ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

9.1.1 Stopping manager

  1. Login with root (super user), and stop the Manager daemon.

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/managerctl stop
  2. Check that the Manager daemon has been stopped using the following command.

    # /bin/ps -ef | grep /opt/FJSVssmgr/jre/bin/java | grep cruiser=daemon | grep -v grep
    # /bin/ps -ef | grep /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/nwsnmp-trapd
  3. If not stopped, execute the following command.

    # /usr/bin/kill -9 process_ID


    In environments where the following products have been installed, please do not stop nwsnmp-trapd.

    • Systemwalker Centric Manager admin server

    • Systemwalker Centric Manager group admin server

    • SystemWalker/StorageMGR-M V5.1/V10

    • Systemwalker Network Topology Manager

    • SAN manager under the Softek SANView4.1 CD-ROM Sub-directory

    • Server System Manager V1.2.3 or later


    If the Manager has not stopped, stop the following processes in this order.

    1. /opt/FJSVssmgr/sys/rcxrespawn

    2. /opt/FJSVssmgr/jre/bin/java -Dcruiser=daemon