Cloud Storage Gateway V1.3.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.4 Allocating Local Storage to Storage Pool for Cache

Use the following procedure to allocate the local storage to a storage pool for cache (with the name fixed to "CsgStoragePool").


The following procedure uses VMware vSphere or Hyper-V as an example.
For KVM, change "/dev/sdX" to "/dev/vdX".
For Amazon EC2, change "/dev/sdX" to "/dev/xvdX".
In Microsoft Azure, "/dev/sdaX" and "/dev/sdbX" represent the virtual disks for the system area. The virtual disks for the cache area are marked "/dev/sdc".

  1. Log in to the console of this product using the administrator account (administrator).

  2. Execute the following command to confirm that the virtual disk for the cache area that you added in "2.2 Deploying Virtual Appliances" is recognized.
    In the following example, the virtual disk that was added is recognized as "/dev/sdb".

    # csgadm storagepool diskscan 
      /dev/sda1 [     953.00 MiB]
      /dev/sda2 [      27.94 GiB]
      /dev/sda3 [      27.94 GiB]
      /dev/sda5 [      27.94 GiB]
      /dev/sda6 [       3.72 GiB]
      /dev/sdb  [     100.00 GiB]
      1 disk
      5 partitions
      0 LVM physical volume whole disks
      0 LVM physical volumes
  3. Execute the following command to allocate local storage to a storage pool for cache.

    # csgadm storagepool create -disk /dev/sdb
  4. Execute the following command to confirm that local storage has been allocated to a storage pool for cache.

    # csgadm storagepool show
      PV         VG             Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
      /dev/sdb   CsgStoragePool lvm2 a--  100.00g 100.00g
      VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
      CsgStoragePool   1   0   0 wz--n- 100.00g 100.00g


If you delete a storage pool for cache, execute the following command.

# csgadm storagepool remove

You can delete a storage pool only if there is no cache in the storage pool. Refer to "7.1.2 Deleting a Datastore" for details about how to delete the cache.
If the cache exists in the storage pool, the "csgadm storagepool show" command displays the following:

# csgadm storagepool show
  PV         VG             Fmt  Attr PSize     PFree
  /dev/sdb   CsgStoragePool lvm2 a--  61436.00m 10236.00m

  VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize     VFree
  CsgStoragePool   1   1   0 wz--n- 61436.00m 10236.00m

  LV   VG             Attr       LSize     Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  ds1  CsgStoragePool -wi-ao---- 51200.00m


If the data store fails to be created due to a system down or system failures, the cache may remain in the storage pool. If you cannot delete the cache using the procedure in "7.1.2 Deleting a Datastore", forcibly delete the storage pool by executing the following command:

# csgadm storagepool remove -force