This section explains the resource definition information specified system configuration files.
Chassis Data
Section name
Enter [Chassis] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the name that will be used to identify the chassis.
Enter up to 10 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character.
Server names should be unique between all servers. Names are not case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set on the management blade.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the same SNMP community (read-write permission) as that set on the management blade.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
PRIMERGY Partition Model Chassis Data
Section name
Enter [PRIMERGYPartitionModelChassis] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the name that will be used to identify the chassis.
Enter up to 10 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character.
Chassis names should be unique between all chassis.
Names are not case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set on the management board.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the same SNMP community (read-write permission) as that set on the management board.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Enter the name of a remote server management user account with administrative privileges.
This user name must be between 8 and 16 alphanumeric characters long.
Enter the password of the remote server management account.
This user name must be between 8 and 16 alphanumeric characters long.
Enter "plain" if mgmt_passwd is plain text, or "encrypted" if mgmt_passwd is encrypted.
LAN Switch Blade Data
Section name
Enter [LanSwitch] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the chassis name (the value of "chassis_name" in the [Chassis] section).
Enter the slot number where the LAN switch blade is installed. Enter a number between 1 and 8.
Enter the name to assign to this LAN switch blade.
Enter up to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
LAN switch blade names should be unique between all LAN switch blades. The names are case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set on the LAN switch blade.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the same SNMP community (read-only permission) as that set on the LAN switch blade.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumerical characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Enter the name of the user account used to remotely log into the LAN switch blade.
Enter up to 64 characters, including alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case), underscores ("_"), or hyphens ("-").
Enter the password of the above user account (for remote login).
Enter a string of up to 80 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: 0x20, 0x21 or 0x23 to 0x7e) and no double-quotations (").Passwords entered in this field are seen as plain text passwords.
Enter "plain" if the password character string is plain, and enter "encrypted" if the password is encrypted.
Enter the admin password of the above user account.
Enter a string of up to 80 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: 0x20, 0x21 or 0x23 to 0x7e) and no double-quotations (").Passwords entered in this field are seen as plain text passwords.
Enter "plain" if the privileged password character string is plain text, and enter "encrypted" if the password is encrypted.
Enter the model of the LAN switch blade. Note that if a hyphen ("-") is entered, it is treated as "BX600 GbE Switch Blade 30/12".
One of the following models can be entered.
PY CB Eth Switch/IBP 1Gb 36/12
PY CB Eth Switch/IBP 1Gb 36/8+2
BX600 GbE Switch Blade 30/12
PRIMERGY BX600 GbE Switch 16/2x10Gb
PRIMERGY BX600 GbE Switch 16x1Gb
Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040
VLAN Data for LAN Switch Blades
Section name
Enter [LanSwitchNet] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the chassis name (the value of "chassis_name" in the [Chassis] section).
Enter the port number of an external LAN switch blade port. Enter numeric characters. The port number that can be specified is different depending on the model type. For details, refer to the manual of the LAN switch blade to be used.
Enter the VLAN ID and tag type ("/T" for tagged or "/U" for untagged) to be assigned to the specified LAN switch blade port.
Enter a VLAN ID followed by tag types. To specify multiple VLAN IDs, separate each set of VLAN settings using semicolons (";"). Both tagged ("/T") and untagged ("/U") VLAN IDs can be used together, but only one untagged ("/U") type is allowed.
If a hyphen ("-") is entered, VLAN settings will not be performed.
This section will be ignored for PRIMERGY BX 900 LAN switch blades operating in IBP mode.
Server management information (Required)
Section name
Enter [Server] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the chassis name (the value of "chassis_name" in the [Chassis] section).
This field is only required for PRIMERGY BX servers.
Enter the slot number where the server blade is installed. Enter a number between 1 and 18.
This field is only required for PRIMERGY BX servers.
When a server blade is registered. Resource Coordinator does not check the actual slot position, or whether it has been installed properly.
Enter the resource name that will be used to identify the server. Enter up to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character. If enclosed by "( )", this server will be seen as being in a switched over state, and this line will be ignored when importing the system definition file.
Server names should be unique between all servers. Names are not case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set within the server's operating system.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the MAC address of the admin LAN network interface: NIC1 (Index1).
