ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

4.3.1 Disk array ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000, ETERNUS DX60/DX80, ETERNUS VD800, GR Setting

To manage the ETERNUS8000 series, the ETERNUS6000 series, the ETERNUS4000 series, the ETERNUS3000 series, ETERNUS2000 series, ETERNUS DX60/DX80 and GR series with this software, set up devices while keeping in mind the points listed below. Read the term "ETERNUS VD800 disk array unit" in this manual as "ETERNUS3000 series".


For settings details, refer to the ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr User's Guides supplied with ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr of each device, such as the "ETERNUSmgr User's Guide," "GR710/GR720/GR730 GRmgr User's Guide," and "GR740 GRmgr User's Guide".

For the GR820 or GR840, GRmgr must be purchased separately.

  1. root password setting

    Set the root password for logging in to ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr.

  2. Community setting in SNMP (Agent) environment settings

    This software communicates with the GR/ETERNUS product by using "public" for the Community name at an initial value. Therefore, the Community name setting on the GR/ETERNUS product side must be either of the ones explained below a and b. Note that the Community name can be changed. For information on changing the Community name, see below c and "SNMP_COMMUNITY_NAME_FOR_IP" parameter in sanma.conf at "Appendix C Customization".

    1. Any Community is not set. (initial)
      "Public" (Access: read Only, address: all hosts, and view: all Object) is set by an initial value.

    2. Specify "public" for the Community name explicitly.
      In this case, specify either the IP address of the administrative server on which Manager is installed or (to receive messages from all hosts) as the IP address.

    3. Specify other than "public" for the Community name explicitly.
      The administrative server is specified with the Community name and the administrative server's IP address. However, when the manager is running in a cluster system, the manager communicates with ETERNUS/GR by using the physical IP address of the cluster system, therefore the Community setup are described by the same number as the physical IP addresses.


      "ssc" is the specified Community name for SNMP communication with the operation management server (IP Address:

      community ssc

      "ssccom" is the specified Community name for SNMP communication with the operation management server operating as a cluster system operation (physical IP_A:, physical IP_B:

      community ssccom
      community ssccom
  3. Trap setting in SNMP Agent Configuration Setting

    Since the manager's SNMP Trap receiving module has not judged this Community name, all SNMP Traps sent to the administrative server can be received. Even in an environment where the Community name is specified other than "public", it is not necessary to change this community name in trap setting. The Community name of the trap destination is recommended to be set as "public", not same as the Community name of SNMP Community under the consideration of security.

    If the maximum number of SNMP Trap transmission places of the ETERNUS/GR is already registered, no new IP address can be added. Therefore, make sure that the number of SNMP Trap transmission places is less than the maximum number.

  4. Device name setting (SysName) in SNMP (Agent) environment settings

    Register a nickname for storage management. This software uses this value as SysName.

  5. Network environment settings (excluding the GR740, GR820, GR840)

    If the administrative server resides outside the location indicated by the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and subnet, the subnet of the opration management server must be registered as the destination network address.


    When an administration server is in a cluster:

    If you specify the IP address of an administration server as a destination network address, specify both physical IP address of each node on administration servers in a cluster and IP address taken over.

  6. Logoff

    After completing definition of the settings with ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr, be sure to log off from ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr. In the ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000 and ETERNUS3000 series, ETERNUS2000 series, ETERNUS DX60/DX80, or in GR710/720, the registration of devices in this software and use of the Storage Volume Configuration Navigator device setup function are only possible when not logged onto ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr.


Access paths can be set from this software even while a user is logged in to ETERNUSmgr(ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000 models 80 and 100, ETERNUS3000)/GRmgr. If a change to access path settings is made simultaneously from both ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr and this software, configuration information of the device may be destroyed. Therefore, when changing access path settings from this software, make sure that no setting change operation is in progress on the ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr side.


For this software, the host access control function of ETERNUS disk array devices and GR series devices is called "host affinity function", and zone numbers are called "AffinityGroup numbers". Defining them with more global names such as these makes it possible to address future multivendor device management needs. For definitions of other names, see "A.1 Notational Conventions of Window Elements and Abbreviations".

To use this software to set the server node and storage access path (the SAN environment containing the Fibre Channel switch), refer to " Preparations". The following settings must also be configured in the device.

