Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.3 Setting Up Virtual Appliances

After starting the virtual appliance for this product, use the Configuration Wizard to perform setup. The procedure is described below.

  1. Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator) and the default password (Admin123#).

  2. Run csgsetup in the current directory.

  3. When the Configuration Wizard starts, follow the instructions to perform setup.
    The default keymap is "us". Please be careful while entering information (e.g. changing password) before setting the keymap.
    The following items are displayed:

    • Change Administrator Password

    • Change sftpadmin Password

    • Network selection (*2)

    • Configure DHCP (*2)

    • Setting Hostname

    • Configure Network (*1, *2)

    • Configure DNS

    • Configure Domain

    • Configure Keymap

    • Configure NTP

    • Configure time zone

  4. A message is displayed asking you to restart the system. Select OK to restart the system.


  • A default password is set for the administrator account. For security purposes, be sure to change this password under "Change Administrator Password" of the Configuration Wizard. The password must be between 8 to 64 characters long. You must use at least three of the following four character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (!"#$&'()*+,-./@[\]^_`{|}~:;<=>?).

  • Because a default password is not set for the SFTP account (sftpadmin), SFTP cannot be used by default. To use SFTP, change the password by executing "Change sftpadmin Password" of the Configuration Wizard. The same conditions as the administrator password are applied for the allowed characters. The SFTP account (sftpadmin) is a dedicated account for file transfers using SFTP. Unlike the administrator account, this account cannot be used to log in to the console of this product.

  • For single network configurations, network selection items are skipped.

  • If you choose to use DHCP in the DHCP settings, the settings marked with the (*1) symbol are skipped.

  • The Configuration Wizard can set only one network even for multi-network configurations. For multi-networks, the first network is set. For information on setting the second and subsequent networks, refer to "2.5.7 Configuring Multi-network Configurations".

  • The following addresses cannot be set as an IP address:

    • The IP addresses set for the second and subsequent networks

    • The gateway address set for the second and subsequent networks

    • The loopback address (

  • You can set up default gateway in the Configuration Wizard of network setting.

  • If the following types of servers are in different subnets, only the network where the default gateway is set can be used to communicate with these servers.
    DNS server, NTP server, mail server (SMTP server), external authentication server (Active Directory server).

  • For operations with an Active Directory server, be sure to synchronize the clock between this product and the Active Directory server. If NTP is not set, synchronize the clock manually. Refer to "2.5.1 Setting the System Clock" for details.

  • If an external authentication server (Active Directory server) is used with SMB, DNS server settings are required.

  • For Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure environments

    • When you create a virtual machine, an IP address is allocated to the network interface via DHCP. If you run the Configuration Wizard, this network interface is set as the first network. This setting cannot be changed. The settings marked with the (*2) symbol are skipped in Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure environments.

    • When adding network interfaces to the virtual machine in order to configure multiple networks, be sure to run the Configuration Wizard in advance.