ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

D.3.8 Upgrading Saved Settings and Log Files

You must upgrade the saved files in the ESC Manager/Client environment that has been reactivated as a part of the setup procedure.

For Windows Manager:


In the following explanation, $INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ESC Manager installation.
$ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ESC Manager installation.
$TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ESC Manager installation.

The default location of all directories is "C:\Program Files\ETERNUS-SSC".

  1. Stop the ESC Manager and the ESC Client.

    Stop the ESC Manager by referring to the "9.3.1 Stopping manager". The ESC Client must be stopped if running.

  2. Upgrade the files that were saved as directed in "D.3.3 Setting and Saving Log Files".

    • bcm.conf

      Copy the files to the $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current directory.

    • sanma.conf

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for sanma.conf in the $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\sanma.conf file.


      For details of parameters, refer to "C.2 sanma.conf Parameter" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • ssmgr.conf

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for ssmgr.conf in the $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\ssmgr.conf file.


      For details of parameters, refer to "C.3 ssmgr.conf Parameter" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • manager.ini

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for manager.ini in the $INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\bin\manager.ini file.

      Reflect the difference between the set value and SSC default value (140) in ESC default value (512) as follows:

      set_value - SSC_default_value = difference_value
      ESC_default_value + difference_value = reflect_value


      Case of the value is set 300 in SSC:

      300 (set_value) - 140 (SSC_default_value) = 160 (difference_value)
      512 (ESC_defalut_value) + 160 (difference_value) = 672 (reflect_value)

      Therefore, the following must be setting in ESC.



      For details of parameters in the ssmgr.conf file, refer to "C.5 Change in the Maximum Memory Used" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • trapop.bat

      Copy the files to the $ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current directory. The current batch processing must be modified as required. For example, processing that recognizes the installation directory must be modified because the installation directories of SSC and ESC are different.

    • Error monitor XML files

      Copy the XML files with the same names as the saved XML files onto the directory for customized XML ($ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\snmpth) from the default XML directory ($INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\lib\snmpth).

      Reflect the contents of the saved XML files in the copied files.


      For details of error monitor XML files, refer to "C.6 SNMP Trap XML Definition File" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • Device polling setting XML files

      Copy the files with the same names as the saved XML files onto the directory for customized XML ($ENV_DIR\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\devicepolling) from the default XML directory ($INS_DIR\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\lib\devicepolling).

      Reflect the contents of the saved XML files in the copied files.


      For details of device polling setting XML files, refer to "C.10 Device Polling Setting File" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • Event log files

      Copy the systemevent.csv file that has been saved to the $TMP_DIR\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current directory.

For Solaris OS Manager:

  1. Stop the ESC Manager and the ESC Client.

    Stop the ESC Manager by referring to the "9.1.1 Stopping manager". The ESC Client must be stopped if running.

    For a Manager in a cluster environment, mount the shared disk for the administrative server shared data after closing the manager task cluster service (cluster application).

  2. Upgrade the files that were saved as directed in "D.3.3 Setting and Saving Log Files".

    • bcm.conf

      Copy the files to /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current directory.

      Copy from the save-destination using the following command:

      # cp -p save-destination bcm.conf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current
    • sanma.conf

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for sanma.conf in /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/sanma.conf file.


      For details of parameters, refer to "C.2 sanma.conf Parameter" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • ssmgr.conf

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for ssmgr.conf in /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/ssmgr.conf file.


      For details of parameters, refer to "C.3 ssmgr.conf Parameter" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • manager.ini

      Reflect the saved parameter settings for manager.ini in /opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/manager.ini file. In a cluster environment, reflect the settings for each cluster node saved.

      Reflect the difference between the set value and SSC default value (140) in ESC default value (512) as follows:

      set_value - SSC_default_value = difference_value
      ESC_default_value + difference_value = reflect_value


      Case of the value is set 300 in SSC:

      300 (set_value) - 140 (SSC_default_value) = 160 (difference_value)
      512 (ESC_defalut_value) + 160 (difference_value) = 672 (reflect_value)

      Therefore, the following must be setting in ESC.



      For details of parameters in the ssmgr.conf file, refer to "C.5 Change in the Maximum Memory Used" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.


      Copy the file to /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current directory. The current script processing must be modified as required.

      Copy from the save-destination using the following command:

      # cp -p save-destination/ /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current
    • Error monitor XML files

      Copy the XML files with the same names as the saved XML files onto the directory for customized XML (/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth) from the default XML directory (/opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/snmpth).

      # cd /opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/snmpth
      # cp -p relevant-file /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/snmpth

      Reflect the contents of the saved XML files in the copied files.


      For details of error monitor XML files, refer to "C.6 SNMP Trap XML Definition File" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • Device polling setting XML files

      Copy the files with the same names as the saved XML files onto the directory for customized XML (/etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling) from the default XML directory (/opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/devicepolling).

      # cd /opt/FJSVssmgr/lib/devicepolling
      # cp -p relevant-file /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/devicepolling

      Reflect the contents of the saved XML files in the copied files.


      For details of error monitor XML files, refer to "C.10 Device Polling Setting File" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.

    • Event log files

      Copy the saved systemevent.csv file to /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current directory.

      Copy from the save-destination using the following command:

      # cp -p save-destination/systemevent.csv /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current

For the Client


In the following explanation, $INS_DIR means "Destination Folder" specified at the ESC Client installation.

The default location of $IND_DIR is "C:\Program Files\ETERUNUS-SSC".

  1. The ESC Client must be closed if already activated.

  2. If client.ini has been saved as directed in "D.3.3 Setting and Saving Log Files", reflect the parameter settings in the $INS_DIR\Client\bin\client.ini file.

    Reflect the difference between the set value and SSC default value (192) in ESC default value (256) as follows:

    set_value - SSC_default_value = difference_value
    ESC_default_value + difference_value = reflect_value


    Case of the value is set 320 in SSC:

    320 (set_value) - 192 (SSC_default_value) = 128 (difference_value)
    256 (ESC_defalut_value) + 128 (difference_value) = 384 (reflect_value)

    Therefore, the following must be setting in ESC.



    For details of parameters in the ssmgr.conf file, refer to "C.5 Change in the Maximum Memory Used" in the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide.