PRIMECLUSTER  Web-Based Admin ViewOperation Guide 4.6
FUJITSU Software

B.2.1 wvCntl

Execute these operations on all the management server and monitoring node. In the event of a failure, the investigation information can be collected by executing the wvCntl command. For details on the management server and monitoring node, refer to "1.2.2 System topology".

Execute the wvCntl command as follows:


  1. Log-in with system administrator authority.

  2. Execute the wvCntl command.

    Then, the file "wvLogs.tar.Z" is generated on the node.

    # /etc/opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/bin/wvCntl glogs -all <the material storage directory name>

    <the material storage directory name>:

    Designate the material storage directory by full path name. Otherwise, information is automatically stored in the default directory /var/tmp.