stgxfwcmdispsrv - displays the server information
/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmdispsrv [-n serverName]
This command displays the server information managed by AdvancedCopy Manager. It is necessary to execute this command on the Management Server.
The contents to be displayed are as follows:
Title | Description |
Server | A server name is displayed. |
Server-Type | A server type is displayed. "Management-Server" : Management Server |
Tape | "---" is always displayed. |
OS-Type | An operating system type is displayed. |
OS-Version | An operating system version is displayed. |
Version | The version of this product is displayed. |
IP-Address | The IP address for communication with the server is displayed.
Port-Number | The port number for communication with the server is displayed. |
Specify the server name whose information is to be displayed.
Specify a server the same name entered at the stgxfwcmaddsrv or stgxfwcmmodsrv command exactly, including the case.
If this option is omitted, the information for all servers managed by AdvancedCopy Manager is displayed.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
The information for all servers is displayed:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmdispsrv Server Server-Type Tape OS-Type OS-Version Version IP-Address Port-Number Manager Management-Server --- Solaris 11 V16.0 1226 Server1 Server --- Solaris 10 V16.0 1226 Server2 Server --- Solaris 10 V16.0 2001:db8::1234:0:0:1 1226 #
The information for a Managed Server(server name: Server1) is displayed:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmdispsrv -n Server1 Server Server-Type Tape OS-Type OS-Version Version IP-Address Port-Number Server1 Server --- Solaris 10 V16.0 1226 #
The information for a Management Server(server name: Manager) is displayed:
# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmdispsrv -n Manager Server Server-Type Tape OS-Type OS-Version Version IP-Address Port-Number Manager Management-Server --- Solaris 11 V16.0,2001:db8::1234:0:0:1 1226 #
In "OS-Version", the OS version that is displayed refers to the following time:
In the case of the Management Server: the time when the database was created.
In the case of the Managed Server: the time when the Managed Server was added.
Even if the OS is upgraded after this, the displayed OS version retains the version at the database creation time and the time the Managed Server was added.
This command can be executed only by root users.
When processing takes a long time, a period (.) is displayed until it is complete.