Enter a string delimited by hyphens ("-") or colons (":") ("xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx" or "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx").
Enter the MAC address of the network interface used for the HBA address rename setup service or for admin LAN redundancy.
The second network interface (Index 2) should be used.
Enter a string delimited by hyphens ("-") or colons (":") ("xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx" or "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx").
This field can be omitted in the following cases.
- When not using the HBA address rename setup service.
- When not using GLS for admin LAN redundancy on the managed server.
- For a spare server whose primary servers are not using admin LAN redundancy.
The "second_mac_address" header is the equivalent of the "hbaar_mac_address" header defined in RCXCSV V3.0.
"hbaar_mac_address" can only be used when "RCXCSV,V3.0" is specified at the top of the imported system configuration file.
However, this header is automatically changed to "second_mac_address" when exporting a new system configuration file.
Enter the name of the SNMP community (read permission) assigned to this server.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
This field is only required when using the HBA address rename setup service.
Enter the IP address of this server's remote management controller.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the name of a remote management controller user account with administrative privileges.
Enter a string of up to 16 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: 0x20 to 0x7e).
If the name of the current administrator account on the remote management controller is longer than 16 characters, either create a new account or rename the current account (within 16 characters).
Enter the password of the remote management controller user account.
Enter a string of up to 16 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: 0x20 to 0x7e).
This field can be omitted if no password has been set for this user account.
If the password of the current administrator account on the remote management controller is longer than 16 characters, either create a new account or change its password (within 16 characters).
Enter "plain" if the password character string is plain, and enter "encrypted" if the password is encrypted.
PRIMERGY Partition Model Server Data
Section name
Enter [PRIMERGYPartitionModelServer] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the chassis name (the value of "chassis_name" in the [PRIMERGYPartitionModelChassis] section).
The number of a partition. Enter a number between 0 and 3.
Enter the resource name that will be used to identify the server. Enter up to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character. If enclosed by "( )", this server will be seen as being in a switched over state, and this line will be ignored when importing the system definition file.
Server names should be unique between all servers. Names are not case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set within the server's operating system.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
SPARC Enterprise Server Data
Section name
Enter [SPARCEnterprise] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the resource name that will be used to identify the server. Enter up to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character.
Enter the same IP address as that set within the server's operating system. Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
Enter the name of a SNMP community (with read permission) configured on this server's remote management controller (XSCF).
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Enter the IP address of this server's remote management controller (XSCF).
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the name of a remote management controller (XSCF) user account with administrative privileges ("platadm" privileges).
Enter up to 31 characters, using alphanumerical characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Enter the password of the remote management controller (XSCF) user account.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumerical characters, spaces (" ") and any of the following characters.
"!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "[", "]", "{", "}", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "~", ",", ">", "<", "/", "'", "?", ";", ":"
Enter "plain" if mgmt_passwd is plain text, or "encrypted" if mgmt_passwd is encrypted.
Server Blade VLAN Data
Section name
Enter [ServerNet] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [Server] section).
This is the index number of the server blade's network interface. Enter a number between 1 and 12.
Enter the VLAN ID and tag type ("/T" or "/U") to be assigned to the LAN switch blade port connected to this server's network interface.
Enter a VLAN ID followed by tag types. To specify multiple VLAN IDs, separate each set of VLAN settings using semicolons (";"). Both tagged ("/T") and untagged ("/U") VLAN IDs can be used together, but only one untagged ("/U") type is allowed.
If a hyphen ("-") is entered, VLAN settings will not be performed.
Use the following NIC indexes to specify LAN expansion cards (if any was mounted).
PRIMERGY BX600 servers
7, 8
PRIMERGY BX900 servers
5 to 12
This section will be ignored for PRIMERGY BX 900 LAN switch blades operating in IBP mode.
HBA address rename information of a server
Section name
Enter [ServerWWNN] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [Server] section).
This is the number of ports that use HBA address rename. Enter a number between 1 and 2.
Enter the 16-digit hexadecimal WWNN string of the physical server which uses the HBA address rename function.
Enter a hexadecimal string using alphanumerical characters, with "20 0" as the first three characters.
All WWNNs should be unique between all resources (WWNNs are not case-sensitive). Names are not case-sensitive.
