ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

14.5.1 Tasks after completing the ACM backup environment build

Information to be collected in the event of a disaster and the procedures required after building the ACM backup environment at the operation site are explained below. Setting TSM information

This section describes how to set the TSM information required for performing disaster recovery restoration procedures.

Enter these settings at the operation site. Naming standards

The naming standards for TSM are as follows.

Note that the names described in this section are reference standards, and any names can be used.

The purpose of these naming standards is to differentiate this information from other similar information. Therefore, adjust setting names in accordance with the command specifications for each setting.

  1. Name of the node for disaster recovery restoration

    This is the node name specified when instructing the backup of target data to the tape server

    The naming standard for this node name is: servername_FILE_NODE

    The following characters are permitted: single-byte alphanumeric, the minus sign (-), the underscore (_), the hash sign (#), and a period (.). The name must start with a single-byte alphanumeric character, double-byte characters will cause errors and it is not case-sensitive.

    • Server name

      This is the tape server name at the operation site.


      This is a fixed character string.


      If the tape server host name is "TAPESERVER", the name is as follows: TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE

  2. Other names for TSM

    Other names used with TSM in addition to the one above are as follows.

    • The name of the storage pool used for generation managed backup


    • The name of the storage pool used for day managed backup


    • The Policy domain name


    • The Policy set name


    • The Management class name


    If multiple names need to be created for particular operation scenarios, use the following format to distinguish them from the above:

    Additional TSM information name: TSM information name_identification characters


    Additional policy domain for monthly backup: FILE_DOMAIN_MONTHLY Setting TSM information

This section describes how to set the TSM information required for performing disaster recovery restoration procedures.


The AdvancedCopy Manager tape daemon and the TSM daemon must be activated at the tape server before the settings shown below are made. Start the daemons if they are not yet activated.

Refer to "11.6.6 Starting and stopping the AdvancedCopy Manager Tape daemon" for details on how to start the AdvancedCopy Manager tape daemon.

Refer to "11.6.7 Starting and stopping the TSM daemon" for details on how to start the TSM daemon.

The setup tasks are all performed after the dsmadmc (TSM management client command) has been activated.

If the "tsm>" prompt is displayed, start the dsmadmc (TSM management client command), then perform the operations.

For details on the commands below refer to their respective sections in the "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Handbook".

  1. Starting the TSM management client command

    • Change the directory.

      # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    • Execute dsmadmc (TSM management client command).

      # ./dsmadmc
      IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
      Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
      (c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2009. All Rights Reserved.
      Enter your user id:  admin
      Enter your password:
      Session established with server SOL-41: Solaris SPARC
        Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.0
        Server date/time: 06/04/09   17:41:13  Last access: 06/04/09   17:27:46
      tsm >
    • At "Enter User ID", type in the TSM Administrator's ID, then press the Enter key.

    • At "Enter password", type in the TSM Administrator's password, then press the Enter key.


    The tape server must be active for this step. If the TSM management client command fails to start, activate the tape server.

  2. Storage pool settings

    Enter the settings for the storage pool that is used.

    tsm> define stgpool FILE_SPOOL <device classname > maxscratch=<maximum number of scratch volumes >
    • Device classname

      This is the device class name that was defined as described in "4.1 Setting a Device Class".

      The following command can be used to check the device classes that have been defined.

      tsm> query devclass format=detail
    • Maximum number of scratch volumes

      This is the maximum number of scratch volumes that can be registered for this storage pool.

    In the following example, "DRIVECLASS1" is set as the device class, and "50" is set as the maximum number of scratch volumes.

    tsm> define stgpool FILE_SPOOL DRIVECLASS1 maxscratch=50
  3. Policy domain settings

    Set the policy domain for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> define domain FILE_DOMAIN description='Policy domain for Disaster RECOVERY'
  4. Policy set settings

    Set the policy set for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> define policyset FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY
  5. Management class settings

    Set the management class for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> define mgmtclass FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY FILE_MCLASS
    tsm> assign defmgmtclass FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY FILE_MCLASS
  6. Copy group settings

    Set the copy group for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> define copygroup FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY FILE_MCLASS verexists=<preservation generations> retextra=<number of days old generations are saved > destination=FILE_SPOOL type=backup
    • Preservation generations

      This refers to the number of generations of backed up data that are kept.

