Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.12.3 When You Monitor the Job Net Execution by Checking the Execution History to be Output to the Event Log or SYSLOG

You can monitor any job net execution except for an abended job net and its restart by checking the execution history to be output to the event log or SYSLOG.

This monitoring method does not enable automatic resolving when an abended job net is restarted.


  • If monitoring is performed using this method while Automatic notification/handing has been enabled in the Event output sheet of the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window, duplicate notifications will be made if an abended, canceled, or closed status occurs. To suppress duplicate notifications, perform monitoring based on the method described in "2.12.1 When You Monitor an Abended Job Net and Take Automatic Resolved Status in Response to the Restart or Confirmation of Job Net".

  • If a same message is output from SYSLOG continuously, the second and subsequent messages will be changed to ones starting with "last messages repeated"; this may cause incorrect monitoring.

Definition procedure

  1. Install any of the following Systemwalker Centric Manager's server functions on the computer where the Systemwalker Operation Manager server has been installed.

    • Operation Management Server

    • Asset Management Server

    • Section Management Server (SMS)

    • Job Server

  2. Use the Details button in the Event output field of the Event output sheet of the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window to select the execution status of the job net to be monitored. The history of the selected job execution will be output to the event log.

  3. Restart the Jobscheduler services.

  4. The server installed by Step 1 specifies by Systemwalker Centric Manager, to monitor the operations from the Operation Management Server of Systemwalker Centric Manager.


    Normally, only warning or error level event log messages are monitored by Systemwalker Centric Manager. If you monitor event log messages other than warning or error level messages, including the job net startup (information level), you must change the definitions to monitor those event log messages. If changed, the execution history is displayed in the Monitor window when it is output to the event log.


    Normally, only the SYSLOG messages higher than the ERROR or WARNING level messages are monitored by Systemwalker Centric Manager. If you monitor the SYSLOG messages other than WARNING or ERROR level messages, including the job net startup (INFO level), you must change the definitions to monitor those SYSLOG messages. If changed, the execution history is displayed in the Monitor window when it is output to the SYSLOG.

    For the definition details, refer to the Systemwalker Centric Manager Installation Guide.

If the mail transmission action of event monitoring is used to send information about completed job nets, refer to the Systemwalker Centric Manager User's Guide - Monitoring Functions and "jobschgetoutput Command" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.