ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

4.2.2 Loading a Tape (CHECKIN)

This section explains tape loading. A TSM command is used to load a tape. For details of the command, refer to the TSM manual "ETERNUS SF TSM Administrator's Reference".

TSM refers to the loading of a tape to the tape library as CHECKIN, and to the unloading of a tape from the tape library as CHECKOUT.

A checked-in tape cannot be used immediately but must first be registered in a TSM storage pool using the "define volume" command for volume definition. In addition, a tape that is newly checked in must be initialized (labeled). A tape that is used as a scratch volume need not be registered. Checking in a new tape

The "label libvolume" command performs tape initialization (labeling) and check-in simultaneously.

A new tape must be labeled before use. Note that labeling a tape disables any data that has been left on the tape.

Checking in tapes by labeling one by one

This section describes the procedure to use if you want to check in a specific tape.

  1. Insert a tape in the library entry port.

  2. Issue the command below:

    tsm> label libvolume <library name> <volume name> checkin=[scratch|private]  overwrite=yes
  3. The information requested using the "reply" command is output to the TSM server log (actlog). Use the procedure below to respond. TSM check-in will be complete upon "reply".completion.

    1. Refer to the TSM actlog (for <hh:mm>, specify the label libvolume command execution time):

      tsm> query actlog begindate=<hh:mm>
    2. Check the reply number (in this example, 002) in order to output the relevant reply message:

      ANR8306I 002: Insert...
    3. Specify the reply number in the response to the reply message:

      tsm> reply 002

Checking in all tapes together in the library

If more than one tape can be entered in the library entry port, then you can use the "search_bulk" option to attach labels and check them all in.

  1. Insert the tapes in the library entry port.

  2. Issue the command below:

    tsm> label libvolume <library name> search=bulk labelsource=[barcode|prompt] checkin=[scratch|private] overwrite=yes
  3. The information requested using the "reply" command is output to the TSM server log (actlog). Use the procedure below to respond. TSM check-in will be complete upon "reply" completion.

    1. Refer to the TSM actlog (for <hh:mm>, specify the label libvolume command execution time):

      tsm> query actlog begindate=<hh:mm>
    2. Check the reply number (in this example, 002) in order to output the relevant reply message:

      ANR8306I 002: Insert...
    3. Specify the reply number in the response to the reply message:

      tsm> reply 002 Checking in an initialized tape

This section explains how to check in a tape that has already been initialized (labeled). The "checkin libvolume" command is used for this operation.

Checking in tapes by labeling one by one

This section describes the procedure to check in a specific tape.

  1. Insert a tape in the library entry port.

  2. Issue the command below:

    tsm> checkin libvolume <library name> <volume name> status=[scratch|private]
  3. The information requested using the "reply" command is output to the TSM server log (actlog). Use the procedure below to respond. TSM check-in will be complete upon "reply".completion.

    1. Refer to the TSM actlog (for <hh:mm>, specify the checkin libvolume command execution time):

      tsm> query actlog begindate=<hh:mm>
    2. Check the reply number (in this example, 002) in order to output the relevant reply message:

      ANR8306I 002: Insert...
    3. Specify the reply number in the response to the reply message:

      tsm> reply 002

Checking in all tapes together in the library

If more than one tape can be entered in the library entry port, then you use the "search=bulk" option to check them all in.

The procedure is described below.

  1. Insert the tapes in the library entry port.

  2. Issue the command below:

    tsm> checkin libvolume <library name> status=[scratch|private] checklabel=[yes|barcode] search=bulk
  3. The information requested using the "reply" command is output to the TSM server log (actlog). Use the procedure below to respond. TSM check-in will be complete upon "reply" completion.

    1. Refer to the TSM actlog(for <hh:mm>, specify the checkin libvolume command execution time).

      tsm> query actlog begindate=<hh:mm>
    2. Check the reply number (in this example, 002) in order to output the relevant reply message.

      ANR8306I 002: Insert...
    3. Specify the reply number in the response to the reply message.

      tsm> reply 002