ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

7.1 Overview

Using the Pre-configuration function, it is possible to create system definition files that can be later used to setup a Resource Coordinator VE environment. Importing system configuration files makes it easy to perform various registration settings in one operation. This prevents the operating mistakes induced by sequences of individual, manual configuration steps.

The pre-configuration function can be used in the following situations.

Only system configuration files in CSV format can be imported or exported. For details on the system configuration file's format, refer to "Appendix D Format of CSV System Configuration Files".
Resource Coordinator VE provides a sample in CSV format. An Excel template (hereafter called "system configuration template") is also available from the ServerView Resource Coordinator VE home page. This system configuration template makes it easy to create system configuration files in CSV format.
The system configuration files imported by the system configuration template or the RC console should conform to the format described in "D.2 File Format".
Similarly, system configuration files created by the system configuration template or exported from the RC console always conform to the format described in "D.2 File Format".

The following operations, usually performed from the RC console, can be equally performed using the pre-configuration function.

*1: To start collecting environment data, the collection settings should be manually set from the RC console's option dialog.
*2: Restart all the managed servers that were either registered or modified following an import operation.
*3: The pre-configuration's scope of configuration is the same as that of the RC console.

Moreover, the pre-configuration function can perform the same labels and comments settings as those available in BladeViewer. Those settings are described in "3.6.1 Listing and Editing of Labels and Comments" and "Chapter 3 BladeViewer" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Operation Guide".


  • The following operations cannot be performed by the pre-configuration function, and should be performed from the RC console.

    • Deleting registered resources from Resource Coordinator VE

    • Changing the name of a registered chassis, physical server (only for servers other than PRIMERGY BX servers) or a power monitoring device

    • Discovering, registering, or changing registration settings of a LAN switch

    • Detecting physical link information from a LAN switch

  • When using ServerView Deployment Manager on the admin LAN, the following settings cannot be defined using the pre-configuration function. Refer to "Appendix H Co-Existence with ServerView Deployment Manager" for details.

    • Spare server settings (using the backup and restore or HBA address rename method)

    • HBA address rename settings