PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

J.5 Setting up Copy Destination System

Take the following procedure on the copy destination system.

  1. Start the system in single user mode.

  2. Deleting the configuration information of the local class

    Take the following procedure on all nodes.

    This section explains the example when the class name is Class1.

    1. Delete the configuration of the class name from the /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sysdb.d/class.db file.

      # cd /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sysdb.d
      # vi class.db
      Class1    <-Delete all the entries of the class name
      # Disk Class List
    2. Delete all the files of the class name under the /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/sysdb.d directory.

      # rm Class1
    3. Delete the /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/dev/devname.db file.

      # cd /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/dev
      # rm -f devname.db
  3. Correcting the sfdsk.conf file

    When cloning the system from the environments other than Kernel Zones environment to Kernel Zones environment, add the line SDX_KZONE_SUPPORT=on to the /kernel/drv/sfdsk.conf file.

    When cloning the system from Kernel Zones environment to the environments other than Kernel Zones environment, delete the line SDX_KZONE_SUPPORT=on from the /kernel/drv/sfdsk.conf file.

  4. Correcting the excluded device list

    When setting the excluded device list (/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab file), if the physical disk name differs between the original system and the copy destination system, correct the physical disk name of the disk that is excluded from GDS management described in the excluded device list to be the same as the physical disk name in the copy destination system.

    For details on the excluded device list, see "A.2.25 Excluded Device List."

  5. Restart the system.

    From this procedure, the example shows that the class name is Class1, and the configuration file path is the /var/tmp/Class1.conf.

  6. Changing the physical disk name in the configuration file

    If the physical disk name to be registered in the local class differs between the original system and the copy destination system, change the physical disk name in the configuration file to the physical disk name of the copy destination system.

    Here is the example when the physical disk name of the copy source system is c2t1d0, and the physical disk name of the copy destination system is c2t1d1.

    # sdxconfig Convert -e replace -c Class1 -p c2t1d0=c2t1d1 -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf \
     -o /var/tmp/Class1.conf -e update
  7. Restoring the object configuration information in the local class

    • When copying the data of the private slice

      # sdxconfig Restore -c Class1 -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf -e chkps
    • When not copying the data of the private slice

      # sdxconfig Restore -c Class1 -i /var/tmp/Class1.conf
  8. Restart the system.

  9. Setting up the system disk mirroring

    Set up the system disk mirroring.

    For how to set up, see "Chapter 7 How to Set and Cancel System Disk Mirroring Using Commands" or "5.1.1 System Disk Settings."

  10. Setting up proxy

    When using GDS Snapshot, join or relate the master-proxy relationship.

    For how to set up the relationship, see "5.2.4 Proxy Configuration" or "D.14 sdxproxy - Proxy object operations."