Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.1.3 Systemwalker Operation Manager Error Messages are Displayed in an Environment in Which Networker, etc., Coexist

Error message 1 [UNIX versions]

MpJmSrv: ERROR: bind() Address already in use

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9367/tcp) also used by the Systemwalker Operation Manager infrastructure.

Action method

Perform one of the following procedures:

Error message 2

MpJmCal: ERROR: 0007: init_socket SSock <bind>() Address already in use (125)

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9368/tcp) also used by the calendar daemon.

Action method

Perform one of the following procedures:

  1. Open the /etc/services file, and change the port number (default: 9368/tcp) associated with the service name "JMCAL".

    Refer to "Action method if using Systemwalker Operation Manager" for information on how to proceed when using Systemwalker Operation Manager.

  2. Restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Error message 3

MpJobsch: ERROR: 0412: bind() Address already in use

MpJobsch: ERROR: bind() Address already in use

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9297/tcp) also used by the Jobscheduler.

Action method

Ensure that the port used by Jobscheduler is not used by another application during Jobscheduler operations. Refer to the following manuals for information on how to check and change port numbers:


If the service name "jobsch_win" does not exist in the services file, the default port number will be used.

Perform one of the following procedures:

  • Ensure that the port number (default: 9297/tcp) used by Jobscheduler is not used by NetWorker, etc.

    Refer to "Action method if using NetWorker" for information on how to proceed when using NetWorker.

  • Change the port number used by Jobscheduler:

    1. Open the /etc/services file, and change the port number (default: 9297/tcp) associated with the service name "jobsch_win".

      Refer to "Action method if using Systemwalker Operation Manager" for information on how to proceed when using Systemwalker Operation Manager.

    2. Restart Systemwalker Operation Manager.

Error message 4

AP:MpAosfB: ERROR: 3007: Failed to initialize the socket. Port: pppp (*1) Reason: Address already in use

*1: JMACT1, JMACT2, and JMEVT1 are output for pppp.

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9369/tcp, 9370/tcp, 9371/tcp) also used by Automatic Operation Support.

Action method

Perform one of the following procedures:

Error message 5

MpMjes: ERROR: 10110: mjsnetsv : Failed in the bind of port number <number>/tcp.

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9327/tcp) also used by the Job execution control.

Action method

Perform one of the following procedures:

Error message 6

MpMjes: ERROR: 10111: jmnetsv : Failed in the bind of port number <number>/tcp.

Applicable versions and levels



This error occurs if NetWorker, etc., uses a port number (default: 9352/tcp) also used by the Job execution control.

Action method

Perform one of the following procedures:

Action method if using NetWorker

Using windows to make changes

Start up the NetWorker administrator window (nwadmin).

  1. Select Options >> Configure ports.

    The Configure ports window will be displayed.

  2. Enter the server name to be changed or IP address in System in the Configure ports window.

  3. Click OK.

    The Set ports window will be displayed.

  4. Change the Service ports value to "7937-9230". (The default is 7937-9936)

  5. Click OK to close the Set ports window.

  6. Click Cancel to close the Configure ports window.

  7. Select File >> Exit to close the NetWorker administrator window (nwadmin).

Using commands to make changes

  1. Enter "nsrports" to confirm the current service ports.

    # nsrports
    service ports: 7937-9936
    connection ports: 10001-30000

  2. Execute the commands shown below to change the service ports.

    # nsrports -S 7937-9230

  3. Enter "nsrports" to confirm if the service ports have changed.

    # nsrports
    service ports: 7937-9230
    connection ports: 10001-30000

Action method if using Systemwalker Operation Manager


Systemwalker Operation Manager port numbers

Refer to "Listing of Port Numbers" in the Installation Guide for information on the default port numbers used by each feature of Systemwalker Operation Manager.