ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

7.2.11 Updating configuration information

Device configuration information is independently maintained in the performance management functionality.

To change the device configuration, update the device configuration information that is maintained by the performance management functionality according to the procedure shown below. Also perform the update if the configuration for a device used to execute performance monitoring and threshold monitoring has been changed.

If the configuration for a device used to execute performance monitoring and threshold monitoring has been changed, the configuration information before the update is used for performance monitoring and threshold monitoring. Performance information and threshold monitoring, shown in the procedure below, cannot be guaranteed prior to the configuration information update.

<Configuration information update procedure>

  1. Record the performance monitoring settings contents (if performance monitoring is used)

    <Recorded settings contents>

    • Interval before obtaining performance information (in seconds)

    • Performance monitoring targets (Minimum LUN_V, Maximum LUN_V)

  2. Record the threshold monitoring settings contents (if threshold monitoring is used)

    <Recorded settings contents>

    • Threshold monitoring time settings

      • Threshold monitoring time (start time, stop time)

      • Alarm display time (start time, stop time)

      • Alarm display frequency

    • Threshold monitoring settings

      • Target

      • Threshold

      • Threshold monitoring Interval

      • Alarm tolerance level

      • Alarm tolerance time

      • Rearm

  3. Stop threshold monitoring (if threshold monitoring is used)

    Refer to "7.3.7 Instruction for stopping threshold monitoring".

  4. Stop performance monitoring (if performance monitoring is used)

    Refer to "7.2.10 Instruction for stopping performance management".

  5. For the storage device, the firmware is upgraded and the composition of the device is changed.


    The upgrade of firmware is needed only when the firmware version of the storage device must be changed to the version that supports the Eco-mode operation because of executing the performance management for the number of active disks. For the ETERNUS disk storage systems that have the Eco-mode function, refer to "1.3.4 Energy-saving operation for storage device".

  6. In the menu bar of the Performance Management window, click [Device] - [Create Device Configuration File].

  7. Start performance monitoring based on the settings contents recorded in step 1. (if performance monitoring is used).

    Refer to "7.2.2 Instruction for performance management" and "7.2.3 Setting monitoring intervals".

  8. Start threshold monitoring based on the settings contents recorded in step 2. (if threshold monitoring is used).

    Refer to "7.3.3 Setting the threshold monitoring hours" and "7.3.4 Setting the threshold monitoring information".