environment. |
NO-TRANS | Some characters cannot be converted into a code set. | Check the data contents. |
OVER-RECLN | The length of the print data area that was to be output from the line record exceeded the maximum length. | Correct the length of the print data area so that it is within the determined maximum length (*5). |
The length of the record that was input exceeds the maximum record length determined by the program. | Correct the program so that the length of the record to be input is within the determined maximum length. | |
PHYSIC-ERR | A physical error occurred. | Check the file contents (physical structure). |
READ-ONLY | A read-only file is used. | Change the access permission to allow writing to the file. |
REC-LOCK | The record is exclusively used by another user, or the record cannot be used exclusively because it is being used by another user. | Re-execute. If the exclusive error occurs repeatedly, confirm that the error does not affect operation. |
R.KEY-ERR | The relative key contents conflict with the definition specified in the PICTURE clause during random or dynamic access. | Specify a data item size in the PICTURE clause large enough to store the maximum value of the relative key. |
The relative key item value is 0. | Specify a non-zero value for the relative key item. | |
RMERR=xxxx | Error code from the runtime system xxxx: Expressed in hexadecimal | A system error probably occurred. Collect the error information, then Contact Fujitsu Software Support. (*3) |
RRN>R.KEY | When the READ or WRITE statement is executed for sequential processing, the relative record number exceeds the maximum value of the relative key item. | Specify a size of the relative key item large enough to store the maximum relative record number of the file |
SESS-END | The READ statement was executed after session has ended or been interrupted. | Correct this so that the READ statement is not executed before the session has started. |
THREAD=xxxxxx | Thread synchronization failed. XXXXXX: Hexadecimal notation | Remove the cause of error while referring to the indicated error code. (*4) |
TIMEOUT | The READ or WRITE statement was executed after the timeout. | Correct this so that the READ or WRITE statement is not executed after the timeout. |
UNSUPPORT | When using the External File Handler is to be used, a START statement with the FIRST phrase specified for indexed file cannot be executed. |
*1 : If ERRCD=90xx is output while FORMRTS is used, refer to the FORMRTS online manual for xx.
*2 :
If a message is output showing error information FDBK=101 when a print file (without the FORMAT clause specified) is executed, ensure the following:
Only the required number of printer drivers are installed.
The FCB control statement is less than 2,048 bytes.
All the specified forms overlay patterns are correct.
The spool area is large enough. Check the disk space for the following folder:
Window install folder\System32\Spool\Printers
Stop all other applications that are executing at the same time.
Confirm the size of real storage and increase it if necessary.
Confirm the size of virtual storage and increase it if necessary.
All the registered forms overlay pattern names are correct.
If no problems are found in the above checks, a system error probably occurred.
Collect the error information, then contact Fujitsu Software Support.
For details on error codes to the RDM file, refer to "error code list" in "RDB/7000 Manual" and "communication error detail codes" in "SymfoWARE7000 DB Collaboration Help".
For details on error codes to the Btrieve file, refer to the Btrieve file manual if it is available. If you need it, please contact the systems engineer.
For details on error codes for PowerRDBconnector, refer to the "PowerRDBconnector Handbook".
See "Appendix A System Error Codes" for details on character strings indicating errors in the file message text other than the above.
*3 If RMERR=177F (98xx) is output, the file cannot be used normally. For the indexed file, use the file utility or indexed file recovery function to restore the file.
*4 Refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes" and online help of Visual C++ for details.
*5 The length of the record that can be written from the line record (though it is just a guideline) can be obtained with the following formula:
32 Kbytes > Output record length + 2 + 100 * Number of basic items
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The file name or access name of the file with which a file end condition was produced is written for $1. The error address is written for $2.
Specify AT END phrase in the READ statement to perform file end processing.
Check whether the number of input data items is correct.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The file name or access name of the file with which an invalid key condition was produced is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
If $1 is the WRITE statement, correct the program so that the key values are written in ascending order.
