ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

9.1.2 Changing the operating environment Changing the IP address of the administrative server

Follow the procedure given below to change the IP address of the administrative server.

  1. Change the system IP address on the administrative server.

  2. Reboot the administrative server.

  3. Start the ESC Client, connect to the new IP address of the administrative server. When it connected to the administrative server successfully, delete the old IP address of administrative server when start the ESC client next time by click <delete> button in the login dialog.


If the administrative server is cluster environment, it is necessary to reconstruct the cluster.

Please refer to "Appendix A High-availability admin servers" in ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Installation Guide for detail information.

For the device which is under fault management automatically by SNMP trap, it is necessary to change the SNMP Trap transmission place IP address setting. To change SNMP trap transmission setting, refer to "SNMP Trap transmission place IP address change command" in "Chapter 12 Command References", and execute the command. Changing the IP address of a server node (host)

Follow the procedure given below to change the IP address of a server node. Changing the server name of the administrative server

No special work is required. Changing the name of a server node (host)

Follow the procedure given below to change the name of a server node.


Information of an associated application element created in the Correlation window is not inherited when the server node name is changed. Register the application element again. Changing the IP address or the SNMP community name of a supported device

To change the IP address of a device with support level A or B registered with this software or to change the SNMP community name, follow the procedure below:
When the IP address of a device with support level A or B registered with this software is changed, this software can automatically change the IP address part in the properties of the same device.

To change the IP address

Referring "Detecting a device by specifying IP address" in "5.2.1 Device search" to perform device detection by specifying an IP address. Based on this operation, this software detects that the IP address of a registered device has been renewed and automatically changes the IP address information of the target device on this software.
For a device with support level A or B, excluding the server node, IP address information for multiple devices in the subnet can be automatically changed by performing "Detecting for devices in the same subnet as the administrative server automatically" in "5.2.1 Device search".


  • If the IP address is changed for a device where performance management is performed, then follow the procedure below to reflect the new IP address. For details on the procedure, refer to "7.2.11 Updating configuration information".

    1. Configure the performance monitoring.

    2. Configure the threshold value monitoring (if threshold value monitoring is performed).

    3. Stop threshold value monitoring (if threshold value monitoring is performed).

    4. Stop performance monitoring.

    5. Detect the device with the new IP address.

    6. Create a configuration file.

    7. Start performance monitoring based on the settings specified in step 1.

    8. Start threshold value monitoring based on the settings specified in step 2 (if threshold value monitoring is performed).

  • The device management software calling information is not changed automatically. Manually rewrite this information from the properties of each of the device icons.


When the SNMP community name of the device has been changed to something other than "public" and its IP address is changed, set a new IP address for the SNMP community name before detecting any device using a new IP address. For the setting, see SNMP_COMMUNITY_NAME_FOR_IP and SNMP_COMMUNITY_NAME_FOR_AUTODISCOVER in "C.2 sanma.conf Parameter", and reflect the contents of the setting file on this software.

To change the SNMP community name

  1. Set the community name of each target device.

    For information on the community name of each target device, see "Chapter 4 Environment Configuration".

  2. Set up the admin server.

    Set the SNMP_COMMUNITY_NAME_FOR_IP to the setting file by referring to "C.2 sanma.conf Parameter", and reflect the contents of the setting file on this software. Changing the operation management of the cluster system (node name takeover)

In the environment of a Cluster System Operation, Node name inheritance may be used for Inherit network setting. Node name takeover affects the Name of a Server node.

In changing the Name of a Server node by setting Node name inheritance, refer to " Changing the name of a server node (host)". Changing the port number

ESC uses the following four ports.



nfport 23456/tcp

Used for communication between administrative server and client

sscruisera 4917/tcp

Used for communication between administrative server and managed server node

ssvscme 7420/tcp

ssvscme 7420/udp

Used for communication between the administrative server and virtual switches when using Virtual Storage Conductor

These port numbers are managed as internal information by the site domain server, domain admin servers, managed server node files (*1), and admin clients. When not setting the port numbers in the files (*1), the numbers above will be used by default.

*1: The files for managed server nodes are as follows:


File name (full path)



Solaris OS




If you change the port number, set the same number for the other server nodes in ESC that used the previous number.


When nfport of the administrative server is set as 23456:

Set 23456 for nfport of the client.


For further details about the ports, refer to "3.1.1 Network requirements".

Change the port number as follows.

How to change the port number of the administrative server and managed server nodes

You can change the port numbers by editing each file as follows:

File editing


Method of editing


Edit %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services file using an editor application.

Solaris OS

Edit the /etc/inet/services file using the vi(1) command.


Edit the /etc/services file using the vi(1) command.

  1. Change the file

    Administrative server (Solaris OS, Linux)

    Change the lines under /etc/inet/services.

    # service names    port nos. /protocol names
      nfport           23456/tcp
      sscruisera       4917/tcp
      ssvscme          7420/tcp
      ssvscme          7420/udp

    Administrative server (Windows)

    Change the lines under %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services.

    # service names    port nos. /protocol names
      nfport           23456/tcp
      sscruisera       4917/tcp
      ssvscme          7420/tcp
      ssvscme          7420/udp

    Managed server nodes (Solaris OS)

    Change the lines under /etc/inet/services.

    # service names    port nos. /protocol names
      sscruisera       4917/tcp

    Managed server nodes (Windows)

    Change the lines under %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services.

    # Service names    port nos. /Protocol names
      sscruisera       4917/tcp

    Managed server nodes (Linux)

    Change the lines under /etc/services.

    # service names    port nos. /protocol names
      sscruisera       4917/tcp

    Managed server nodes (HP-UX)

    Change the lines under /etc/services.

    # service names    port nos. /protocol names
      sscruisera       4917/tcp
  2. Restart all the server nodes where the port numbers have been changed.


For changing the port numbers used by Virtual Storage Conductor, refer to "Chapter 3 Building an Environment" in the "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide for Virtual Storage Conductor".

Change the port number of the admin client

Change the port number with which the admin client is connected to the site admin server.

  1. Start ESC by selecting [start] - [All Programs] - [ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser] of the admin client or double-clicking the icon on the desktop.

    The login window will appear.

  2. Click <Port> button.

    The "Port number" window will appear.

  3. Set the port number to be changed, and click <OK> button.

    You are returned to the login window.

  4. Click <Login> button on the login window, then connect to the admin server.

    The port number becomes enabled as setting information of the site admin server when the network connection to the administrative server succeeds. Changing the configuration of supported devices

After hardware product is added to or removed from the supported devices or after information is added to or deleted from the configuration settings (for a disk array unit, change in a RAID Group, Logical Volume, etc.) for the supported devices or such information is modified, the information of the target device must manually be updated in the following windows: Changing the password of supported devices

Follow the procedure given below to change the password of a device which is been registed to this software.

Objected Device


ETERNUS SN200 series (Brocade) Fiber Channel switch
PRIMEGY BX600 fiber channel switch blade

Refer to "User name and password for Fibre Channel switch control" in " Setting" to change the registered information.

VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 or later
VMware ESXi 3.5 or later

Change the information registered in this software by referring to " User name and password" of "Changing environment" in " VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 (or later) or VMware ESXi 3.5 (or later)"

Except for the devices described above, there is no necessary to do any deal with this software when change the device's password.