For using Dell EMC storage units, the Dell EMC PowerPath or the Solaris standard multipath driver MPxIO can be used for a multipath driver.
For using Dell EMC PowerPath, GDS is capable of managing emcpower devices and native devices that compose the emcpower devices. Typically, emcpower devices are the targets of management. However, in a system where native devices are already the management targets, native devices can still be used.
The following devices are exceptions to devices that can be managed by GDS.
BCV (Business Continuance Volume) devices
SRDF target (R2) devices
GateKeeper devices
CKD (Count Key Data) devices
VCMDB (Volume Configuration Management Data Base) used by Dell EMC's SAN management software (Volume Logix, ESN Manager, SAN Manager and so on).
After completing the configuration of these devices and Dell EMC software, follow the procedure below and describe a list of devices excluded from disk management by GDS in the /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab file (referred to as the Excluded Device List). The Excluded Device List must include all disks that cannot be managed by GDS in addition to the devices above.
The syminq command provided by SYMCLI is available for checking respective BCV, R2, GateKeeper, and CKD devices. Execute the syminq command, and describe all devices indicated as BCV, R2, GK, and CKD(cCtTdD, emcpowerN) in the Excluded Device List.
The syminq command is unavailable for checking VCMDB devices. When using Dell EMC's SAN management software (Volume Logix, ESN Manager, SAN Manager and so on), ask your Dell EMC engineer or systems administrator who configured that SAN management software about the names of VCMDB devices and describe them in the Excluded Device List.
For managing native devices, describe all emcpower devices (emcpowerN) and additionally native devices (cCtTdD) excluded from management in the Excluded Device List.
emcpower0 (Nontarget)
c2t0d0 (Target)
c3t0d0 (Nontarget)
For managing emcpower devices, describe all native devices (cCtTdD) in the Excluded Device List.
emcpower0 (Target)
c2t0d0 (Nontarget)
c3t0d0 (Nontarget)
In addition to the devices specified in steps 1. through to 3., describe any other devices to be excluded from GDS management in the Excluded Device List.
Describe the device file of s2 slice (emcpowerNc, cCtTdDs2) in either VTOC labeled disk and EFI labeled disk.
You are recommended to suffix such tags as "PP", "BCV", "R2", "GK", "CKD" and "VCMDB" to the device names for Excluded Device List management efficiency. A device name and a tag must be separated by one or more spaces.
The Excluded Device List should appear as follows.
For managing native devices
# cat /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab # device(full path) type # /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 PP |
For managing emcpower devices
# cat /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab # device(full path) type |
sdxexdevtab and
The script samples "/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/bin/sdxexdevtab.sample" and "" for simply creating the Excluded Device List "/etc/opt/FJSVsdx/lib/exdevtab" are provided.
To use one of these scripts, open the script with an editor and modify the following two parameters (syminq command and powermt command paths) according to the execution environment.
SYMINQ=/usr/symcli/bin/syminq POWERMT=/etc/powermt |
For managing native devices, execute sdxexdevtab. By executing sdxexdevtab, emcpower devices, native devices excluded from management, and all BCV, R2, GateKeeper and CKD devices are included in the Excluded Device List. VCMDB devices will not be included in the list. If necessary, edit sdxexdevtab in advance or add any other disks to be excluded from GDS management to the list using the above steps 1. through to 5.
# cp /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/bin/sdxexdevtab.sample |
For managing emcpower devices, execute By executing, the native devices of emcpower devices and all BCV, GateKeeper, and CKD devices are included in the Excluded Device List. R2 devices and VCMDB devices will not be included in the list. If necessary, edit in advance or add any other disks to be excluded from GDS management to the list using the above steps 1. through to 5.
# cp /etc/opt/FJSVsdx/bin/ |
Using Dell EMC TimeFinder or Dell EMC SRDF in a Proxy Configuration
For using Dell EMC TimeFinder or Dell EMC SRDF in a proxy configuration, do not describe BCV and R2 devices connected with proxy groups, and among their native devices, devices to be included in GDS management in the Excluded Device List. For details, see "A.2.27 Using Dell EMC TimeFinder or Dell EMC SRDF in a Proxy Configuration."
In a PRIMECLUSTER system, create Excluded Device Lists on all nodes that constitute the cluster.
Devices that cannot be managed with GDS are also nontargets of automatic resource registration (automatic configuration), and before performing automatic resource registration it is necessary to describe these devices also in the Excluded Device List for automatic resource registration. For details, see "PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide."
For registering BCV devices as resources in automatic resource registration, it is necessary to split or cancel BCV pairs before executing the registration.
For registering R2 devices of SRDF pairs as resources in automatic resource registration, it is necessary to split the SRDF pairs before executing the registration.
Devices Described in exdevtab
A disk device described in the exdevtab file cannot be registered with a class. If an attempt to register the disk device included in the exdevtab file is made, an error message "ERROR: physical disk name: no such device" is output.