ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

D.3.9 Upgrade of Saved Device Management Information

You must upgrade the saved device management information to the ESC Manager.

The following explanation assumes the work directory to be the same as that in "D.3.2 Saving the Device Management Information" and that the upgrade tool has been extracted in the same way.

For Windows Manager:

  1. Start the command prompt and move to the work directory.

    C:\Document and Settings\Administrator> D:
    D:\> cd D:\tmp\upgrade
  2. Execute cimrestore.bat at the command prompt.

    D:\tmp\upgrade> cimrestore [/all] save-destination

    When executed without specifying the /all option, a performance information CSV file will not be restored. When migrating performance information that has already been acquired, specify the /all option. When the /all option is specified, execution of the command may take longer, as it depends on the size of the performance information CSV file.

    When the command is executed successfully, the following message will be displayed on the last line.

    INFO: cimrestore has been completed.

For Solaris OS Manager:

  1. Move to the work directory.

    # cd /tmp/upgrade
  2. Execute

    # ./ [-all] save-destination

    When executed without specifying the -all option, a performance information CSV file will not be restored. When migrating performance information that has already been acquired, specify the -all option. When the -all option is specified, execution of the command may take longer, as it depends on the size of the performance information CSV file.

    When the command is executed successfully, the following message will be displayed on the last line.

    INFO: cimrestore has been completed.


  • If the cimrestore command is executed without stopping the daemon/services of the ESC Manager, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally.

    • On the Solaris OS

      WARNING: Unable to restore, while the FJSVssmgr is running.
    • On the Windows operating system

      WARNING: Unable to restore, while the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager is running.
  • If the save_destination directory is not specified in the cimrestore command, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally.

    • On the Solaris OS

      Usage: save-directory
    • On the Windows operating system

      Usage: cimrestore.bat save-directory
  • If the backup files created by the cimbackup command do not exist in the directory specified, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally.

    ERROR: The backup files are not found in directory-name. 
  • If ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser has not been installed, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Is the FJSVssmgr installed?
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Is the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager installed?
  • If the repository could not be upgraded successfully using the cimrestore command, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to convert the Repository <Directory where backup is created>/repository
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to convert the Repository.
  • If the repository could not be initiated successfully using the cimrestore command, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to initialize the Repository /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/opencimom/logr
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to initialize the Repository.
  • If the repository could not be rebuilt successfully using the cimrestore command, the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to reconstruct the Repository /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/opencimom/logr
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to reconstruct the Repository.
  • If the cimrestore command fails to reconstruct perf.conf (Setting file for performance administration), the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to convert the perf.conf /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to convert the perf.conf.
  • If the cimrestore command fails to reconstruct perf.conf (Setting file for performance administration), the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to convert the perfenv.conf /opt/etc/FJSVssmgr/current/
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to convert the perfenv.conf.
  • If the cimrestore command fails to reconstruct perf.conf (Setting file for performance administration), the following message is output and the command terminates abnormally. Restore the system from the system backup.

    • On the Solaris OS

      ERROR: Unable to convert the configuration XML File /var/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/perf/xml
    • On the Windows operating system

      ERROR: Unable to convert the configuration XML File.