ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V16.8 Operation Guide

9.2.2 stgxfwcmaddsrv (Server Information Addition Command)


stgxfwcmaddsrv - adds Managed Server information


/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgxfwcmaddsrv [-n serverName] -i ipAddress -p portNumber


This command adds Managed Server information to be managed by AdvancedCopy Manager. This command can only be executed on the Management Server.


-n serverName

Specifies the name of the Managed Server to be added. The name must be less than 255 bytes and must be a unique server name so that AdvancedCopy Manager can manage the server. The usable characters are 1-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscore (_), number sign (#), and period (.), with the first character being a 1-byte alphanumeric character. A 2-byte character causes an error.

Note that the server name is case-sensitive. When specifying the server name in other commands or Web Console, enter the server name exactly as entered in this command, including the case.

Non-cluster operation: Host name must be recognized by the operating system
Cluster operation: AdvancedCopy Manager logical node name must be specified during cluster setup

-i ipAddress

Specifies the IP address of an added Managed Server.
IPv4 address or IPv6 address can be specified.

  • IPv4 address
    Format that separates decimal digits with periods (.). (Values according to the IPv4 rules)

  • IPv6 address
    Format that separates hexadecimal digits with colons (:).

Specify a physical IP address if the Managed Server is managed as a physical server. Specify a logical IP address if the IP address is made redundant and managed (as a logical server), the same as under the cluster environment.

-p portNumber

Specify the port number that is set on the Managed Server side to communicate with the Managed Server to be added. (Value from 1,024 to 65,535)
Under the cluster environment, specify the port number that is allocated to the service name stgxfws_? (Logical node name of AdvancedCopy Manager specified during cluster setup).


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally