System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Referring to the character string specified in $2, correct the cause of the error involving the file assigned to the access name ($1) corresponding to the function name SYSIN or SYSOUT. Then retry the operation. The error address is set in $3.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
NOT ASSIGNED | No access name ($1) has been assigned. | Assign an access name ($1). |
INVALID ASSIGN | The keyword specified for assigning the file for SYSOUT contains an error. | Check whether the character string specified following the file name is valid for an expanded function. (*1) |
INVALID PATH-NAME | The path name of the file contains an error. | Check whether the path name of the file is correctly specified. |
FILE LOCK | The file assigned for SYSOUT is in the locked state. | Retry the operation. If this locking error frequently occurs, it may be an operational problem. |
MEMORY SHORTAGE | There is insufficient memory for opening the file. | Refer to "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages". |
READ ONLY | The file assigned for SYSOUT is a read-only file. | Change the access permission to allow writing to the file. |
NOT EXISTED | The file assigned for SYSIN was not found. | Create the file before executing the program. |
LOCK FULL | Too many OPEN requests were issued for the same file, and the lock table became full. | Retry the operation. If this locking error frequently occurs, it may be an operational problem. (*2) |
INVALID FILE STRUCTURE | The code system (ACP,UCS-2,UTF-8) of the file that does assign to the access name($1) and the runtime code set are different. | Match the code system of the file that does assign to the access name($1) and the runtime code set. |
THREAD SYNC ABANDONED | A program terminated abnormally on Synchronization processing of the thread. The locking property was not correctly unlocked. | Determine if a thread had just been terminated abnormally. . |
THREAD SYNC ERROR (0xXXXX) | Synchronization processing of the thread failed. | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*3) |
ERRCD=0xXXXX | Another error occurred. | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*3) |
RMERR=0xXXXX | This indicates an error code received from the runtime system. | Since this is considered a system error, open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. |
CONVERT ERROR (0xXXXX) | Changing file name code is failed | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*3) Error code 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that characters that are not in ACP range were used in an inappropriate area. |
*1 : Refer to "File Output Extension Function for the DISPLAY Statement" in Chapter 10 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
*2 : The maximum number of OPEN requests that can be accepted concurrently for the same file is 1024.
*3 : For details, refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The program ($1) was called, and is re-called before it terminates (before execution of the STOP RUN or EXIT PROGRAM statement).
Check the CALL statement in the called program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Use the STOP RUN statement, EXT PROGRAM statement, or GO TO statement so that the end of the USE FOR DEAD-LOCK procedure will not be reached. The error address is set in $1.
System action
Ignores the runtime option ($1), and continues processing.
If the specified runtime option is SWITCH, the SWITCH runtime option is enabled as follows:
If the digit count of the number in the specified numeric part is smaller than eight, the number is written left-justified.
If the digit count is greater than eight, the high-order eight digits are valid.
Specify the correct runtime option, then re-execute.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The error code is set in $1. For the cause and action to be taken, see "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages", "Appendix A System Error Codes", and the on-line help of Microsoft Visual C++ development system. After the action is taken, re-execute the program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The work area of the COBOL runtime system is broken.
Check the program as follows:
If an item including a subscript, index, reference modification, or OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause is referred to, confirm that the item is within the reference range. This check can be made by specifying the CHECK option.
If a parameter was specified for transferring data via the CALL statement, confirm that the sender and receiver have the same parameter attributes. Especially, check the length attribute.
If a file is used, confirm that the record is referenced in the correct length. For example, if the maximum record length is used instead of the actual record length and the remaining portion is filled with spaces, the record is referenced incorrectly.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The nested program included in the outermost program ($1) was called, and the nested program is re-called before it terminates (before execution of the STOP RUN or EXIT PROGRAM statement).
Check the CALL statement in the called program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Please remove the cause of the error referring to error code set to $2, and execute it again.
Moreover, please confirm whether entry information on the program is correctly specified.
The nether table shows the meaning and the treatment of the character string set to $2.
The error address is set to $3.
