Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.12.1 When You Monitor an Abended Job Net and Take Automatic Resolved Status in Response to the Restart or Confirmation of Job Net

When you restart or confirm the Abended status job net, its operation is reported to Systemwalker Centric Manager and the execution status is changed to "Resolved" automatically.

Definition procedure

  1. Install any of the following Systemwalker Centric Manager's server functions on the computer where the Systemwalker Operation Manager server has been installed.

    • Operation Management Server

    • Asset Management Server

    • Section Management Server (SMS)

    • Job Server

  2. Check the Automatic notification/handling box on the Event output sheet of the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window. If checked, an abended job net and its restart or confirmation are automatically reported to the Monitor window of Systemwalker Centric Manager.

  3. Restart the Jobscheduler services or daemons.

For operation in the cluster configuration

If you are using Systemwalker Operation Manager together with Systemwalker Centric Manager both of which are operated in the cluster configuration, register them in the resource or group of the same cluster system.

The resource and group of each cluster are as follows.