    • Number of days old generations are saved

      This refers to the number of days that data which is not in the latest generation is kept.

    In the following example, "3" is set as the number of preservation generations, and "7" is set as the number of days old generations are saved.

    tsm> define copygroup FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY FILE_MCLASS verexists=3 retextra=7 destination=FILE_SPOOL type=backup
  7. Activating the policy set name

    Activate the policy information that has been set up to this point for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> activate policyset FILE_DOMAIN FILE_POLICY
  8. Node settings

    Set the node for disaster recovery restoration.

    tsm> register node <node name> <password> passexp=0 domain=FILE_DOMAIN maxnummp=<maximum number of mount points >
    • Node name

      Refer to " Naming standards for the naming standards for node names.

    • Password

      This is the password attached to the node name that is set.

    • Maximum number of mount points

      Specify the maximum number of tape drive units that this node can use for disaster recovery restoration.

    In the following example," TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE" is set as the node name, "NODE1" is set as the password, and "2" is set as the maximum number of mount points.

    tsm> register node TAPESERVER_FILE_NODE NODE1 passexp=0 domain=FILE_DOMAIN maxnummp=2
  9. Node administrator password setting

    Set an unrestricted (i.e., non-expiring) password for the node administrator to backup additionally registered files in file units.

    tsm> register admin <node name> <password> passexp=0
    • Node name

      Admin server node that requests backup in file units. This value is used as the administrator's name.

    • Password

      Password of the node administrator.

    In the example below, <node name> is "GYOUMU1_FILE_NODE" and <password> is "NODE1":

    tsm> register admin GYOUMU1_FILE_NODE NODE1 passexp=0


    The password does not need to be set as unrestricted (i.e., non-expiring). A password expiry date can be specified, and password changes are recommended when appropriate.

  10. Tape check-in

    Load the tape into the unit that is to used for disaster recovery restoration.

    Refer to "4.2.2 Loading a Tape (CHECKIN)"for information on the tape check-in method.

  11. Registration to storage pool

    If the tape is for private operation, the tape must be registered in advance to the appropriate storage pool.

    The registration method is described below.

    tsm> define volume <storage pool name> <volume name>
    • Storage pool name

      This is the storage pool name set in step 2 above.

    • Volume name

      This is the name of the volume that you want to register to the storage pool.

    In the following example, "FILE_SPOOL" is set as the storage pool, and "FIL000" is set as the volume name.

    tsm> define volume FILE_SPOOL FIL000
  12. Stopping the TSM management client command

    Enter "quit" at the "tsm>" prompt to stop the dsmadmc (TSM management client command).

    tsm> quit Saving TSM related files

You must save the TSM related files listed below to local disks on the tape server.

Once the ACM backup environment is built and information collected, information only needs to be collected again when the configuration of the ETERNUS tape library unit is changed. Collection is required at no other times.

Table 14.3 TSM related files



devconfig file

This file stores ETERNUS tape library information set by TSM.

It is used during restoration processing of the TSM log files and database.

dsm.sys and dsm.opt files

These are TSM client option files.

  1. Preparing the directory where data is saved

    Create the directory where the data will be saved on local disks of the tape server at the operation site.


    # mkdir /var/tmp/tsm_data
  2. Saving the devconfig file

    Save the devconfig file using the cp -p operating system command onto local disks of the tape server at the operation site.

    The devconfig file refers to a file in the dsmserv.opt files and is specified in the DEVCONFig item.

    The dsmserv.opt file is located under "$DIR4" ("DB storage directory") the size of which was estimated as described in "Dynamic disk resources" of the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Installation Guide".

  3. Saving the dsm.sys and dsm.opt files

    Save the /usr/bin/dsm.sys and /usr/bin/dsm.opt files stored on the tape server at the operation site using the cp -p operating system command onto local disks of the tape server at the operation site.

  4. Saving files saved in steps 2 and 3 above onto the portable media

    Save all the files that have been saved in steps 1 and 2 above onto portable media. Use a function other than TSM (OS function etc.) perform this step.