If $1 is the REWRITE or DELETE statement, correct the program so that the key value of the record read by the previous READ statement is not changed.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error COBOL statement (WRITE, REWRITE or CLOSE) is written for $1. The file name or access name of the error file is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
Correct the program so that a key is not duplicated.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error COBOL statement (READ, REWRITE, START, or DELETE) is written for $1. The file name or access name of the error file is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
Correct the program so that attempts to access a non-existent record are inhibited.
Correct the program by using the FILE STATUS or INVALID KEY clause so that the program checks an attempt to access a non-existent record.
System action
Continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined as follows:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
The error COBOL statement (WRITE, REWRITE, READ, START, or CLOSE) is written for $1. The file name or access name of the error file is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
Disk space is insufficient, or maximum size of the file is exceeded. When disk space is insufficient, increase the size of disk space, then re-execute. When the maximum size of the file is exceeded, divide the file into multiple parts.
Refer to "How to Use Other File Systems" in Chapter 6 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error COBOL statement (WRITE, REWRITE, READ, START, or CLOSE) is written for $1. The file name or access name of the error file is written for $2. The error address is written for $3.
Increase the size of the file space or disk space, then re-execute.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error COBOL statement (WRITE) is written for $1. The file name or access name of the error file is written for $2. The error address is written for $4.
If $3 is RRN>R.KEY, correct the program so that the relative record number does not exceed the maximum value permitted for the relative key item when records are written in sequential processing. Alternatively, correct the program by using the INVALID KEY clause so that processing for an invalid key condition is performed.
System action
Continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined by:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
The file name or access name of the error file is written for $1. The error address is written for $2.
Correct the program so that the DEPENDING ON value is defined in the specified range.
System action
Continues program processing if the severity code is I; aborts the program if the severity code is U. The severity code is determined by:
I : The FILE STATUS clause is specified for file definition.
U : The FILE STATUS clause and error procedures are not specified.
The COBOL statement (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, REWRITE, START, or DELETE) with which an input-output error occurred is output in $1. The file name or access name of the processed file is output in $2. The character strings output for $3 are listed in Table below. The error address is output in $4.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the character string output in $3, then re-execute.
$3 | Description |
AT-END | After a file at end condition was produced, the READ statement was re-executed. |
DUPL-OPEN | The OPEN statement was executed for an open file. |
LOCKED | After the CLOSE statement with LOCK phrase specified was executed an attempt was made to open the file. |
NO-READ | The previous statement is not a successful READ statement. |
NOSPACE | After a no-space condition was produced, the WRITE statement |
NOT-OPENED | An input-output statement was executed for a closed file. |
OPEN-MODE | The OPEN mode is invalid or the combination of the OPEN mode and the input-output statement is invalid. |
POS-ERROR | The file position indicator is undefined. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Remove the cause of error while referring to the character string indicated in $2, then rerun the program. Table below provides explanations and responses of the character string indicated in $2. $3 indicates an error address.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
ABANDONED | The program in a thread terminated abnormally, and so lock ownership could not be released normally. | If a thread terminates abnormally immediately before this error, determine the cause and respond accordingly. |
CODE = 0xXXXX | A system error code is indicated. | Determine the cause while referring to the explanation on the system error code, then respond accordingly. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The file name or access name of the processed file is output in $1. Table below lists the strings that can be written to $2 along with the control record contents. The error address is output in $3. When a blank is not set in RSV(system usage) region, this error message might be output. Confirm that a blank is set in the RSV region.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the character string written for $2, then re-execute.
$2 | Field Contents |
BIND | Binding direction |
CMOD | Copy modification module name |
DOC-INFO | Document name identification information |
C-NO | Number of copies |
FCB | FCB name |
FID | Format definition deck name |
FORM | Forms code |
FOVL | Forms overlay module name |
F-NO | Number of forms overlay fields |
HOP | Hopper |
ID | Control record ID |
LEN | Control record length |
LOAD | Dynamic loading |
MODE | Control mode |
OFST | Print origin position |
OSTK | Offset stack |
PFRM | Printing format |
POST | Printing surface positioning |
PRTA | Unprintable area |
RSV | Reserved area (not blank) |
R-NO | Forms overlay printing count |
SIDE | Printing surface specification |
SIZE | Forms size |
STK | Stacker |
S-NO | Copy correction start number |
T-NO | Number of character array table for copy correction |
WDTH | Binding width |
XTB | Name of character array table for copy correction |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
If execution of an input-output statement during an error procedure causes re-execution of the error procedure, do not let control reach the last statement of the first-executed error procedure.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The internal code indicating detailed error information is written for $1.
