It is possible to display the monitoring window for the job net that terminated abnormally directly from the event list of the Systemwalker Centric Manager monitoring window.
This function is available if all versions of Systemwalker Operation Manager Server and Clients, and Systemwalker Centric Manager Operation Management Server and Operation Management Clients of Systemwalker Centric Manager are V12.0L10/12.1 or later.
Definition procedure (for Systemwalker Centric Manager V13.4.0 or later)
If the version of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, the Systemwalker Centric Manager Operation Management Server and Operation Management Client is V13.4.0 or later, the Web Console monitoring window is displayed. No definition is required in the following cases:
If Systemwalker Centric Manager Operation Management Server and the Systemwalker Operation Manager server have been installed on the same machine
Edit the following file.
<Systemwalker Operation Manager installation directory>\mpbcmgui\etc\mpjobweb.ini
Edit the "mpjobweb.ini" file using the following format:
[mpjobweb] WEB_IP_ADDR=%IP%
Do not edit this item.
Specify the IP address of the Systemwalker Operation Manager Web server.
Enter the host name and IP address of the Web server for Systemwalker Operation Manager in the "hosts" file for the hosts where the Operation Management Client has been installed.
Also, if the port number for the JMSRV Operation Manager common service has been changed on the Systemwalker Operation Manager Web server or the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, settings for the JMSRV Operation Manager common service must be added to the "services" file for the Systemwalker Centric Manager environment, using the same value as was specified for Systemwalker Operation Manager. Refer to "2.2.2 Changing Port Numbers" for information on how to specify these settings.
Definition procedure (for Systemwalker Centric Manager V13.3.0/V13.3.1 or earlier)
If the version of any of the Systemwalker Operation Manager server, Systemwalker Centric Manager Operation Management Server and Operation Management Client is V13.3.0/V13.3.1 or earlier, the Monitor Job Net window will be displayed on the Windows client. For information on the settings for Systemwalker Operation Manager servers running V13.3.0/V13.3.1 or earlier, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager manuals for the version being used. If the version of Systemwalker Centric Manager is V13.3.0/V13.3.1 or earlier, use the following definition procedure:
Install any of the following Systemwalker Centric Manager's server functions on the computer where the Systemwalker Operation Manager server has been installed.
Operation Management Server
Section Management Server (SMS)
Job Server
Check the Automatic notification/handling box on the Event output sheet of the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window.
Restart the Jobscheduler services or daemons.
For operation in the cluster configuration
When you are operating the Systemwalker Operation Manager server in the cluster configuration, create a cluster_ip.csv definition file and define the logical IP address, subsystem number and physical IP address in it, in addition to the definition procedure given above. For details on the cluster_ip.csv definition file, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.
Procedure for monitoring Systemwalker Operation Manager from Systemwalker Centric Manager
Use the following procedure to display the Systemwalker Operation Manager monitoring window from the Systemwalker Centric Manager monitoring window:
From the Event List of the Systemwalker Centric Manager's Monitor window, select the event of the abended job net.
Select Jobscheduler from either the Tools menu or the right-click pop-up menu.
When displaying the Systemwalker Operation Manager monitoring window directly from the event list in the Systemwalker Centric Manager monitoring window, the window can be displayed using general user authority by the system administrator or via user authentication.
In an environment where a Windows client is connected, in the following cases, the host name of the server at the point when the job net terminated abnormally will be displayed for the Connected host name in the Monitor Job Net window:
The host name is changed after a problem occurs in the job net.
The host name of the connection destination server is changed due to switching clusters.
If the windows cannot be linked, the following cases are possible. Check the settings.
When there is an error with the command line settings for a linked product for which the monitored event type has been defined as "BatchJob" in the Monitored Event Type Window sheet of the Design Settings dialog box (which is displayed by selecting Design Settings from the View menu).
Use the following procedure to return the current settings to the original settings. You must perform the procedure for every login user of the Monitor window of the Systemwalker for which you added modifications to the definition.
In the Systemwalker Console - Monitor, select Design Settings from the View menu.
The Design Settings dialog box appears.
Click Default Values in the Monitored Event Type Window sheet to return the settings of Monitored Event Type List to the original settings.
In the Design Settings dialog box, click OK.
However, note that this procedure will initialize the settings for all types, temporarily save any settings that you do not want initialized.
In this case, initialize the settings as follows, making sure to save the necessary settings:
Select a type that has already been set and is to be saved from Monitored Event Type List.
Open the Customize dialog box by clicking Modify. Then, save the values set in Command Name and Command Line.
When an attempt is made to view one of the following hosts from Systemwalker Centric Manager in an environment where Web Console is connected
A host that has not been set in the Monitored Host Configuration window on the Windows client
A host that has not been set in the Setting view >> Monitored Hosts in Web Console.
To view these hosts, set them in both the Monitored Host Configuration window on the Windows client and the Settings view >> Monitored Hosts in Web Console.