PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

A.2.25 Excluded Device List

Excluded Device List (/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab file) is a disk list which is to be excluded from GDS management.

In the Excluded Device List, describe disks such as a native device (cXtXdX) which composes multipath disks (Example: emcpower devices) that are to be excluded from GDS management.

Describe the device file of s2 slice (cXtXdXs2) in either VTOC labeled disk and EFI labeled disk.

Example of the Excluded Device List:

# cat /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab

Disks described in the Excluded Device List are protected so that they cannot be mistakenly registered with a class.



  • In a PRIMECLUSTER system, create Excluded Device Lists on all nodes that constitute the cluster.

  • Devices that cannot be managed with GDS are also nontargets of automatic resource registration (automatic configuration), and before performing automatic resource registration it is necessary to describe these devices also in the Excluded Device List for automatic resource registration. For details, see "PRIMECLUSTER Cluster Foundation Configuration and Administration Guide."