Refer to "Entry Information for Subprograms" in the Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide", "Appendix A System Error Codes", and the on-line help of Microsoft Visual C++ development system.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error code written for $2, then re-execute.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
NO PROGRAM NAME | A program name is not entered in the CALL Statement. | Enter the program name in the CALL Statement. |
LOAD=DLL name CODE=0xXXXX | DLL loading failed upon invocation. The failed DLL name is displayed in LOAD, and the error code from the system is displayed in CODE. | Please correspond referring to the table below. |
GET ADDRESS CODE=0xXXXX | Calling the function failed in DLL. The error code is displayed in CODE. | Please correspond referring to the table below. |
Code | Meanings | Programmer Response |
126(0x7E) | The specified module was not found. | Please confirm the PATH of the called program is correctly specified. Please confirm DLL of the called program exists in either of the following folders.
127(0x7F) | The specified procedure was not found. | The name of the called program must confirm whether EXPORT is done in DLL of the called program. (*) |
193 (0xC1) | It is not a valid Win32 application. | [Win32] Please confirm that the DLL of the called program is a 32bit application. [Win64] Please confirm that the DLL of the called program is a 64bit application. |
1114(0x45A) | It failed in the execution of dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine. | Please confirm whether to specify C run time library LIBCMT.LIB when DLL of the called program is linked. Please deal as follows when you specify LIBCMT.LIB.
1157(0x485) | One is not found among the library files necessary for the execution of this application. | Please confirm DLL of the called program exists in either of the following folders.
* : If calling the function in the called DLL fails, check to see if the function name in the DLL can be referenced from the outside. For this purpose, the DUMPBIN command can be used. Refer to "DUMPBIN command" in Appendix I of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
* : If calling the function in the called DLL fails, check to see if the function name in the DLL can be referenced from the outside. For this purpose, the LINK command /DUMP option can be used. Refer to "LINK Command /DUMP option" in Appendix I of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Referring to the character string specified in $2, correct the cause of the error involving the file assigned to the access name ($1), and then retry the operation. The error address is set in $3.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
MAXIMUM SIZE | The maximum file size was exceeded. | Take appropriate action, such as splitting the file into multiple files so that no single file exceeds the maximum size. |
NO SPACE | There is insufficient space. | Check the free disk space. If a file capacity limit has been set by a command, increase the limit value and retry the operation. |
THREAD SYNC ABANDONED | A program terminated abnormally on Synchronization processing of the thread. The lock property right was not correctly unlocked. | Determine if a thread was just terminated abnormally. |
THREAD SYNC ERROR (0xXXXX) | Synchronization processing of the thread failed. | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*1) |
ERRCD=0xXXXX | Another error occurred. | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*1) |
RMERR=0xXXXX | An error code was received from the runtime system. | Since this is considered a system problem, open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. |
*1 : For details, refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Referring to the character string specified in $2, correct the cause of the error involving the file assigned to the access name ($1), and then retry the operation. The error address is set in $3.
$2 | Description | Programmer Response |
NO SPACE | There is insufficient space. | Check the free disk space. If a file capacity limit has been set by a command, increase the limit value and retry the operation. |
ERRCD=0xXXXX | Another error occurred. | Correct the cause of the error according to the specified error code. (*1) |
RMERR=0xXXXX | An error code was received from the runtime system. | Since this is considered a system problem, open a support incident to obtain assistance from a supplier. |
*1 : For details, refer to "Appendix A System Error Codes".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Confirm that the program ($2) in which the error was detected and the program ($3) which first defined the EXTERNAL data ($1) have the same $1 definition. Or, confirm that contents of compiler option RCS matches
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check whether the entry information (DLL name, program name and the second entry point name of the called program ($1) is correctly defined in the entry information file specified via the environment variable @CBR_ENTRYFILE or in the initialization file for execution.
The error address is set in $2.
Refer to "Entry Information for Subprograms" in Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Confirm that the program ($2) in which the error was detected and the program ($3) that is first defined the EXTERNAL file ($1) have the same $1 definition. A file name is usually written for $1. If the file name cannot be written, the file definition number that appeared in the source program is written. Followings show the contents of $4 of JMP0022I-U.
