ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

3.4.1 Private operation and scratch operation

Tape operation using storage pools can be performed in two ways: private operation and scratch operation.

Private operation

The tapes to be used need to be registered in advance in the storage pool. Backup is executed within the range of the tapes registered in the storage pool. The tapes once registered in the pool remain in the pool and reused as long as they are not removed intentionally.

Scratch operation

The user need not register tapes in the storage pool. When needed, tapes are automatically registered and used for backup. When a tape is emptied after backup data on it is completely deleted, the tape is automatically removed from the storage pool.

Criteria for selecting tape operation modes

The criteria for selecting the private operation and scratch operation are shown below:

Figure 3.1 Private operation and scratch operation selection criteria