PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

Chapter 7 How to Set and Cancel System Disk Mirroring Using Commands

This chapter describes how to set and cancel a system disk mirroring using commands.

The following three types are available for system disk mirroring.


SAN boot environment for Solaris 11.4 or later (FC connection)

When mirroring the system disk in a SAN boot environment (FC connection), apply ssd driver to the system disk.

If you performed a new installation of Solaris 11.4 or later, sd driver is applied, you need to change it to ssd driver.

You can check the applied driver as follows:

  1. Check the major number of the system disk. In the following example, the major number is 203.

    # ls -lL /dev/rdsk/c0t500003948822616Cd0s2
    crw-r----- 1 root sys 203, 26 May 17 09:44 /dev/rdsk/c0t500003948822616Cd0s2
  2. Check the driver of the major number checked in the step 1. In the following example, the driver is sd.

    # grep 203 /etc/name_to_major
    sd 203

See Solaris manual for how to change the driver.