RAID settings

RAID group/LogicalVolume setup is executed using Storage Volume Configuration Navigator or ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr. For storage devices not supported by Storage Volume Configuration Navigator, execute the setup using ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr.
For details about Storage Volume Configuration Navigator, refer to "11.1.5 Operation procedure".

Affinity Group/Zone settings for storage

AffinityGroup/Zone is created in the storage device using Storage Volume Configuration Navigator or ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr. For storage devices not supported by Storage Volume Configuration Navigator, create AffinityGroup/Zone using ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr.
For details about Storage Volume Configuration Navigator, refer to "11.1.5 Operation procedure".
The setting method by using ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr is as follows.

Storage device

Setting method

ETERNUS8000 models 700, 900, 1100 and 2100
ETERNUS4000 models 300 and 500


Make AffinityGroup settings common within a storage system by using the [Set AffinityGroup] menu from the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu.

ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200
ETERNUS4000 models 400 and 600


Make AffinityGroup settings common within a storage system by using the [Set AffinityGroup] menu from the [Configuration] - [Setting Host] menu.

ETERNUS4000 models 80 and 100
ETERNUS3000(except model 50)


Make Affinity Group/Zone settings common within a storage system by using the [Append/Delete Zone(s)] menu from the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu.

ETERNUS3000 model 50


Make Affinity Group settings that are based on the port setting or LUNMapping settings. To specify a port, select the port by using the [Set Host Interface Mode] menu from the [Setting] menu. To make LUNMapping settings, use the [Zone management] menu from the [Addressing mode] menu. Before making Affinity Group settings, make settings for [Host-Zone management].



Set up a common Affinity Group within the storage from the "Host Affinity."

In ETERNUSmgr for the ETERNUS2000, a wizard format is used to set up from the AffinityGrop all the way to HostAffinity. However, the "HostAffinity" in "Step5: Select HBAs" will be set up as non-selection (no HBA allocation).



Set up a common Affinity Group within the storage.

By using the [Configure LUN Mapping] menu from the [Volume Settings] - [Host I/F Management] menu.



Make the zone settings common within a storage system by using the menu for Mapping settings.

Connection topology settings

Make the Fabric Connection setting (N port) for the FC-CA port to be connected with the switch.
The setting method by using ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr is as follows.

Storage device

Setting method

ETERNUS8000 models 700, 900, 1100 and 2100
ETERNUS4000 models 300 and 500


  1. From the [Set CA Parameters] menu in the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. From [Connection Topology], select [Fabric Connection], and click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200
ETERNUS4000 models 400 and 600


  1. From the [Set CA Parameters] menu in the [Configuration] - [Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. From [Connection Topology], select [Fabric Connection], and click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS4000 models 80 and 100
ETERNUS3000(except model 50)


  1. From the [Set CA Port] menu in the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. From [FC Connection Settings], select [Fabric Connection], and click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS3000 model 50


  1. From the [Set Host Interface Mode] menu in the [Setting] menu, select the port.

  2. From [FC Connection Settings], select [Fabric Connection] (N port setting), and click the <Set> button.



  1. From the [Port] tab in the [Settings] menu, select a port from the port tree on the left window.

  2. From the [Connection Topology], select the [Fabric Connection] and click the <OK> button.



  1. From the [Volume Settings] - [Host I/F Management], select a [Set FC Port Parameters] menu.

  2. select a port from the port setting window.
    From [Connection],select the [Fabric] and click the <OK> button.



  1. From the [CA Setting] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. Disable loop connection.

Host interface settings

Make the host affinity setting (recommended) for the FC-CA. If "Affinity Group/Zone settings for storage" is executed using Storage Volume Configuration Navigator, the host affinity settings are essential.
The setting method by using ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr is as follows.

Storage device

Setting method

ETERNUS8000 models 700, 900, 1100 and 2100
ETERNUS4000 models 300 and 500


  1. From the [Set CA Parameters] menu in the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. Set [Affinity Mode] to ON (recommended), and click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS8000 models 800, 1200 and 2200
ETERNUS4000 models 400 and 600


  1. From the [Set CA Parameters] menu in the [Configuration] - [Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. Set [Affinity Mode] to ON (recommended), and click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS4000 models 80 and 100
ETERNUS3000(except model 50)


  1. From the [Set CA Port] menu in the [Setting RAID/Setting Host] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. From [Addressing Mode Settings], select [Host Table Setting Mode].
    Since this software automatically makes settings for [Append/Delete Authorized Host(s)] in [Host Table Setting Mode], no such setting need be made here.

