ETERNUS SF Express V16.9 / Storage Cruiser V16.9 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.9 Web Console Guide

2.5.3 Main Pane


Displays explanation for the current Main pane. Clicking the title area can open/close the message displayed area.


The default for opening/closing the message displayed area can be changed. Refer to "15.2.4 Display Preference" for information on how to change.

Filter Setting

Narrows down and displays the information on the Main pane.

Clicking the Filter setting displays the filter screen as follows.

Filter setting screen

Click Filter after entering filter criteria. Information matching the criteria specified is displayed in the information display area.
Clicking Clear cancels filter setting.


  • The text field filtering is by partial match. All information including typed characters is displayed.

  • On Web Console, the capacity is displayed with a rounded value. Specify the range including the capacity to detect in the capacity field. For example, specify the range from 9 GB to 11 GB to detect 10 GB.


The settings related to the opened/closed status of the Filter Setting area after filtering can be changed. Refer to "15.2.4 Display Preference" for information on how to change the configuration.


This is the number of checkboxes or radio buttons that are currently selected.

The selected state of the checkboxes and radio buttons are retained from before to after the following operations. However, if information displayed in the line being selected is deleted, the selected state of its line is also released.

  • Click Filter or Clear in Filter Setting.

  • Click the links (<<, <, >, >>) for the displayed page in Page Setting.

  • Click Go in Page Setting.

  • Change the pull-down menu in Display xxx records of Displayed Record Setting.

  • Click on the column of the table (sort the table).

Page Setting

Information may be divided into several pages.
To display the information on page two and subsequent pages, click > or >>. Also, you can type a page number and click Go.

Displayed Records Setting

From the pull down-menu, select the number of lines to display per screen.
The selectable values are 10, 25, 50, or 100.


The default record count can be changed. Refer to "15.2.4 Display Preference" for information on how to change the default record count.

For Map View (Overview Screen)

Map View (for the Overview)

Menu Bar

The Zoom In/Out button and a pull-down menu icon are displayed.
If you click the pull-down menu icon, pull-down menu is displayed.

Device Node

For Map View (Logical Path View Screen)

Menu Bar

The Zoom In/Out button and a pull-down menu icon are displayed.
If you click the pull-down menu icon, pull-down menu is displayed.

Device Node