ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

14.5.2 Tasks after ACM backup operation

After completing ACM tape backup operations at the operation site, to be prepared for a disaster the following tasks must be performed in the order in which they are written:

  1. Saving ACM management information

    Save ACM management information on the tape server at the operation site by following the procedures shown in "9.1.2 Making a package backup of databases".

    ACM management information to be saved refers to that created when a backup is specified (as a part of tape backup management for the tape server) where "Yes" is specified for the key name TapeData and the above procedure is followed.

    The entire ACM management information saved must be backed up to tape using the backup function of TSM.

    Refer to the "ETERNUS SF TSM Backup/Archive Client Installation and User Guide" for details of the dsmc incremental command.

    # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    # ./dsmc incremental <backup target> -virtualnodename=<node name> -password=<password> -subdir=yes
    • Backup target

      Specify the path to the file to be backed up

      Ensure "/" is added to the end of the directory path.

    • node name/password

      A name of the node for disaster countermeasure restoration and the corresponding password


    ACM management information directory path: /var/ACMBkupData/sftk-ssm2/

    Node name for disaster countermeasure restoration: TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE

    Password: filenode

    # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    # ./dsmc incremental /var/ACMBkupData/sftk-ssm2/ -virtualnodename=TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE -password=filenode -subdir=yes
  2. Backing up TSM database

    Back up the TSM database.

    1. Prepare the tapes to be used to back up the TSM database

      Tape media registered in the storage pool cannot be used as the TSM database backup tapes.

      The status of tape media on the ETERNUS tape library can be checked using the query libvolume command. If the status column of the tape to be used shows "Scratch", change it to "Private".

      Use the update libvolume command to change the status to "Private".

      Refer to the section on respective command in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook" for details of the query libvolume command and the update libvolume command.

      # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
      # ./dsmadmc -id=<TSM Administrator's ID> -password=<TSM Administrator's password> query libvolume
      # ./dsmadmc -id=<TSM Administrator's ID> -password=<TSM Administrator's password> update libvolume <library name> <volume name> status=private
      • TSM Administrator's ID

        Specify the TSM Administrator's ID.

      • TSM Administrator's password

        Specify the TSM Administrator's password.

      • Library name

        Specify the name of the library where the tape to be changed is loaded. The library name can be checked in "Library Name" of the query libvolume command.

      • Volume name

        Specify the volume name of the tape to be changed.


      TSM Administrator's ID: admin

      TSM Administrator's password: admnpass

      Library name: LT160

      Volume name: LTO123

      # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
      # ./dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admnpass update libvolume LT160 LTO123 status=private
    2. Execute TSM database backup processing

      Confirm that backup/restore processing for the tape is not active, and execute the command from the command line on the tape server.

      Refer to the backup db command section in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook" for details about this command.

      # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
      # ./dsmadmc -id=<TSM Administrator's ID> -password=<TSM Administrator's password> backup db devclass=<device class name> type=full volumenames=<volume name> scratch=no
      • TSM Administrator's ID

        Specify the TSM Administrator's ID.

      • TSM Administrator's password

        Specify the TSM Administrator's password.

      • Device class name

        Select the device class that corresponds to the ETERNUS tape library to be used, from the execution results of the TSM query devclass format=detail command.

        Refer to the query devclass command section in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook" for details about this command.

      • Volume name

        Specify the volume name of the tape to be used for the TSM database backup.

        The tape specified must be used only for the TSM database backup and no other backup process.


      TSM Administrator's ID: admin

      TSM Administrator's password: admnpass

      Device class name: DRIVECLASS1

      Volume name: LTO123

      # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
      # ./dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admnpass backup db devclass=DRIVECLASS1 type=full volumenames=LTO123 scratch=no