Server switchover management information
Section name
Enter [SpareServer] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [Server] section).
Enter the physical server name of a server to be assigned as a spare server.
To specify multiple spare servers, separate each server name using semicolons (";"). To remove current spare server settings, enter "-DELETE".
Specify whether VLAN settings or port group settings should be automatically transferred to the spare server when a server switchover occurs. Enter "ON", "OFF" or a hyphen ("-").
This value defines whether or not to trigger an automatic switchover upon detection of a server failure. Enter "ON", "OFF" or a hyphen ("-").
Enter the boot type of the server. Enter one of the following.
"SAN" (for SAN boot)
"local" (for local boot)
"-" (Use the VIOM server profile to conduct boot settings)
VM management software information
Section name
Enter [VMManager] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the name used to identify this VM management software. Enter one of the following.
When using VMware vCenter Server as VM management software.
When using System Center Virtual Machine Manager as VM management software.
Enter the IP address used to connect to this VM management software or a hyphen ("-").
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
If a hyphen ("-") is entered, this VM management software will be seen as being installed on the admin server.
Enter the name of this VM management software. Enter one of the following.
When using VMware vCenter Server as VM management software.
When using System Center Virtual Machine Manager as VM management software.
Enter the name of the user account set for this VM management software.
Use a string of up to 84 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: from 0x21 to 0x7e).When specifying a domain, use the following syntax: "domain_name\user_name".
Enter the password for this VM management software.
Use a string of up to 128 alphanumerical characters and symbols (ASCII character codes: from 0x21 to 0x7e).
Enter "plain" if the password character string is plain, and enter "encrypted" if the password is encrypted.
Server Agent management information
Section name
Enter [ServerAgent] as the section name.
This is required when registering multiple agents together (for Windows or Linux managed servers).
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
The "change" operation cannot be used for this section.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [Server] section).
VM host management information
Section name
Enter [ServerVMHost] as the section name.
This is required when registering multiple agents together (for VM host managed servers).
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [Server] section).
Enter the name of the user account used to remotely log into the VM Host.
Enter the password of the above user account (for remote login).
Enter "plain" if the password character string is plain, and enter "encrypted" if the password is encrypted.
Power Monitoring Device Data
Section name
Enter [PowerDevice] as the section name.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the name that will be used to identify the power monitoring device.
Enter up to 15 characters, including alphanumeric characters and hyphens ("-"). This name should start with an alphabet character.
Device names should be unique between all power monitoring devices. The names are case-sensitive.
Enter the same IP address as that set on the power monitoring device.
Enter a string of numeric values (between 0 and 255) and periods.
IP addresses should be unique between all resources.
Enter the same SNMP community (read-only permission) as that set on the power monitoring device.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Enter the voltage (V) that is being supplied to the power monitoring device. Enter a number between 10 and 999.
Power consumption data is calculated using the electrical current value obtained from the power monitoring device and its specified voltage.
Enter any comments for the power monitoring device.
Enter up to 128 alphanumeric characters or symbols (ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e).
A line break is counted as one character. Use "Alt+Enter" to enter line breaks.
Section name
Enter [Memo] as the section name.
This is required when registering the labels, comments, and contact information (displayed in BladeViewer) using the pre-configuration function.
Section header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the type of the resource for which to set this memo. Enter one of the following.
"physical_server" (when a physical server including a VM host is specified)
"vm_guest" (when a VM guest is specified)
"common" (when contact information is specified)
Enter the name of the resource name for which to set this memo. Enter one of the following.
Enter the server name (the value of "server_name" in the [ServerAgent] section) or the VM host name (the value of "server_name" in the [ServerVMHost] section) if the value of "resource type" is "physical_server".
Enter only the registered VM guest name if the value of "resource_type" is "vm_guest".
Do not enter anything if the value of "resource_type" is "common".
This label is used to identify the applications running on each server. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters or symbols (ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e). Note that if the value of "resource_type" is "common", do not enter anything.
Line breaks ("\n ") are not available.
This is a comment that can be set as an option for each application. If the "resource_type" is "common", this can be used for the contact details, maintenance information, or other information. Enter up to 256 alphanumeric characters or symbols (ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e).