ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

14.7.3 Restoring the TSM backup environment

Restore the TSM backup/restore environment at the disaster recovery site.

The controller part and the drive part of the ETERNUS tape library unit at the disaster recovery site must be recognized (create /dev/rmt/*st and /dev/rmt/*lb files).

Refer to "Setting the ETERNUS tape library driver" of the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Installation Guide" for details. Editing the devconfig file

The devconfig file restored as described in Item 1 of "14.7.2 Preparing TSM management information" will be used in the TSM database restoration process.

The contents, therefore, must be edited to match the configuration of the ETERNUS tape library used at the disaster recovery site.


Do not change areas other than shaded or boxed areas of each command.

The details of changes are as followed.

  1. Changing the library definition

    Change the library type of the DEFINE LIBRARY command from SCSI to MANUAL, and delete operands that come after the LIBTYPE operand.

    The library name of this command may not be changed.

    Delete the DEFINE PATH command where DESTTYPE=LIBRARY is specified.

    Subsequent to the above actions, the library control function may not be used during the restoration process of the TSM database.

    Figure 14.4 Example of editing the devconfig file at the operation site

  2. Changing the drive definition

    Change the DEFINE DRIVE and DEFINE PATH commands defined in this file to that applicable to a single drive unit.

    Even if the ETERNUS tape library is a model with multiple drive units, this drive unit definition must be set as a single unit.

    Do not change the library name and drive name.

    Delete the operands that come after the drive name parameters in the DEFINE DRIVE command.

    In the device parameter of the DEFINE PATH command, define the device file of the drive unit connected to the tape server of the disaster recovery site that was recognized as described in "14.7.3 Restoring the TSM backup environment".

    Figure 14.5 Example of editing the devconfig file at the operation site

  3. Deleting library inventory information

    Delete the library inventory information (storage volume information) defined in this file.

    Figure 14.6 Example of editing the devconfig file at the operation site

    An example of the change is described below.


    • ETERNUS tape library used at the operation site

      Library unit type: ETERNUS LT270

      Drive model: LTO G3

      Number of drive units : 2

    • ETERNUS tape library connected to the disaster recovery site

      Library unit type: ETERNUS LT130

      Drive model: LTO G2

      Number of drive units: 2

      An example of changing the devconfig file in this instance is described below.

      Figure 14.7 Example of editing the devconfig file at the operation site

      Figure 14.8 Example of devconfig file after editing Restoring TSM database

The following section explains the procedures for restoring data in the TSM database, that were backed up to tapes, to the TSM database and the log files as described in "Formatting database and log files" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Installation Guide".

Restoration processing of a TSM database must be executed using the latest backup tapes first.


The panel operations for these procedures are different for different ETERNUS tape library. Refer to the relevant unit manuals for details.

  1. Insert TSM database backup tapes into the drive unit

    Insert the backup tapes created as described in Item 2 of "14.5.2 Tasks after ACM backup operation" into the drive unit (making sure the unit has been defined in the devconfig file as described in " Editing the devconfig file") via the loading point (CAS) operating the panel of the ETERNUS tape library.

  2. Restoring TSM database

    Restore TSM database data from the tapes inserted into the drive unit.

    # cd /opt/Tivoli/tsm/server/bin
    # ./dsmserv restore db devclass=<Device class name> volumenames=<Volume name> commit=yes
    • Device class name

      Specify the device class that corresponds to the ETERNUS tape library as defined in the DEFINE DEVCLASS command of the devconfig file that was edited as described in " Editing the devconfig file".

    • Volume name

      Specify the volume name of the tape inserted into the drive.

      For details of the dsmserv restore db command, refer to "DSMSERV RESTGORE DB (Restore database)" in "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Utility" of the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".


    Device class name: DRIVERCLASS1

    Volume name: LTO005

    # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
    # ./dsmserv restore db devclass=DRIVECLASS1 volumenames=LTO005 commit=yes
  3. Retrieve the tapes loaded onto the drive unit

    Move the tape loaded onto the drive unit to the unloading point (CAS) by operating the ETERNUS tape library panel, and remove it. Setting TSM after restoring TSM database

Start the TSM server, and make the following settings.

Starting daemons on the TSM server

Start daemons on the TSM server by executing the /etc/init.d/initTSM file set as described in Item 7 "Set daemon automatic start" of " Customizing Tape Manager".

# /etc/init.d/initTSM start

Starting the TSM management client

Start the TSM management client to update tape library information.

# cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
# ./dsmadmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Enter your user id:  admin

Enter your password:

Session established with server SOL-41: Solaris SPARC
  Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
  Server date/time: 06/04/09   17:41:13  Last access: 06/04/09   17:27:46



From now on, when the " TSM: TSM_SERVER >" prompt is displayed, perform operations after the TSM management client is activated (after executing the dsmadmc command).

To deactivate the TSM management client, execute the following command:


License registration

Perform the license registration for TSM. This procedure is performed only once after starting the TSM management client for the first time. The procedure is described below.

  1. Resister the license

    TSM: TSM_SERVER > register license file=<license file name> number=<number of licenses>
  2. Specify tsmee.lic in <license file name>.

  3. Specify 1 in <number of licenses>.

  4. Example of registration is described below.

    TSM: TSM_SERVER > register license file=tsmee.lic number=1
  5. Confirm the license information registered.

    TSM: TSM_SERVER > query license


For details on license registration, refer to "Managing server operations" in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Guide".

Updating tape library information

After the TSM server has started, the connected ETERNUS tape library information must be defined.