$4 | Error Contents |
ACCESS-MODE | Access mode |
ACCESS-NAME | Access name |
FILE-ORG | File organization |
LOCK-MODE | LOCK MODE clause specification |
MAXRL | Maximum record length |
MINRL | Minimum record length |
OPTIONAL | Presence or absence of OPTIONAL clause specification |
RCS | Contents of compiler option RCS |
REC-MODE | Record format |
$4 | Error Contents |
REC-ATR | Record item attribute |
$4 | Error Contents |
ALT-KEY | Number of alternate record keys |
KEY-ATR | Key item attribute |
KEY-DISP | Displacement of the key item in a record |
KEY-DUPL | Presence or absence of DUPLICATES clause specification |
KEY-LEN | Key length |
REL-ATR | Attribute of the relative key item |
REL-COL | Column count of the relative key item |
REL-KEY | Presence or absence of RELATIVE KEY clause specification |
REL-LEN | Length of the relative key item |
REL-NAME | Name of the relative key item |
$4 | Error Contents |
ADVANCING | Presence or absence of the WRITE statement in which ADVANCING is specified |
CHAR-TYPE | Presence or absence of specification of how to write the CHARACTER TYPE clause for format 3 |
CODE | Presence or absence of specification of the CODE-SET clause |
CTLCHR | Attribute of the control statement area |
LINAGE | Presence or absence of specification of the LINAGE clause |
LNG-ATR | Attribute and column count of the LINAGE data item |
LNG1-INTEG | Integer of LINAGE data item 1 |
LNG1-NAME | Name of LINAGE data item 1 |
LNG2-INTEG | Integer of LINAGE data item 2 |
LNG2-NAME | Name of LINAGE data item 2 |
LNG3-INTEG | Integer of LINAGE data item 3 |
LNG3-NAME | Name of LINAGE data item 3 |
LNG4-INTEG | Integer of LINAGE data item 4 |
LNG4-NAME | Name of LINAGE data item 4 |
REC-LEN | Record length |
$4 | Error Contents |
DESTINATION1 | Presence or absence of DESTINATION-1 clause |
DESTINATION2 | Presence or absence of DESTINATION-2 clause |
DESTINATION3 | Presence or absence of DESTINATION-3 clause |
DEST-CNTL | Presence or absence of DESTINATION CONTROL clause or data item length |
END-KEY | Presence or absence of END KEY clause |
MSG-CODE | Presence or absence of MESSAGE CODE clause or data item length |
MSG-MODE | Presence or absence of MESSAGE MODE clause |
MSG-OWNER | Presence or absence of MESSAGE OWNER clause |
PROC-CNTL | Presence or absence of PROCESSING CONTROL clause, or data item length |
PROC-MODE | Presence or absence of PROCESSING MODE clause |
PROC-TIME | Presence or absence of PROCESSING TIME clause |
SEL-FUNC | Presence or absence of SELECTED FUNCTION clause |
SESS-CNTL | Presence or absence of SESSION CONTROL clause |
SYMBOLIC-DEST | Presence or absence of SYMBOLIC DESTINATION clause |
UNIT-CNTL | Presence or absence of UNIT CONTROL clause or data item length |
FMT-CNTL | Presence or absence of FORMAT CONTROL clause |
FMT-CNTL1 | Presence or absence of FORMAT CONTROL clause or length of data item 1 |
FMT-CNTL2 | Presence or absence of FORMAT CONTROL clause or length of data item 2 |
FORMAT | Presence or absence of FORMAT clause |
GROUP | Presence or absence of GROUP clause |
MSG-CLASS | Presence or absence of MSG-CLASS clause |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
A deadlock exit subroutine call was executed, but the deadlock exit could not be found in the deadlocked program or a parent program that called the deadlocked program with a CALL statement. Confirm that a deadlock exit is registered using a USE FOR DEAD-LOCK statement.
System action
Continues processing.
Specify the ON EXCEPTION clause in the $2 (ACCEPT or DISPLAY) statement corresponding to the $1 function name (ARGUMENT-VALUE or ENVIRONMENT-VALUE).
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
To execute a program by multiple threads, server-product needs to be installed. Confirm server-product is installed.
If server-product is installed, possible causes are as follows. Eliminate the cause of error and then rerun the program.
