ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

4.2.1 Creating a storage pool

A storage pool is a logical area of the backup destination. By logically allocating tapes to a storage pool, data is backed up to media in the relevant storage pool. A storage pool can be created as follows.

tsm> define stgpool <pool name> <device class name> maxscratch=<maximum number of scratch volumes> highmig=100 reclaim=100 collocate=no

Ensure that the following parameters are set. Do not set any other parameters.

[Example] Create storage pool POOL1, with up to 50 scratch volumes, in device class DRIVECLASS1.

tsm> define stgpool POOL1 DRIVECLASS1 maxscratch=50 highmig=100 reclaim=100 collocate=no