System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
To allow the environment to create the factory object or object instance ($1) of class ($2), take the action described in "Virtual Memory Shortage" in the chapter "Executing Programs" in the "NetCOBOL User's Guide", or the following action, then re-execute the program. The error address is set in $3.
If environment variable @CBR_InstanceBlock is set to USE (execution performance preferred), reduce the number of instances that can be stored (initial value or incremental value) for the class ($2) defined in the class information file specified for @CBR_ClassInfFile. Refer to "@CBR_InstanceBlock Environment Variable" and "@CBR_ClassInfFile Environment Variable " in Chapter 16 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
Specify UNUSE (memory preferred) for environment variable @CBR_InstanceBlock. Refer to "Program Structures" in Chapter15 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program. The error address is set in $2.
Modify the program or execution environment so that the class used in class initialization can be used. Then re-execute the program.
Possible causes are as follows. Refer to "Notes" in Chapter 9 and "Program Structures" in Chapter 15 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
The class is implicitly deleted from the memory by the CANCEL statement or equivalent.
Two or more executable files (including DLLs) containing the object file in the same class exist in the COBOL runtime.
Different classes with the same class name exist in the COBOL run unit.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Eliminate the error cause according to the error code set in $3 then re-execute the program. Also, make sure that the method entry information is specified correctly. The error address is set in $4. See "Appendix A System Error Codes", and the on-line help of "Visual C++".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
If $1 is 'OBJECT', describe the USE statement that specifies the class name having the inheritance relationship with the exception object that has been generated. The error address is set in $2.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Eliminate the error cause according to the error code set in $2 then re-execute the program. Also, make sure that the class entry information is specified correctly. The error address is set in $3. See "Appendix A System Error Codes", and the on-line help of "Visual C++".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
If the error handling procedure is re-executed due to occurrence of a new exception object in the exception object error handling procedure being executed, control must not reach the last statement in the preceding error handling procedure.
Do not allow the error handling procedure to be called recursively or use the EXIT PROGRAM statement, EXIT METHOD statement, or GO TO statement so that the last statement in the error handling procedure will not be reached.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Change the STOP RUN statement written in the finalize method or the program invoked from the finalize method to the EXIT PROGRAM or EXIT METHOD statement, then rerun the program. $2 indicates an error address.