To do so, perform the tasks by following the procedures below.

This process must be executed using commands on the TSM server at the command prompt.

  1. Deleting tape library information and drive information at the operation site

    1. Deleting drive information

      Execute the process as many times as the number of drives defined

      Confirm the path information defined using the QUERY PATH command.

      Confirm the drive information defined using the QUERY DRIVE command.

      For details of each command, refer to the explanation on commands in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete path <TSM server name> <drive name> srctype=<source type> desttype=drive library=<library name>
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete drive <library name> <drive name>
      • TSM server name

        Specify the TSM server name.

        The TSM server name refers to the name displayed in the "Server name" column displayed after executing the QUERY STATUS command on the TSM server.

        For details of the QUERY STATUS command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      • Drive name

        Specify the drive name to be deleted.

      • Library name

        Specify the name of the library that has the drive to be deleted.

      • Source type

        Specify "server".


      Tape library information at the operation site

      TSM server name: TSM_SERVER

      Library name: LT270-A

      Source type: server

      Drive name: DRV0

      Drive name: DRV1

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete path TSM_SERVER DRV0 srctype=server desttype=drive library=LT270-A
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete drive LT270-A DRV0
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete path TSM_SERVER DRV1 srctype=server desttype=drive library=LT270-A
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete drive LT270-A DRV1
    2. Deleting library information

      The library information defined can be confirmed using the QUERY LIBRARY command.

      For details of the QUERY LIBRARY command, refer to the explanation on in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete path <TSM server name> <library name> srctype=server desttype=library
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete library <library name>
      • TSM server name

        Specify the TSM server name.

        The TSM server name refers to the name displayed in the "Server name" column displayed after executing the QUERY STATUS command on the TSM server prompt.

        For details of the QUERY STATUS command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      • Library name

        Specify the name of the library to be deleted.


      Library information on the operation site

      TSM server name: TSM_SERVER

      Library name: LT270-A

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete path TSM_SERVER LT270-A srctype=server desttype=library
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > delete library LT270-A
  2. Defining tape library information connected and drive information to the disaster recovery site

    1. Defining library information

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define library <library name> libtype=scsi
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define path <TSM server name> <library name> srctype=server desttype=library device=<Device file name>
      • TSM server name

        Specify the TSM server name.

        The TSM server name refers to the name displayed in the "Server name" column displayed after executing the QUERY STATUS command on the TSM server prompt.

        For details of the QUERY STATUS command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      • Library name

        Specify the name of the library to be used.

      • Device file name

        The device file name refers to the device files of the ETERNUS tape library created as described in the 14.7.3 Restoring the TSM backup environment section.


      Tape library information at the disaster recovery site

      TSM server name: TSM_SERVER

      Library name: LT130-B

      Device file name: /dev/rmt/5lb

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define library LT130-B libtype=scsi
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define path TSM_SERVER LT130-B srctype=server desttype=library device=/dev/rmt/5lb
    2. Defining drive information

      Execute this procedure as many times as the number of drives defined.

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define drive <library name> <drive name>
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define path <TSM server name> <drive name> srctype=server desttype=drive library=<library name> device=<Device file name>
      • TSM server name

        Specify the TSM server name.

        The TSM server name refers to the name displayed in the "Server name" column displayed after executing the QUERY STATUS command on the TSM server at the command prompt.

        For details of the QUERY STATUS command, refer to the explanation in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

      • Library name

        Specify the library name of the drive to be used.

      • Device file name

        The device file name refers to the device files of the tape library unit created as described in the 14.7.3 Restoring the TSM backup environment section.


      Drive information of the disaster recovery site

      TSM server name: TSM_SERVER

      Library name: LT130-B

      Drive name: DRVA

      Device file name: /dev/rmt/6st

      Drive name: DRVB

      Device file name: /dev/rmt/7st

      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define drive LT130-B DRVA
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define path TSM_SERVER DRVA srctype=server desttype=drive library=LT130-B device=/dev/rmt/6st
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define drive LT130-B DRVB
      TSM: TSM_SERVER > define path TSM_SERVER DRVB srctype=server desttype=drive library=LT130-B device=/dev/rmt/7st


Changes in the operation environment may cause some command options to change. Refer to the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook" for details of each command.

Updating a device class

The device class defined previously relates to the tape library information at the operation site. This must be updated to match the ETERNUS tape library information newly defined for the disaster recovery site.

Execute this process for all the device classes displaying "LT0" in the "Unit Type" column of the QUERY DEVCLASS F=D command.

For details of the QUERY DEVCLASS command, refer to the explanation in "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

This processing must be executed on the TSM server at the command prompt.

TSM: TSM_SERVER > update devclass <Device class name> library=<library name>


Device class namev: DRIVECLASS1

Library name at the counter-disaster site: LT130-B

TSM: TSM_SERVER > update devclass DRIVECLASS1 library=LT130-B

Establishing a TSM client session

Prepare to start a session between the TSM server and the client.

Start and stop the TSM client using the TSM client node specified in the nodename option of the/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys file and the password corresponding to that TSM client node.

This process is executed in order to have TSM remember the password used in sessions between the TSM server and the client using the relevant TSM client node.

This task must be performed while the TSM server daemons are active.

# cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
# ./dsmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
  Client date/time: 06/08/09   16:00:22
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Session established with server TAPESERVER1: Solaris SPARC
  Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
  Server date/time: 06/08/09   16:00:22  Last access: 06/04/09   15:57:57
