The system configuration files (CSV format) used for pre-configuration are comma (",") delimited.
The format of each line is given below:
File format definition
The first line of the file must begin with the following:
Resource Coordinator VE can import the following system configuration file formats.
However, system definition files are always exported in the most recent format: importing a file in an older format and re-exporting it will produce a file in the latest format.
For details about previous system configuration file versions, refer to their corresponding manuals (see below).
Refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition V13.2 Setup Guide".
Refer to the "Systemwalker Resource Coordinator Virtual server Edition V13.3 Setup Guide".
Although each RCXCSV version has a different format, those formats are retro-compatible (newer formats include all the information defined in older formats).
As detailed below, some sections (described in "D.3 Resource Definitions") are only available with the latest format(s).
RCXCSV V2.0 and later
"LanSwitchNet", "ServerAgent", "ServerVMHost", "PowerDevice", "Memo"
RCXCSV V3.0 and later
"PRIMERGYPartitionModelChassis", "PRIMERGYPartitionModelServer"
The following lines are assumed to be comments and are skipped:
Lines that begin with the symbol ("#")
#Development environment definition |
Lines that consist of only blank spaces (" "), tab characters, or linefeed code
Lines that contain only commas (",")
Unrecognized resource definition
Resource definitions
Create the resource definition using the following format. Describe the same type of resource in the same section. Optional section can be omitted.
Resource definition format
[Section name] |
Section name
This describes the resource type.
Section header
This describes the parameter type unique to the resource.
Do not enter any comments between the section name and section header.
Operation Column
This describes the operation type for the resource. The following characters can be used in the operation column.
"new": registration
"change": change
"-": do nothing
This describes the parameter value to be set.
The order of operation and parameter columns should follow the order defined in "Section header" under "D.3 Resource Definitions".
For details on the characters allowed for each resource definition, refer to "D.3 Resource Definitions".Optional parameters can be omitted by using hyphens ("-").
However, hyphens ("-") are seen as valid characters for user names, passwords, and SNMP communities. Note that if extra commas (",") are added to the end of a line, those will be simply ignored without errors.
Backslashes ("\") and double quotations ( " ) will be displayed differently in the RC console from how they appear in the system configuration file.
Refer to the following table for details on such differences.
Content of a system configuration file (CSV) | Display in the RC console |
\\ | \ |
\n | Line break |
"" | " |
, (*1) | , |
*1: The whole value must be enclosed by double quotations ( " ).
CSV content
"a\nb,\\n" |
Display in the RC console
a |
Section order, section name and omission possible or not possible are shown below.
The section indicated as "Required" must be described in the system configuration file. Moreover, the section definition order is fixed.
Order | Section name | Required/Optional |
1 | Chassis | Optional |
2 | PRIMERGYPartitionModelChassis | Optional |
3 | LanSwitch | Optional |
4 | LanSwitchNet | Optional |
5 | Server | Required |
6 | PRIMERGYPartitionModelServer | Optional |
7 | SPARCEnterprise | Optional |
8 | ServerNet | Optional |
9 | ServerWWNN (*1) | Optional |
10 | SpareServer (*1) | Optional |
11 | VMManager | Optional |
12 | ServerAgent (*2, *3) | Optional |
13 | ServerVMHost (*2, *3) | Optional |
14 | PowerDevice | Optional |
15 | Memo (*2) | Optional |
*1: When loading from the system configuration template in the Excel format, the operation column information will be skipped.
*2: When loading from the system configuration template in the Excel format, the whole section will be skipped.
*3: Do not enter the information of the same physical server both in the "ServerAgent" and "ServerVMHost" section.
System backup information is automatically added to the end of the system configuration file when exporting in the CSV format. The sections after the line below contain the backup information. The backup information is skipped when loading from the system configuration template in the Excel format.
#Do not edit the following information, which is used to recover the manager. |
Do not modify the backup information, as it is automatically created. Note that these sections do not have to be defined if the system configuration file is created for new system configuration.
If a system configuration file (CSV format) is imported and then exported, the line order after export may differ from the line order before import. The following information will also be deleted:
Comments lines
Strings enclosed in brackets "( )" indicating omitted values
Extra commas at the end of lines (",")
The system configuration files (CSV format) used for pre-configuration are saved using ASCII (often referred to as "ANSI" in Windows systems).When files that use a character code other than ASCII are imported, the system may not operate correctly.
When directly editing configuration files using a text editor, please do not save the file using a character code other than ASCII.