ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

9.1.2 Uninstallation

  1. Login with root (super user), and execute the command. By executing this command the packages will be deleted. The command is also included in the packages. Therefore, please copy this file to another directory then execute the command.


    When copying the file to /work and uninstllation Manager:

    # cp /opt/FJSVssmgr/bin/ /work
    # /work/
  2. The following message is output. To execute uninstallation enter "y", to discontinue the uninstallation enter a different character.

    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1
    Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2006-2010
    This program will uninstall "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Manager on your system.
    Do you want to continue the uninstallation of this package? [y,n,?,q]
  3. When "y" is entered, the uninstallation will commence.

    When the uninstallation is completed successfully, the message given below will be displayed.

    INFO: "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Manager was uninstalled successfully.

    When the uninstallation fails, the message given below will be displayed.

    ERROR : Uninstalling package_name was failed.

    When the uninstallation fails, use the pkgrm command to delete the packages given in the message, and repeat the process from step 1.

    # pkgrm package_name
  4. Delete the sscruisera, nfport, and ssvscme lines from /etc/services.


  • After the uninstallation, the directories below may remain.
    In such a case, please delete the remaining directories manually.

    /opt/FJSVswstt (*)
    /etc/opt/FJSVswstt (*)
    /var/opt/FJSVswstt (*)

    *: In an environment where the following products have been installed, delete these directories after deleting the following products and site manager.

    • Systemwalker Centric Manager admin server

    • Systemwalker Centric Manager group admin server

    • SystemWalker/StorageMGR-M V5.1/V10

    • Systemwalker Network Assist

    • Systemwalker Network Topology Manager

    • SAN manager under the Softek SANView4.1 CD-ROM Sub-directory

    • Server System Manager V1.2.3 or later

  • With Solaris 10 OS there is a possibility that the core file of svc.startd will be output to the root (/) directory. Delete this file, as it has no effect on the uninstallation.
    The method for checking the core file is given below.

    # file core
    core: ELF 32-bit MSB core_file SPARC version 1[file_name svc.startd]