stgxfwcmmodsrv - changes the following server information
/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmmodsrv -n serverName [-s newServerName] [-i newIpAddress] [-p newPortNumber] | [-f serverInformationChangeInstructionFilename [-y]]
This command changes the following server information managed by AdvancedCopy Manager.
A Managed Server IP address
A Managed Server port number
The server name of a Management Server
The server name of a Managed Server
Server information can also be changed as a batch while maintaining the consistency of multiple items of information between multiple servers in the managed system by specifying the server information change instruction file.
The following server information can be changed:
Management Server IP address
Managed Server IP address
Management Server port number
Managed Server port number
Server name of the Management Server
Server names of Managed Servers
It is necessary to execute this command on the Management Server.
Specify a server name that is currently being managed.
Specify a server name displayed by the stgxfwcmdispsrv command exactly as displayed, including the case.
Specify a new server name in less than 255 bytes. The usable characters are: 1-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscore (_), number sign (#), and period (.), with the first character being a 1-byte alphanumeric character. (A 2-byte character causes an error.)
Note that the new server name is case-sensitive. When specifying the server name in other commands or Web Console, enter the server name exactly as entered in this command, including the case.
Specify at the same time as the -n option.
Specifies changed IP addresses.
IPv4 address or IPv6 address can be specified.
IPv4 address
Format that separates decimal digits with periods (.). (Values according to the IPv4 rules)
IPv6 address
Format that separates hexadecimal digits with colons (:).
Specify a physical IP address if the Managed Server is managed as a physical server. Specify a logical IP address if the IP address is made redundant and managed (as a logical server), as in a cluster environment.
Specify at the same time as the -n option.
Specify a port number required for post-change communication. The values are from 1024 to 65535)
Under the cluster environment, specify the port number that is allocated to service name stgxfws_? (Logical node name of AdvancedCopy Manager specified during cluster setup)
For non-cluster operations, specify the port number assigned to service name stgxfws.
Specify at the same time as the -n option.
Specify the absolute path of the server information change instruction filename.
This option can only be specified at the same time as than the -y option.
Format for the server information change instruction file
In the first line, enter the server name of a currently Managed Server, the information class to be changed, and the new value, delimited by spaces or tabs.
The information classes to be changed are as follows:
S: Server name
I: IP address
P: Port number
For IP address, specify the following values according to the server type:
For Management Server
Specify either one or both of IPv4 address and IPv6 address.
When specifying both IP addresses, separate them with commas (,) (IPv4 and IPv6 in that order).
If both IP addresses are set but either of the IP addresses is to be changed, both IP addresses should be written as follows. Any IP address that is not written is deleted:
Mgr-svr I, 2001:db8::1234:0:0:1
For Managed Server
Specify either one of IPv4 address and IPv6 address.
If multiple information classes, such as the IP address and the port number, need to be changed at the same server, enter the IP address change instruction, then enter the port number change instruction on the second line.
Mgr-svr I Server1 I Server1 P 9888 Server2 S DstServer
Specify this option to continue processing if the management system contains multiple servers and an error occurs at a specific server.
Remove the cause of the error at the server where the error occurred, and perform the required change procedure separately for that server.
Specify at the same time as the -f option.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
The IP address of a Managed Server (with server name: Server1) is changed to
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmmodsrv -n Server1 -i stgxfwcmmodsrv completed #
The server name of a Managed Server (with server name: Server1) is changed to Agent5:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmmodsrv -n Server1 -s Agent5 stgxfwcmmodsrv completed #
The server information change instruction file is specified to change server information as a batch:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmmodsrv -f /acm/modfile stgxfwcmmodsrv completed #
The server information change instruction file is specified to change server information as a batch, even if an error occurs at a specific server:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmmodsrv -f /acm/modfile -y swstf2459 Resource adjustment command terminated abnormally. Server name=[Server1] swsrp0625 This command cannot be executed because execution of other AdvancedCopy Manager commands is in progress. stgxfwcmmodsrv completed, excluding the server where the error occurs #
Since the stgcmmodnode command is used to change the following server information, this information can only be changed if the server information change instruction file is specified:
The IP address of a Management Server
The port number of a Management Server
When changing server information by this command, the definition information contained in the machine and AdvancedCopy Manager should be changed beforehand. Refer to "8.5 Changing Operating Environment" for information on executing the processing.
This command can be executed only by root users.
If the length of the envrionment variable PATH exceeds 800 characters, change the length to 800 characters or below, and then execute this command.
When processing takes a long time, a period (.) is displayed until it is complete.
The following notes apply to changing the Management Server information (except when the -f option is specified):
Use the stgcmmodnode command to change the IP address and port number, then restart the various AdvancedCopy Manager services.
After Management Server information is changed, execute the stgcmmodnode command at the Managed Servers to set the changed Management Server information.
The following notes apply to changing the Managed Server information:
Stop the various AdvancedCopy Manager services before changing the IP address. Then, change the IP address in the software that provides the system or logical IP address and restart the AdvancedCopy Manager daemon.
Stop the various AdvancedCopy Manager services before changing the port number. Then, change the port number in the system and restart the AdvancedCopy Manager daemon.
The following notes apply when the -f option is specified:
The server name or IP address that is to be changed cannot be in use by another server that is currently managed.
The server name to be changed is case-sensitive. Specify a new server name displayed by the stgxfwcmdispsrv command exactly as displayed, including the case.
The new server name is case-sensitive. When specifying the server name in other commands or Web Console, enter the server name exactly as entered in this command, including the case.
The Management Server that executes this command and the AdvancedCopy Manager services and Managed Server transactions at all Managed Servers managed by Management Server transactions must be running.
Backup management commands and replication management commands must not be executed at the Management Server that executes this command nor in the AdvancedCopy Manager services and Managed Server transactions at all Managed Servers managed by Management Server transactions.
If commands are executed, they may terminate abnormally. If the server information change command terminates abnormally, perform recovery as indicated in the error message. If backup management or replication management commands are accidentally executed during execution of the server information change command, and if the backup management and replication management commands terminate abnormally, re-execute the backup management or replication management commands after normal termination of the server information change command.
The following notes apply when the -y option is specified:
If this option is specified, processing is forcibly continued if a communication or other error occurs for some servers. Therefore, consistency of the overall system cannot be maintained. Usually, do not specify this option.
Specify this option only when absolutely necessary due to problems at some servers.
Take the action indicated in the error message at the server which output the message. Normal operation is not possible until this action is taken, so take action promptly.
This command cannot be executed while the following commands are being executed:
This command cannot be executed while the following operations are being performed in the initial window by using Web Console:
Register Server
Change Server Details
Delete Server
Add/Reload Device
Delete Device