The procedure to configure an ETERNUS Disk storage system is as follows:
Add a server.
Create a new RAID group.
Create new volumes.
Assign volumes to a server.
The procedure to configure an ETERNUS Disk storage system is as follows:
On the global navigation tab, click Storage.
The registered ETERNUS Disk storage systems are displayed on the Main pane.
On the Main pane, check the target ETERNUS Disk storage system checkbox.
On the Action pane, click Storage Conf. under Wizard.
Click Next.
Enter and select Server Information and Host Bus Adapter Information.
Click Add.
Enter and select the detailed information of the new RAID group.
Click Create or Skip.
Enter and select the information of the new volume.
Click Create or Skip.
Click Assign.
Even if this operation is interrupted, the new resources (server, volume and RAID group) added or created during this operation are not deleted.
To delete the new resources added or created during this operation, perform the following operations: