Systemwalker Desktop Keeper User's Guide for Administrator
FUJITSU Software

4.1.2 Confirm Result of Log Aggregation

In the Status Window, the number of PCs corresponding to the following auditing items is displayed in graph:

The system administrator can set whether to show/hide each item.
For details on setting these items, refer to "2.7.1 Prepare for Using Status Window".

The confirmation procedure is as follows:

  1. Determine the auditing items in the Status Window.

    (1) Title (proportion): This is the title of the auditing item. The scale in () indicates whether the percentage of PCs that become the managed targets are in correspondence.

    (2) Correspondent number of PCs: The correspondent number of PCs is displayed. After clicking the number of PC, the CT Operation Log - List of fault PC window is displayed. Refer to "[CT operation log(Operation) - List of fault PC] window" for details.

    Status icon: It shows the status of correspondent number of PCs using icons.

    : This is displayed when the correspondent number is 0.

    : This is displayed when the correspondent number is more than 1.

    (3) Proportion Bar Chart: This shows the proportion of correspondent number of PCs using a bar chart.

    (4) Show Details: Under the bar chart, the number of PCs at each department is shown in tables and pie chart. Refer to "Number of PCs in each department" for details.

  2. Click the Show Details button of the item and the department to which the error PC belongs can be known.
    During a log search in Log Viewer, which CT group is more suitable to be a search target can be clarified.

    Number of PCs in each department

    The number of PCs in each department is displayed.
    The initial status is that the information of the top management department that manages the login user is displayed.

    (a) Target Department: This shows the level of the displayed department. The department selected in Department of Aggregation Target is displayed at the far left.

    (b) Pie chart: This shows the number of correspondent PCs of each department and its proportion to the number of all PCs.

    (c) Ranking table: This shows the number of correspondent PCs of each department and its proportion to the number of all PCs in sequence.
    After clicking the number, List of fault PC will be displayed.
    After clicking the department name, the target department, pie chart and ranking table will be changed to the information under the selected department.

    Example: When the target department is displayed as "xx headquarter > xx business department"
    After clicking the Department name of the ranking table, the display of target department will change to "xx headquarter > xx business department> xx department", while the pie chart and ranking table will be displayed under the unit of the subordinate xx division level.

  3. Click the number of correspondent PC.
    List of Fault PC is displayed.

    [CT operation log(Operation) - List of fault PC] window

    (a) Search place: When the system administrator logs in, it is displayed as root. When the department management logs in, the department (CT group) selected by the department management is displayed.

    (b) Description conditions: The conditions when aggregation the title of auditing items and number of correspondent is displayed.

    (c) List of fault PC: The list of PC that conforms to the content of Description Conditions is displayed. Item names such as Group and Name will show the information configured in the Display Item Settings window of Log Viewer. For details of the setting method, refer to "Set visible columns in [List of searched CT]".
    However, Management Server of item name cannot be set in the Display Item Settings window of Log Viewer. Items must be displayed on the right.
    After clicking Name, Log Viewer is started and the search window is displayed. For operation method, refer to "5.2.1 View Logs in the CT Operation Log Window".

  4. From List of fault PC, click the client (CT) name to perform log search.
    Log Viewer is started and the search results are displayed. Operations performed in an error PC can be known.
    The search result will also contain the content that does not conform to the conditions specified in Environment Settings.