ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

Total Status

The comprehensively evaluated status of storage devices, switches, and servers are displayed with icons.
The types of icons that are displayed are as follows.



All devices are running normally.

Some devices require attention, including devices for which the state cannot be acquired (devices whose state is "Unknown").

An error is occurring in some devices.

Device Status

Displays the status of storage devices, switches, and servers.
The types of icons that are displayed are as follows.



Storage devices



The three icons to the right side of each device icon indicate the following information.



Number of normal state devices

Number of alarming state devices

Number of abnormal state devices

Operation Status

Displays the operation information as following icons.
If clicking any icon or number, the Operation History screen is displayed.



Number of the processing in progress

Number of warning messages not confirmed processing results in the Operation History screen

Number of error messages not confirmed processing results in the Operation History screen

Status of Automatic Refresh Processing

Displays the status of the automatic refresh processing for the screen as following icons.



Automatic refresh is active for the whole area of the screen.

Automatic refresh is active partially.
It is active for the menu area and Job Status pane only.

Automatic refresh is inactive.

Refer to "3.1 Update of Information (Refresh Screen)" for the condition of entering to each state.

When a mouse over operation on the icon is performed, the tooltip that explains the status of operation and the condition is displayed.


Clicking reloads the latest information from the Management Server.


Clicking displays a drop-down list to select displayed information from. The following contents can be checked.

Selectable Items



Displays the online manual index screen.


Displays the product version.

License Agreement

Displays the License Agreement.

Link to Dashboard

Clicking the link displays Dashboard.

Global Navigation Tab

If a category on the global navigation tab is clicked, the top menu of the selected category is displayed on the category pane.

Breadcrumb List

Indicates where the current page is.


  • If an Error or Warning level event is reported from a device that does not support automatic updates of the device component status, update the corresponding device element status manually. Also, when the device is recovered, update the corresponding device element status manually.
    Refer to "9.1.9 Reload ETERNUS Disk Storage System Configuration Information" about updating the configuration information.
    If an Error or Warning level event is reported from a device that supports automatic updates of the device component status, this product acquires the device component status automatically from the device. For this reason, no operation is required to update the corresponding device element status manually. For devices that support automatic updates of the device component status, refer to "Monitoring Device Component Status" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide.

  • Refer to "Windows Displayed in Event of Fault and Troubleshooting" in the Storage Cruiser Operation Guide for solutions when an Error or Warning level event is reported.

  • Information of Total status, Device status and Operation status are updated at intervals set in the Screen Refresh Interval (Default is 30 seconds) or by clicking .

  • Clicking resets the following setting values in the Main pane to the default value. Refer to "2.5.3 Main Pane" for respective setting.

    • Filter setting

    • Page setting

    • Displayed records setting

  • Clicking does not reset values in the Filter Setting on the Job Status pane.

  • When the information screen is displaying multiple tabs, clicking displays the leftmost tab information on the Main pane regardless of the current tab.