The program is not compiled with the compiler option THREAD (MULTI) specified.
The environment variable @CBR_THREAD_MODE=SINGLE has been specified.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The program $1 compiled with the compiler option THREAD (MULTI) specified may have been deleted from memory, the possible causes of which are shown below. Change the program to the dynamic program structure to ensure that it will not be removed from memory or use the CANCEL statement to remove it from memory and then rerun the program.
The program $1 was removed from memory because it is linked statically or dynamically to a program removed from memory by the CANCEL statement.
The program $1 was removed from memory by a system function.
Two or more programs having the same entry name exist in a run unit, the possible causes of which are shown below. Eliminate the cause of error and return the program.
Different programs having the same name exist in the run unit. Change the program names in the run unit such that they are all different.
A program is statically linked to two or more DLLs. Change the link format of the program to be shared to the dynamic link.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Remove the cause of error while referring to the character string indicated in $1, then rerun the program. The table below provides explanations and responses of the character strings indicated in $1. $2 indicates an error address.
$1 | Description | Programmer response |
ABANDONED | The program in a thread terminated abnormally, and so lock ownership could not be released normally. | If a thread terminates abnormally immediately before this error, determine the cause and respond accordingly. |
CODE = 0xXXXX | A system error code is indicated. | Determine the cause while referring to the explanation on the system error code and respond accordingly. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
A single thread program ($1) cannot be executed in multithread mode. Determine whether a program compiled with the compiler option THREAD (SINGLE) specified or a program compiled by a COBOL product not supporting the multithread is included, then rerun the program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check for a system in which the specified program ($2) with the compiler option set up in $1 is operable. Then, rerun the program in that system.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The character-code for the file is not correct. Please confirm the BOM (Byte Order Mark) of the file is set to $1.
Refer to "Resources" in Chapter 20 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide" for the character-code that can be used as a resource for NetCOBOL.
The error address is set to $2.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Refer to the character string indicated in $1 and $2 and remove the cause of error. Then rerun the program. $1is the type of the code conversion library (ICONV or FJ_ICONV), and $2 is the error code or "INVALID-VL" of the system. $3 indicates an error address.
The type set to $1 shows the code conversion library specified for environment variable @CBR_CONVERT_CHARACTER.
Please confirm that the run time system is correctly installed when $1 is ICONV. When $1 is FJ_ICONV, confirm that Interstage Charset Manager V9.4 is correctly installed.
System action
Continues processing.
Because environment variable @CBR_CBRINFO = YES is specified, information of the executing program is output. Check the version and level ($1), thread mode ($2), and runtime initialization file name ($3) of the runtime system in progress from the output information. If the section of the runtime initialization file is effective, the section name ($4) is output. If no runtime initialization file is used, the character string "NONE (EXE: folder-name DLL: folder-name)" indicating the folder searched for in a runtime initialization file is set in $3. For information on using the runtime initialization file, refer to "Runtime Initialization File" in Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The runtime system area has been destroyed for some reasons. Investigate the cause of the destruction by referring to "COBOL Debugging Guide", "Using the Memory Check Function."
Note that the location where the area destruction has been detected is set in $1, while the program or method name where the area destruction has been detected is set in $2. (The location is either START indicating the start of the program or that of the procedure of the method or END indicating the end.) The address of the area destroyed is set in $3.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
A function which is outside the limits of functions for the current product was used. Review the environment referring to information of $1. A program name or class name and method name are set to $2.
$1 | Description | Programmer response |
PRODUCT-MISSMATCH OBJECT= Development Environment product type RUNTIME= Runtime product type | The runtime product is not equal to the level of the development environment. OBJECT is categorized by Development Environment product types. RUNTIME is categorized by operatable Runtime product types. | Please confirm each Development Environment product type to each Runtime product type. |
MULTI-THREADING | Several operations of multi threads cannot run for the run time product. | A COBOL program cannot run in parallel over multiple threads for some run time products. When running a COBOL program over multiple threads, use a run time system that has no limits on functions. |
ENCODE-OPTION | There is an error in the ENCODE. Unicode cannot exist together with shift JIS encode with this run time product. | Please confirm the functional restriction, and correct the program. |
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Execution of a program with the "RCS(UCS2,BE)" compilation option specified and a program without that option specified within the same process is unfeasible. Use the same compilation option in both programs.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check the operating code system for the program ($1). Use the same code system for the programs operating in the runtime environment.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
The environment variable '$1' could not be registered. Correct the runtime initial file so that the statement of the total length of environment variable information used by the corresponding program does not exceed 16 kilobytes, then rerun the program.
System action
If there is a character code conversion failure and the severity code of the error message is W, then the default character is passed through and the conversion continues. If the severity code is U, the system abnormally terminates the program.
Data that was not in the range of valid characters for the encode method was encountered. Remove the cause of the error by referring to the error code set in $1 and the error address is set in $2, and then rerun the program. .
$1 | Description | Programmer response |
E2BIG 7(0x7) | The code row storage region was insufficient for the converted data. | Ensure the length of the data item is large enough to handle the converted data. |
ENOMEM 12(0xc) | Area shortage occurred. | Refer to "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages". |
EINVAL 22(0x16) | An invalid code was encountered in the originating field. | Confirm that the character data stored in the data item of the originating field is neither MOVE, a partial reference, nor an imperfect condition. |
EILSEQ 42(0x2a) | The data stored in the data item of the conversion origin is not in the range of the encode method. | Confirm whether to use the data item with a different encode method by overlapping (REDEFINES phrase) not to store the binary data other than the character-code. |
Refer to the "Interstage Charset Manager User's Guide" when you receive an error executing environment variable @CBR_CONVERT_CHARACTER=FJ_ICONV.
See Appendix A System Error Codes" and the "Visual C++ online help" for assistance with other errors.
System action
The system outputs the event log to the user's computer and continues the process.
Verify that the computer name specified by the event log matches the environment variable information in @CBR_MESSAGE and execute it again.
Verify that the computer name designation is correct.
Verify that the specified computer is active.
[Win32] Verify that the OS used by the specified computer is Windows(32). The event log can be output only to an OS that has the event log output function.
[Winx64] Verify that the OS used by the specified computer is Windows(x64). The event log can be output only to an OS that has the event log output function.
Refer to "@CBR_MESSAGE(Specify the runtime message output destination)" in Chapter 5 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
There may be a shortage of virtual memory or the desktop heap may be full. For details on cause and response in the case of a shortage of virtual memory, refer to "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages" and take appropriate corrective action. For details on cause and response in the case of a full desktop heap refer to the Microsoft Website and take appropriate corrective action.
A detailed error code is set in $2, and the error address is set in $3.
When "Event ID243" is stored in the system event log, the space allocated for the desktop heap may not be large enough. For details, refer to "Event Log" in Chapter 18 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
There may be a shortage of virtual memory or the desktop heap may be full. For details on cause and response in the case of a shortage of virtual memory, refer to "D.1 Virtual Memory Shortages" and take appropriate corrective action. For details on cause and response in the case of a full desktop heap refer to the Microsoft Website and take appropriate corrective action.
A detailed error code is set in $2, and the error address is set in $3.
When "Event ID243" is stored in the system event log, the space allocated for the desktop heap may not be large enough. For details, refer to "Event Log" in Chapter 18 of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide".
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Check whether the path name of the initial file for execution is specified correctly.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Confirm the file($1) is correctly installed.
Confirm the runtime system is correctly installed. Or, confirm the installation folder of the runtime system is correctly set in the environmental variable PATH.
System action
Abnormally terminates the program.
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the level U message output before this message. If no level U message was written, check the program for the following:
If referencing an item using a subscript, index, reference modification, or OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause, check that these are within the reference range (these can be checked by specifying the CHECK(ALL) compiler option).
If a statement such as CALL contains a parameter for transferring, check that the parameter attributes on the receiving and sending side match (particularly the length). These can be checked by specifying the CHECK(ALL) compiler option.
If handling a file, check that records are not being referenced with the wrong length (for example, in a variable length input file, check that padding was not inserted using the maximum length when the actual record length should have been processed).
In any other case than those listed above, an internal error probably occurred. Contact Fujitsu Software Support.
The runtime system internal error code is set in $1.