This software installs Agents on the host operating system of VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.0 (VMware) server node and manages them.
The VMware server node is treated the same as the Linux server node in the following manuals.
ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser User's Guide (This guide)
ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Message Guide
ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Event Guide
Refer to "4.1.3 Linux server node (host)" for details of environmental settings.
This software cannot manage the guest operating system for VMware server node.
This software operates both on the VMware server node and the Linux server node. However controllable middleware differs between them. For details, refer to "10.5 Server Node Middleware that can be Managed".
This software supports VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 (or later) and VMware ESXi 3.5 (or later). It communicates directly with VMware ESX or VMware ESXi without using an Agent, and displays information about the VM host and VM guests.
This software communicates with the VM host (VMware ESX or VMware ESXi) to acquire information about the VM host itself and any VM guests (virtual machines and guest operating systems) on the VM host, and graphically displays the relationship between the VM host and the VM guests in Resource View and Correlation window.
Device registration
To register a VM host and its VM guests with this software, the IP address, login name and password of the VM host are required.
By registering a VM host, all of the VM guests on the VM host are automatically registered.
It is not possible to register VM guests by specifying them individually.
Device deletion
When VM hosts are deleted from this software, the VM guests on the VM host are automatically deleted.
When the VM guest is specified, its VM guest is only deleted from this software.
Access path management
This software supports setting up, deleting and inheriting the access paths associated with the HBA for the VM host.
This software does not support access path management for VM guests because it does not support HBA management.
When the access path environment modification (setting up, deleting and inheriting) is executed, reboot the VM host or execute the following procedures by using VMware Infrastructure Client.
Select the "Configuration" tab
Select "Storage Adapters" from Hardware lists.
From Hardware lists, select the device corresponding to HBA that the access path setting was changed.
At this time, select the device of the same name as logical HBA number displayed in the HBA property on the Resource View.
Execute "Rescan" from pop-up menu.
Receiving SNMP Trap
The fault management by using SNMP Trap function is not supported.
Device polling
This software supports device polling for VM hosts. Device polling can be used to determine whether communications are possible between the Manager and VM hosts.
If a VM host cannot communicate, its VM guests will also be treated as though they cannot communicate.
This software cannot detect status changes for VM guests because it does not support device polling for VM guests.
Check the status of VM guests by selecting [Refresh] from the [View] menu.
Changing the host name or IP address
When the hostname or IP address of a VM host is changed, it is necessary to delete its VM host from this software and register its VM host again after changing the hostname or IP address. For details, refer to the following sections.
Execute [Refresh], if any of the following have been changed: the virtual machine name of a VM guest, or the IP address or host name of a guest operating system.
New creation of VM guest
When new VM guest is created, specify the VM host including new VM guest and execute [Register virtual machines].
User name and password
When [Refresh] is executed under the condition that user name or password of VM host has been changed, its changing is detected by this software and the monitoring status of its VM host and VM guest will be "invalid Password". When the user name or password of the VM host has been changed, select [Change account for device management] from the [Device] menu and set the new username or password in this software.
Moving VM guest between VM hosts
This software cannot detect automatically for moving VM guest between VM hosts by using VMware VMotion function and VMware HA function. Moved VM guest is treated as though it cannot communicate. Therefore, execute the following procedures for moving VM guest.
Select the destination VM host for moving VM guest from Side view, and delete its VM guest.
Select the target VM host for moving VM guest, and execute [Register virtual machines].
It is recommended that VMware Tools be installed on the guest operating system.
VMware Tools must be installed on the guest operating system in order to display information about the guest operating system (such as the IP address, host name, and the type and version of the operating system).
If VMware Tools is not running, the virtual machine name will be displayed as the device name for VM guests. When VMware Tools is started, the host name for the guest operating system will be displayed as the device name for VM guests.
If VMware Tools has been installed, the device status of VM guests will be "normal" if VMware Tools is running. If VMware Tools is stopped, the device status will change to "stop" (even if the guest operating system is running).
If VMware Tools has not been installed, then the VM guests device status will be "normal" if the virtual machine is running and "stop" if the virtual machine is stopped, regardless of the status of the guest operating system.
When it is not possible to communicate with the VM host, the monitoring status of VM host and all VM guests on its VM host becomes "unmonitored".
When it is not possible to communicate with the VM host because of inconsistency for user name and password, the monitoring status of VM host and all VM guests on its VM host becomes "invalid Password".