The main pane of the Performance screen consists of the tab area and the panel area.
Panels can be allocated to the tabs in the main pane.
The number of tabs per device and the number of panels that can be allocated to the tabs are limited. The maximum number of these values vary depending on the product as shown below.
Product Name to be Used | Maximum Number of Tabs per Device | Maximum Number of Panels That Can Be Allocated to a Tab |
Storage Cruiser | 5 | 24 |
Express | 1 | 1 |
The display settings of the tabs and panels are automatically saved for each user. Therefore, the screen is displayed with the previous setting the next time the user logs in or when Web Console is restarted.
The number of panels added to a tab and the display location are saved as a setting for that specific tab. Therefore, that tab is displayed with the same settings even if the tab is switched or the user logs out and back in.
If multiple tabs are used for a device, the tab displayed in the main pane is the last tab displayed in the previous session when that device is selected in the left pane.
The performance chart can be easily changed by switching the display tab.
The following explains the role of each button and action when each button is clicked.
Button Name | Explanation |
Delete tab button | Deletes a tab. |
Add tab button | Adds a tab. |
Add panel button | Adds a panel to the selected tab. |
Move panel button | Changes the panel display location of the selected tab. |
The following are the available actions. Refer to "Chapter 7 Operations for Performance" for each procedure.
Action Menu Name | Explanation |
Start monitoring | Starts the performance monitoring of the selected device. |
Stop monitoring | Stops the performance monitoring of the selected device. |
Modify monitoring conditions | Changes the monitoring conditions for the selected device. |
Modify tab name | Renames the selected tab. |
The performance chart of the selected resource can be displayed in the panel.
Up to five charts of the same performance data type can be displayed in a single panel. To display the charts of different performance data type or to display six or more charts, multiple panels are required.
The display range of the vertical axis in a panel can be changed freely when adding a panel.
The average value or peak value can be displayed in the performance chart. Select one when adding a panel. Average value is selected by default.
If a threshold is specified for the device and threshold monitoring is performed, the performance chart can be used to check whether the threshold is exceeded. For the procedure to set a threshold value for the device and how to start or stop threshold monitoring, refer to the following sections.
For storage devices: "9.13 Operations for Performance Management of Storage Device"
For Fibre Channel switches: "10.11 Operations for Performance Management of Network Device"
The display items (performance data type, vertical axis display range, whether the average value or peak value is displayed) of a chart in the panel can be changed at any time with the procedure described in "7.3.2 Changing the Panel Display Items".
There are three methods for changing the time axis (hereinafter referred to as "display range") of a performance chart. The methods are "display range selection bar", "display range selection button", and "select in panel". This operation targets all the panels that exist in the currently displayed tab.
Display range selection bar
The entire period of this bar is automatically determined from the number of storage days or the last 45 days, whichever is closer to the current time. For example, if the number of storage days for the performance data is seven, a range between the current time and seven days prior is specified.
Drag this bar to change the display range. If the selected range includes the right edge of the range, the performance chart in the panel is automatically updated.
Display range selection button
Select any of the following buttons to change the display range.
Button Name | Explanation |
Custom | Displays the Modify display range dialog box where a display range can be specified. |
1hour | Changes the display range to the latest hour. |
1day | Changes the display range to the latest day. |
1week | Changes the display range to the latest week. |
Select in panel
The performance charts of all the panels can be zoomed when a performance chart of a panel is dragged to the time axis. To restore the display setting to the state before the zoom operation is performed, use the display range selection bar or the display range selection button.
The following panel menus are available. Refer to "Chapter 7 Operations for Performance" for each procedure.
Menu Name | Explanation |
Modify | Changes the items displayed in the selected panel. |
Download | Downloads the performance chart data displayed in the selected panel as a file. |
Remove | Deletes the selected panel. |