Check the contents of the destination specified in the SYMBOLIC DESTINATION clause. If the contents are correct, a system error probably occurred. Collect the error information, then Contact Fujitsu Software Support.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check the error code set in $3 and eliminate the cause of the error. Then, rerun the program. Note that the COBOL statement (either of OPEN, CLOSE, or WRITE) with the error is set in $1, while the file name or access name for file processing is set in $2. The error address is set in $4.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The file name or access name is written for $1.
Specify the destination name in the SYMBOLIC DESTINATION clause correctly, then re-execute.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The file name or access name is written for $2.
Specify the correct data item in the $1 clause, then re-execute.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Multiple fonts indicated by $1 were installed.
The error address is set in $2.
Use the control panel font application to delete unnecessary fonts, then re-execute. Select a font for the control panel from the font-list. Delete duplicate fonts.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error address is set in $1.
For the cause and action to be taken, see "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages". After the action is taken, re-execute the program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The character string indicating the error information is output in $1. Table below lists the texts that can be output to $1. The error address is output in $2.
Specify data in the environment information file correctly, then re-execute.
$1 | Description |
@ODBC_Inf | No ODBC information file was specified, or the specified ODBC information file does not exist. |
@SQL_DATASRC | No data source name was specified. |
@SQL_SERVER | No server name was specified. |
@SQL_USERID | No user ID was specified. |
@SQL_PASSWORD | No password was specified. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Table below lists the text that can be output to $1. The error address is set in $3.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the character string output for $1, then re-execute.
$1 | Description | Programmer Response |
LOAD | The runtime library could not be loaded. | Eliminate the cause of the error according to the detail code (*1) written for $2. |
FREE | The runtime library could not be loaded. | Eliminate the cause of the error according to the detail code (*1) written for $2. |
*1 : See "Appendix A System Error Codes", and the on-line help of "Visual C++".
System action
Continues program processing.
The type of the client interface is written for $1. The error SQL statement is written for $2. The name of the error server is written for $3.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error code written for $4, then re-execute.
For the error code, refer to the error code manual of the client interface.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error address is set in $1.
Delete the SQL statement that cannot be used, then re-execute. For SQL statements that cannot be used, see the requirements for each database environment and notes on the environment.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Remove the cause of error while referring to the character string indicated in $1, then rerun the program. See Table below. $2 indicates an error address.
$1 | Description | Programmer Response |
[Win32] INV-OBJECT-MODULE | A program compiled by a V40 or earlier compiler is executed in an operating environment where OBJECT_INSTANCE is specified for the connection scope in the ODBC information file. | Recompile the program with a V50 or later compiler. |
INV-SCOPE-THREAD | An embedded SQL statement written in the class definition is executed in an operating environment where THREAD is specified for the connection scope in the ODBC information file. | Change the value specified for the connection scope. Alternatively, change the program so that only the embedded SQL statement written in the program definition is executed. |
INV-SCOPE-OBJECT-INSTANCE | An embedded SQL statement written in the program definition is executed in an operating environment where OBJECT_INSTANCE is specified for the connection scope in the ODBC information file. | Change the value specified for the connection scope. Alternatively, change the program so that only the embedded SQL statement written in the class definition is executed. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Remove the cause of error while referring to the character string indicated in $1, then rerun the program. See Table below.
$1 | Description | Programmer response |
NOT-INSTALLED | The SymfoWARE client is not installed normally. | Ensure that the SymfoWARE client is installed normally. |
ENVIRONMENT-ERROR: SymfoWARE error message | A SymfoWARE operation error has occurred. | A SymfoWARE error message is output simultaneously, so respond accordingly while referring to the SymfoWARE/RDB Message Reference Manual. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Change the program so that it does not use functions specific to GS-series hosts.
When the distributed development support function is used, rerun the program under a debugger.