  3. Lastly, click the <Set> button.

ETERNUS3000 model 50


  1. From [Set Host Interface Mode] in the [Setting] menu, select a port for this setting.

  2. If [Zone Management] in the [Addressing Mode] menu is enabled, check [Authorized hosts only] to enable it (recommended). If [Host-Zone management] is enabled, another setting need not be made. In both addressing modes, this software automatically makes the setting for [Authorized hosts only] and HostAffinity setting (if [Zone Management] is selected, this software automatically specifies values only when [Authorized hosts only] is enabled).



  1. From the [Port] tab in the [Settings] menu, select a port from the port tree on the left window.

  2. Check the [Affinity Mode] box of the [General Setting] and click the <OK> button.



  1. From the [Volume Settings] - [Host I/F Management], select a [Set FC Port Parameters] menu.

  2. select a port from the port setting window.
    From [Host Affinity],select [Enable] and click the <OK> button.



  1. From the [CA Setting] menu, select the FC-CA to be used for the SAN.

  2. Enable (recommended) the security function.

Note that this software automatically sets and deletes the Host WWN definitions and Host WWN-Affinity Group/Zone definitions of ETERNUS disk storage systems, and thus settings need not be made manually.

Date-time settings

To set the date-time for the device, perform the procedure shown below. If the date-time is set during performance monitoring, briefly stop performance monitoring and then restart it.

  1. Stop performance monitoring of the device for which date-time is set.

  2. Set date-time for the device.

  3. After the date-time settings are complete, restart performance monitoring of the device.

Device configuration changing

To change the configuration for the device, the device configuration information kept by performance management must be updated. Update the configuration information according to the procedure in "7.2.11 Updating configuration information".

WWPN changing of CA port

If the WWPN of CA port is changed by storage migration function, refer to "D.4.8 Using the storage migration function", Problem-handling (FAQ)

Unable to detect ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS6000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS2000, ETERNUS DX60/DX80, or GR series
  • This software uses SNMP communication to find devices. Therefore, a storage device whose SNMP function is inactive cannot be detected. The storage device's SNMP function must be started.
    Press the <Set> button in the ETERNUSmgr/GRmgr SNMP environment setting window. The SNMP function is started by once pressing the <Set> button. Therefore, if the <Set> button is not pressed at all, the SNMP function remains inactive.

  • If the server running the manager is not defined as a destination server on the server running SNMP trap transmission, auto-detection may not work. If this is the case, check the SNMP trap transmission settings and make sure the server running the manager is defined.

  • If the SNMP community name is changed and Manager is in the cluster environment, settings on the storage device side may be incorrect. See "Changing SNMP community name" given below.

  • Check the network environment, access authorization and communication mode settings referring to section " Setting" for details. Make sure that one communication mode is not set to "Auto Negotiation" while the other is set to "Full (full duplex)"

Unable to detect GR740, GR820, GR840
  • Check whether GRG (GRGateway) is active on the maintenance PC. If it is inactive, execute GRG.exe. Also, register GRG.exe in the Startup menu.

  • If the SNMP community name is changed and Manager is in the cluster environment, the settings on the storage device side may be incorrect. See "Changing SNMP community name" given below.

Changing SNMP community name

This software implements SNMP communication using the community name public by default. If "Set SNMP Agent Environment"-"Set Community" is not set at all for ETERNUS and GR storage devices, "public" (access: readOnly, address: all hosts, view: all objects) has been set as the initial value. If at least one community is set, this software communicates with only the specified community settings.
When the SNMP community name for the ETERNUS and GR storage devices is to be changed, storage device settings are required.
See "2. Community setting in SNMP (Agent) environment setting" in " Setting".

Timeout occurs in communication.

Check the communication settings and make sure that one communication mode is not set to "Auto Negotiation" while the other is set to "Full (full duplex)".