ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:<ジョブ実行ユーザ> cause:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory <出力ディレクトリ名> already exists
WARN No appenders could be found for logger MapReduce user authorization fail.
INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskInProgress: Error from <タスク試行ID>: <タスク試行ID> failed to report status for 600 seconds. Killing!
INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskInProgress: TaskInProgress <タスクID> has failed 4 times.
WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner: <タスク試行ID> : Child Error Task process exit with nonzero status of 126
ERROR org.mortbay.log: Error for /mapOutput java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.*のjava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.mainのjava.lang.OutOfMemoryErro r: Java heap space Split metadata size exceeded 10000000
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 001: Configuration file bdpp.conf does not exist.
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 002: bdpp.conf parameter error. ($INFO1: $INFO2)
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 003: The LAN Manager module is not exist at /tmp.
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 004: This server's IP does not match primary IP ($BDPP_PRIMARY_IP) nor secondary IP ($BDPP_SECONDARY_IP).
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 005: The value is not specified for BDPP_PDFS_MOUNTPOINT.
bdpp_inst: WARN : 006: Since file systems other than ext3 are contained, cloning cannot be performed.
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 010: Installation failed. ($PROCESS)
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 011: Uninstallation failed. ($PROCESS)
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 012: FJSVbdpp already installed.
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 101: Administrator privilege is required.
bdpp_inst: ERROR: 102: $PKG package is not installed.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 001: Setup of the cluster failed.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 002: Removal of the cluster failed.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 003: Setup failed. ($PROCESS)
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 004: Removal failed. ($PROCESS)
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 005: The slaves file is not in "/etc/opt/FJSVbdpp/conf".
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 006: DFS is set up but it is not mounted.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 007: The mount point specified for fstab does not correspond with the value of BDPP_PDFS_MOUNTPOINT.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 008: It is not connectable with Cluster interconnect.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 009: It is not connectable with an ETERNUS DX disk array.
bdpp_setup: WARN : 010: Setup or Removal has already been executed.
bdpp_setup: ERROR: 101: Administrator privilege is required.
bdpp: WARN : 001: bdpp Hadoop is already started.
bdpp: WARN : 002: bdpp Hadoop is already stopped.
bdpp: INFO : 003: bdpp Hadoop JobTracker is alive.
bdpp: INFO : 004: bdpp Hadoop JobTracker is not alive.
bdpp: ERROR: 005: bdpp Hadoop start failed ($PROCESS).
bdpp: ERROR: 006: bdpp Hadoop stop failed ($PROCESS).
bdpp: ERROR: 010: clone.conf does not exist.
bdpp: ERROR: 011: Failed to get the information from slave server.
bdpp: ERROR: 012: Failed to get the list of slave servers.
bdpp: ERROR: 013: server name and image name are needed to get the cloning image.
bdpp: ERROR: 014: Failed to remove the slave server.
bdpp: ERROR: 015: Failed to create the slave server image.
bdpp: ERROR: 016: Failed to get the list of server image.
bdpp: ERROR: 017: Failed to remove the cloning image.
bdpp: ERROR: 018: Failed to deploy the slave server image.
bdpp: ERROR: 019: Failed to regist FJSVrcx.conf or ipaddr.conf in the slave server.
bdpp: ERROR: 020: Failed to change the cloning image directory.
bdpp: INFO : 021: Processing was completed normally.
bdpp: ERROR: 022: Failed to set the initiator name in the slave server.
bdpp: ERROR: 031 : Parameters or options are invalid.
bdpp: ERROR: 032: Command cannot be executed while ($PROCESS) is running.
bdpp: ERROR: 033: Command abnormally finished.
bdpp: ERROR: 101: Administrator privilege is required.
bdpp: ERROR: 800: System error occurred.
bdpp: ERROR: 801: Invalid parameter is specified.
bdpp: ERROR: 802: Specified directory does not exist. (dir=%1)
bdpp: ERROR: 803: Job history file does not exist in the specified directory.
bdpp: ERROR: 804: Specified output file already exists.
bdpp: ERROR: 805: Job history file for the specified job ID is not found. (id=%1)
bdpp: ERROR: 806: Gnuplot package is not installed.
bdpp: ERROR: 807: Configuration file does not exist. (file=%1)
bdpp: ERROR: 808: Cannot find the mount directory of DFS.
bdpp: ERROR: 809: Cannot find the directory of the job history files.
bdpp: ERROR: 810: Cannot create the output file.
